Bush Caught in a Lie that has caused death.

Clem D

Mad Pisser
Forum Member
May 26, 2004
Long Branch NJ
Bush got caught in a major flip flop last night and yes he lied. John Kerry confronted him last night saying The president stated Osama was Wanted Dead or Alive, and then in 2002 said he wasn't worried about Osama. Last night Bush said he didn't remember it and it was one of Kerry's exagerations. Well he got caught out there hard.

He lost last night even without that being proven a lie. Now he got bitchslapped again.

danmurphy jr

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Forum Member
Sep 14, 2004
It makes no difference, the american voter is too stupid to remember what's going on from one lie to the next(just read these posts)
While all this smoke is being blown their a$$es they are now going to invade syria. only one thing scares them. syria might fight back


Forum Member
Kosar, err Clem or whatever- I was speaking to the other emotionally disturbed poster Chanman- wait thats me, no I mean danmurphy jr who could be BTJ's alter ego because of the name, (even though I'm Chanman, but I'm not Chinese), cause that ummm- where was I???

pirate fan

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Aug 24, 2002
Clem, I believe that you are taking that out of context, which anyone could make anyone look like they are lying. You need to look at the whole discussion back then. Basically Bush was saying that Osama wasn't a worry as far as him attacking the US at the time since we felt he was pinned down. For all we know Bin Laden is already dead in some hole. There have only been tapes that could have been made anytime.

Clem D

Mad Pisser
Forum Member
May 26, 2004
Long Branch NJ
KERRY: Six months after he said Osama bin Laden must be caught dead or alive, this president was asked, "Where is Osama bin Laden?" He said, "I don't know. I don't really think about him very much. I'm not that concerned."


BUSH: Gosh, I just don't think I ever said I'm not worried about Osama bin Laden. It's kind of one of those exaggerations.

But Bush wasn't telling the truth. From a March 13, 2002, press conference:

Q: But don't you believe that the threat that bin Laden posed won't truly be eliminated until he is found either dead or alive?

BUSH: Well, as I say, we haven't heard much from him. And I wouldn't necessarily say he's at the center of any command structure. And, again, I don't know where he is. I -- I'll repeat what I said. I truly am not that concerned about him. I know he is on the run. I was concerned about him, when he had taken over a country. I was concerned about the fact that he was basically running Afghanistan and calling the shots for the Taliban.

danmurphy jr

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Forum Member
Sep 14, 2004
Now they're stealing billions of dollars from the iraq reconstruction funds. where does it end guys?


Forum Member
Dec 22, 2001
danmurphy jr said:
Now they're stealing billions of dollars from the iraq reconstruction funds. where does it end guys?

Who is stealing funds, please clarify


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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
"Bush Caught in a Lie that has caused death."

"KERRY: Six months after he said Osama bin Laden must be caught dead or alive, this president was asked, "Where is Osama bin Laden?" He said, "I don't know. I don't really think about him very much. I'm not that concerned."

You might want to post the next phrase in his explaination--in stead of doing the Kerry/Micheal Moore out of context ploy.

and I'd say there is better than 50/50 chance he's dead anyway

Plus per your header--If pergury doesn't cause a pres death do you really think a isolated phrase out of context will???


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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
and IF Kerry loses I think it will because people will finally judge him on what he has done not what he claims he will do.

and while on the subject lets look at his 20 year accomplishment in the senate. 5 Bills he has sponsered have been enacted into law--while that is pathetic--what is more pathetic is lets take a look at what these monumental achievements were----

According to the Library of Congress, a House measure that was identical to Kerry's bill became law on Oct. 29, 2003, during Bush's presidency. That measure awarded a posthumanous congressional gold medal to baseball legend Jackie Robinson.

A search of the Library's online bill summaries shows that during Kerry's four terms in the Senate, four House bills that are identical to Kerry legislation passed both chambers and became law. Other measures that Kerry sponsored into law were 1999 legislation that created a women's business center program in the Small Business Administration; 1994 legislation naming the Murphy Federal Building in Waltham, Mass.; and two resolutions in October 1990 and 1991 identifying World Population Awareness Week.

He's been a worldbeater hasn't he :)


Forum Member
Dec 27, 2000
Belly of the Beast
For Ryson, Bush and Cheney running Government like a business (or at least their businesses)

Auditors Can't Account for Iraq Spent Funds

Thu Oct 14,10:21 PM ET White House - AP Cabinet & State

By LARRY MARGASAK, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON - U.S. and Iraqi officials doled out hundreds of millions of dollars in oil proceeds and other moneys for Iraqi projects earlier this year, but there was little effort to monitor or justify the expenditures, according to an audit released Thursday.

Files that could explain many of the payments are missing or nonexistent, and contracting rules were ignored, according to auditors working for an agency created by the United Nations (news - web sites).

"We found one case where a payment ($2.6 million) was authorized by the CPA (Coalition Provisional Authority) senior adviser to the Ministry of Oil," the report said. "We were unable to obtain an underlying contract" or even "evidence of services being rendered."

In a program to allow U.S. military commanders to pay for small reconstruction projects, auditors questioned 128 projects totaling $31.6 million. They could find no evidence of bidding for the projects or, alternatively, explanations of why they were awarded without competition.

The report was released by Rep. Henry Waxman (news, bio, voting record) of California, ranking Democrat on the House Government Reform Committee (news - web sites) and a leading critic of reconstruction spending to rebuild Iraq (news - web sites).

"The Bush Administration cannot account for how billions of dollars of Iraqi oil proceeds were spent," Waxman said. "The mismanagement, lack of transparency, and potential corruption will seriously undermine our efforts in Iraq. A thorough congressional investigation is urgently needed."

