where are the hollywood celebs this memorial day?......michael moore,where are you?


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
just curious.....would be nice to see some of the more vociferous ones show up at a memorial day mass,national cemetery or some sort of observance.....maybe sarandon,penn or moore....to shore up their image among some of their fellow citizens.....

would be a great photo op....

to counteract the reputation they`ve accrued....fair or unfair.....

to show that although they hate and disagree with this administration,they are at least aware of the sacrifices that were made by blue collar america....by generations past.....that allow them to avail themselves of their cushy lifestyles....

forget about iraq....how about d-day?...iwo jima?....pearl harbor?......the liberation of the beloved french?......

has anybody seen any mention of any of these "celebrities" taking advantage of this great opportunity?....

to maybe honor some of their fellow celebrities that were war heros...jimmy stewart....neville brand....audie murphy...

mentioning michael moore`s name in the same thread with these 3 gives me the dry heaves.....

maybe they have..i don`t know....

would be a nice gesture....for someone with character....for someone that realizes that there are some things that are much more important than politics...
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Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
I dont know but no one followed me to my local cemetary for our service. Do you realy think anyone gives a chit what they did and would follow them. Everyone pays attetion to the national service from DC. You dont see much from the other 100000 cemataries across the nation. Your local news may have something. I didn't see many of our senators and congressman this weekend. Ware they all hide. Never saw the VP.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"


seems like guys like moore are always "being seen" when they want to bash somebody......when they want to take shots at the administration....america....

they seem to be able to find the cameras when it serves their purposes....

why not do something that`s not seen as political or self serving....to sell a stupid book or a movie.....

moore`s a piece of s-it...a negative piece of s-it...imo.....a multi-millionaire getting rich making fun of the country that makes it possible to live like a king....many perceive him this way...

he`s a hypocrite of the first order...a paradox...a millionaire who boasts of wealth as proving his value -- "I'm a millionaire, I'm a multi-millionaire. I'm filthy rich. You know why I'm a multi-millionaire? 'Cause multi-millions like what I do. That's pretty good, isn't it?"

he lives in a million-dollar apartment, and boasts of that as well. "i walk among them. i live on the island of manhattan, a three-mile-wide strip of land that is luxury home and corporate suite to America's elite..... those who run your life live in my neighborhood. i walk in the streets with them each day"

he sends his child to a private school -- no sense associating with the working class -- and has some trouble associating with them himself.

""""The New York Post reported on a tantrum he threw in London: "Then, on his second-to-last night, [Michael Moore] raged against everyone connected with the Roundhouse and complained that he was being paid a measly $750 a night. 'He completely lost the plot,' a member of the stage crew told the London Evening Standard. 'He stormed around all day screaming at everyone, even the 5 pound-an-hour bar staff, telling them how we were all con men and useless. Then he went on stage and did it in public.' At his last appearance, staffers refused to work or even open the theater's doors." NY Post, Jan. 8, 2003.

He supplements his meager income with speaking tours (No more $750 gigs; he charged Cornell students $10,000, , Univ. of Texas ones $25,000, told the Penn State ones he could be had for a modest $15-20,000 a night, and most recently, when Kansas University students asked for him, "Moore -- a noted political activist and Academy Award-winning filmmaker -- had raised eyebrows by asking for more than $30,000 to speak at KU." Ah, the joys of capitalism....) No wonder one former associate of his rated him as " You would think that he's the ultimate common man. But he's money-obsessed.""""""


his major themes are his status as the spokesman of the working class, the vices and corruptions of the money-obsessed, and the evils of the united states.

he`s a hypocrite........ the serious left, the thinking left, generally finds him appalling......... he`s limosine leftist -- individuals who, while personally they share the values of 19th century robber barons, find it flattering to adopt a thin veneer of leftism as a pose........

a left-leaning critic of moore summed up the situation very nicely.....:" Moore's appeal lies in his giving wealthy, over-educated, whites an opportunity to laugh at working-class whites.").....

an opportunist....a sham...

i thought it would be a nice touch for him to show some positive gesture to dispel the notion that he is actually anti-american....or disdainful of america and americans....no such luck..


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
Once again we see the Neo con mentality at it's best. They do not chose to debate any of the accusations in Michale Moores film rather they chose to attack the person. This of course comes as no surprise since they did the same to even John McCain when he went against their boy Bush.
Do you really think if Moore showed up at a planned event to honor the soldiers who gave their lives for freedom that it would be played as anything but self serving?
It has become a reality in America that if you challange this Administration on the war you will be called un-American and your name will be dragged thru the mud.


