If you will offer the prize of 1,000 american dollars, for picking the top two winners, then I will play.
The odds of picking the top two pagent woman is astronomical if not impossible. And the reason is you have no clue about who the judges are in the contest. Find out who the judges are and maybe we got a chance picking top two. For instance the two judges from the USA could be Richard Simmons and Dennis Rodman. You know the two that wanted to marry your sister.
beantown, I suggest that you go ahead and cover the prize money and make it the thousand. You can get your wife to front you the money, just like always.
Cover the thousand bucks and 100 mjs will post their picks.
Or are you too cheap and busted again ? Borrow the grand from that Peter Gammons when you meet him for dutch coffee on the veranda.
I think I got booted the last time I got in one of these beauty contest threads. May have been for contributing to the delinquency of a minor. How old did you say you were beanhead ?