The audit was performed by the accounting firm KMPG for the International Advisory and Monitoring Board, created by the United Nations to monitor the stewardship of Iraqi funds.

The report monitored spending by the Coalition Provisional Authority, the U.S.-run governing agency which went out of existence in June; Iraqi ministries; the Kurdish Regional Government and Iraqi provisional governments. It covered the period from January to June this year.

In the CPA programs, "We found 37 cases where contracting files could not be located," the auditors said. The cost of the contracts: $185 million. In another 52 cases, there was no record of the goods received for $87.9 million in expenditures.

In a military commanders' program to buy back weapons, $1.4 million was spent from a fund that specifically prohibited such expenditures, auditors said.

Iraq's Ministry of Finance maintained two sets of accounting records, one manual and one computerized.

"A reconciliation between these two sets of accounting records was not prepared and the difference was significant," the report said.

Auditors questioned why checks were made payable to a U.S. official ? a senior adviser to the Iraqi ministry of health ? rather than to suppliers.

Other questions were raised about funds provided by the U.S.-run governing authority to Kurdish officials in northern Iraq. In one instance, auditors were given a deposit slip that showed the transfer of $1.4 billion to a Kurdish bank. Auditors said they were denied access to accounting records and were unable to verify how ? or if ? the money was spent.


On the net: Report is on the House Government Reform Committee Democratic site:



Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
A lie A lie? As we have learned if folks pay attention at all. The Iraq war is one of the biggest lies ever.


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 13, 2001
conroe,texas usa
you go djv your are right on!!!!

it just makes no sense that we are losing all those U.S. soilder in this lie about the Irag war I will go to my grave believing this war was all about OIL and nothing else why do you think the to two guys in the white house did before ? they all work for the oil companys


Forum Member
by Dennis Prager

The most frequently offered argument of Sen. John Kerry and other anti-war Democrats to support their charge that the invasion of Iraq was a mistake is that Iraq has become a den of terrorists.

This claim is true. But it completely undermines the Democrats' charge that invading Iraq was a mistake.

They say this: There are far more terrorists in Iraq since the invasion, and, therefore, the invasion was a mistake.

Yet, in order to believe that the greater number of terrorists in Iraq means the invasion was a mistake, you have to believe one or both of the following -- that were it not for the invasion, the terrorists who are in Iraq would have been engaged in some peaceful work in some other country, or that they are newly minted terrorists who were perhaps selling shoes prior to the war in Iraq.

Neither scenario makes sense.

Take the leading terrorist -- the Jordanian butcher of human beings, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. Everyone acknowledges he was a terrorist before the war in Iraq. In the 1990s, he spent seven years in a Jordanian prison for plotting to overthrow the government and establish an Islamic state. He then went to Germany, where he set up a terrorist cell.

So here's the question that apparently goes unasked of all the Democrats who are sure it is President Bush who lacks intelligence: What would Zarqawi be doing now if he were not slaughtering people in Iraq? Selling used cars in Amman?
Playing cello in the Berlin Philharmonic?

The president has said from the beginning that a major reason for invading Iraq was to bring the war to the terrorists, and that if we don't fight them on their soil, we will have to fight them on ours. Therefore, unless one posits that Zarqawi and other Arab sadists would be doing nice things elsewhere, their presence in Iraq seems to vindicate the president entirely -- that they would be busy in the West if they were not kept busy defending their very lives in Iraq.

It is sad that this obvious point is not constantly repeated when Democrats make what they believe is some unassailable point about the influx of terrorists into Iraq.

Which raises a variation on this theme: Why are so many Arab and other Muslim terrorists in Iraq? The point that Iraq has become a terrorist haven is made so often by critics of the war in Iraq that these critics must think it is a
self-evident argument against the war.

But this point is as weak as the first. The fact that many terrorists have flocked to Iraq argues what, exactly?

No one ever quite says. Because the only argument against the war suggested by this fact is that all the terrorists flocking into Iraq are new recruits -- Arabs and Iranians who left their accounting firms to blow up themselves and Iraqi children because America invaded Iraq and deposed Saddam Hussein.

There is no evidence offered to prove that contention, however. And it defies common sense. As Charles Krauthammer pointed out after we invaded Afghanistan, unlike before the invasion, there were no more Osama T-shirts being sold in Pakistan; people love winners, and Osama was finally losing. Recruits to Muslim terror are made by Muslims who preach evil in God's name and by terrorist victories, not by America fighting back.

Just as in the first case, the claim is true, but it undermines the charge.

The claim that there are more, indeed many, terrorists in Iraq now is true. But the terrorists are there because they know that if America prevails in establishing a relatively free country where there once stood an America-hating terrorist-supporting Arab regime, they are ultimately doomed. Liberals love to find out the root causes of sociopathological behaviors. Well, one root cause of Islamic terror is the hermetically sealed Arab-Muslim world. Open that up to even some freedom, and the cesspool that produces the terrorist monsters begins to dry up.

That is why so many terrorists have moved to Iraq. They agree with President Bush -- the war on terror is taking place in Iraq.

I hate to see the American deaths too, but disagree that the war was over oil-guess it was to settle a score for daddy :shrug: At any rate I'm glad Michael Moore isn't protecting us.

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Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
What the hell difference does arguing over actual issues like this matter anyway when the only real result from that last debate was that Kerry was somehow out of line by saying complimentary things about Cheney's lesbian daughter?

Kerry clearly wins all 3 debates - and shows much more clarity in his answers, yet Bush still leads by 4 points. Still looking for something that makes sense in that math.

Bush's best responses were tired rhetoric like "Massachussetts liberal".
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