
under par
Forum Member
Dec 3, 2004
Birmingham AL
I never realized Auburn fans hated Tubbs so much. It's hard for me to wrap my head around fans hating a coach who has guided his team to a 7-4 record. And in this era of overpaid coaches, I'm not so sure $2M is overpaid for a coach that consistently wins at least 7+ games a year? It could be worse, you could be overpaying Ty Willingham and knowing that you're probably going to win, AT MOST, 4 games a year...

I don't hate Tuberville, nor do I think any other Auburn fans do. But he is allowing these rumors about Texas A&M and other schools to fester in order to get a pay raise for himself and his assistant coaches. It has obviously become a distraction for the team based on yesterday's performance. He has stuck with Brandon Cox who has continued to not get the job done since the LSU game last year, and has relied on defense and special teams to keep us in ball games. He also burned Kodi Burns' redshirt to play in a couple of games. Well, UGA showed what happens when you have a weak offense and the defense doesn't show up.

Also, CTT is making 2.6 million this year and he gets an automatic $200,000 raise each year of his contract which runs through 2011, so he is making well over 2 million and will be making over 3 by the final year of his contract. That is why I say he is making exactly what he is worth.
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