Registered User
Forum Member
May 15, 2003
moore never goes on shows that he will be seriously debated. he continously goes on softball shows. NPR and the like. if he is so freakin brilliant attend some shows that will give him a run for his money. Larry king is not serious journalism.
being called unamerican for questioning your beliefs is old. i am conservative and question many things. noone has called me unamerican for this.
Moore has a history of always blaming America first.
if any one even gave a shit about him, we could follow him, video tape and then sit there and pick apart his life.

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001

Once again, you hit the nail on the head. I think moderates and leftists have learned that if they show up at any of the perceived celebrations and/or honorariums that on the surface appear to be the baliwick of the right, they are scorned, accused of vote gathering or otherwise attacked as being at such event for the wrong reason.

I mean just look at when Clinton showed up at any militarily related event, you could hear the right screaming hypocrite/draft dodger ad nauseum. It's funny though since our trigger happy president has decided to kill a bunch of people he has become Sergeant York incarnate despite the fact that he was more of a draft dodger than Clinton ever was.



Forum Member
Sep 16, 2003
Mjolnir said:
He's in France talkin shit about America

You are dead wrong Mjolnir!!

There's no way he could settle for those small portions of the French cuisine being the glutton of a fat ass that he is;)

I'm still looking around for him though.....

Sooo many fast food joints....so little time.


Forum Member
Sep 16, 2003
Other than that....

He probably likes the French, seeing as they don't like practicing good personal hygiene and all.

As a female bartender (RIP) I once knew use to say....

"I bet you he has stinky balls"

I wonder where Stinky Balls is now?


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 9, 2000

you miss the point & this particular incident has nothing to do with this administration.

the american people do not like any body taking cheap shots at the president, no matter who it is, when we are at war.

and they like it even less when the cheap shot artist is in another country, especially when the country is france.

this country is at war.

and whether you agree with the war the cheap shot artist should keep his mouth shut.

but a guy like moore didn't learn his leasson when he took a cheap shot at bush at a wesley clark rally.

this was done right in front of clarke.

clarke's numbers went even further south then previous to the statement because clarke didn't have the balls to correct moore.

and, imo this movie is going to backfire on the democrats, even if they had nothing to do with it.

moore is associated with the dems, whether they like it or not.


Forum Member
Jan 6, 2002
North of Titletown AKA Boston
Eddie Haskell said:

I mean just look at when Clinton showed up at any militarily related event, you could hear the right screaming hypocrite/draft dodger ad nauseum. It's funny though since our trigger happy president has decided to kill a bunch of people he has become Sergeant York incarnate despite the fact that he was more of a draft dodger than Clinton ever was.

At least he served in the National Guard....

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001

The fact that he did serve in the National Guard proves my point. Way back then, anybody who joined the Guard was doing so to avoid going to Nam. And that was the only reason for joining the Guard back then.

If your number (draft) came up and your student deferment ran out, that was the way anyone who wanted to avoid the fighting went short of going to Canada. Therefore the basis of my statment.

I'm not sure how Clinton avoided going. I don't know if he got lucky and won the lottery (draft) or if his student deferment was good while he was in his draftable years. All I know is that Bush took the cowardly way out of going to Nam. No one can argue that.

Regardless of any disagreement you have with your Senator, at least he didn't run from the fight like Bush did. What is especially repugnant is the way he will try to politically capitalize on his cowardice.



Forum Member
Jan 6, 2002
North of Titletown AKA Boston
Eddie Haskell said:
Regardless of any disagreement you have with your Senator, at least he didn't run from the fight like Bush did. What is especially repugnant is the way he will try to politically capitalize on his cowardice.


He's not my senator anymore, I moved to NH 5 years ago... and even when he was my senator, he wasn't my senator...


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
GW the point I was makeing no one gives chit where Moore is/was. Well maybe 3 or 4 of you here. The rest of the world could care less. But we don't mind seeing our elected official. After all we pay them to serve us.

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001

I completely and totally understand your point about "...even when he was my senator he wasn't my senator...". However, as you know, I apply that very same logic to another elected (well kinda) official we share in common.



Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
AR my friend, this is going to be an awfully long war. Not the farce in Iraq but the war against terrorism. Are you really not going to question the future presidents who fight this war no matter who they are? To me the beauty of our system is that we can question the President and his motives.


Registered User
Forum Member
May 15, 2003
i think we should respect our president even if we don't like him. when they start committing crimes is when it is okay to start blasting them, IMO.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Eddie if joining National Guard is so cowardly what would you classify heading to Canada or filing consciensous objector status.
I would agree joining gaurd was way of avoiding draft but certainly wouldn't put it in class of card burners and deserters.
---and I would't necessarly call flying jets a cowardly act either.

---and on Micheal Moore I can't say I blame him for not attending as his receprion would not have been cordial. He needs to stick to ACLU and NOW events to be appreciated.
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