How do you like your steak?


Late Night
Forum Member
Aug 3, 2002
rare I like my steak, barely mooing

15% ----sliding scale. If service is good that number goes up, service stinks go down.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 12, 2000
Arlington, TX


Agent 0659 said:
Man I cant believe the bad tippers on here. You would think gamblers would be a little different. 8%????? That is ridiculous. Anything below 18% is very bad unless service was horrible. And remember if your steak isnt cooked correctly that isnt the servers fault. I go with Med-well butterflied unless its a top notch joint then med will do. ALways tip 20% or higher usually 30 but then again I used to bartend. Cryboy I would have to :hitwithro take care of you if you stiffed me. I also smoke but dont drink.
8% is the sales tax in Texas. I double that amount then always round up, so my tips are always more than 15%. :)


Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 10, 2003
So Cal
At least 16.5% tip I also double the tax 8.25% as a starting point
If its a hottie the tip goes up considerably
love crown royal and budweiser
play poker almost everyday at the bicycle club

Also to anyone in Los Angeles who loves a great steak and a gorgeous waitress go to the Rainbow Room on sunset in W.HLWD
you can't go wrong


Fish Head
Forum Member
Feb 15, 2002
Arlington, TX (But a Missourian at heart)

Tip at least 20% depending on how good the service was and how drunk I get, but I like having a few glasses of red wine with my ribeye

And I quit smoking over 4 months ago...Which is really difficult considering I drink when I eat and after I pound down a 32ozer, I would usually have a smoke for desert...


Forum Member
Jan 21, 2000
Toronto, ON, Canada
I'm surprised some of you will automatically tip 20% or more and expect nothing more than "average" service for it. I don't believe a waiter is "entitled" to a tip. As long as they are courteous, check to make sure my drink is full, the food is fine, etc...they get 15% minimum...usually 20%.

But no way do I think anyone is entitled to a generous tip just for showing up to work. If they are overloaded with too many tables, that's one thing, I understand that. But if they are just plain unattentive they're not getting rewarded for it.

Also, pet peeve of mine....waiters/waitresses who barge in on your conversation over and over again. Wait until there's a pause in the action, please. At least wait a second or two, or let us notice you've approached the table. (I'm not asking you to wait 5 minutes...I know you are in a hurry...but at least let us talk!). If I'm having an important conversation there is nothing worse than someone interrupting mid-sentence repeatedly.
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Forum Member
Dec 9, 2004
GM said:
Also, pet peeve of mine....waiters/waitresses who barge in on your conversation over and over again. Wait until there's a pause in the action, please. At least wait a second or two, or let us notice you've approached the table. (I'm not asking you to wait 5 minutes...I know you are in a hurry...but at least let us talk!). If I'm having an important conversation there is nothing worse than someone interrupting mid-sentence repeatedly.
I cant tell you how many times I keep reminding my waitstaff of this. You would think its common sense but then again you dont have to deal with waiters and waitresses. I swear some of them have a peanut for a brain.

The Big Tease

Forum Member
Mar 9, 2000
Columbus,OH USA
I usually tip 20% everytime, because seems like I get at least adequate service most of the time......if I find the service is getting in the way of me having a good time, I will tip considerably less.

I have my steak medium-well....usually do not drink while I am out at dinner, and never have smoked.

I have never understood the whole tipping thing though (even though I do it because I know I have to) the food in these places is vastly overpriced, and the damn waitstaff is on the owners payroll, not mine. Why doesnt the owner of these places just pay them a regular salary? There are a lot of service jobs out there that dont get tips! How about a bank teller, or a cashier at a grocery store......all are doing a service to you, but you would never tip them! And Vegas is just out of made me and my wife cringe at how many people you are supposed to tip. You take a taxi somewhere and you are supposed to give a dollar to some asshole that opens the cab door for you???? No thank you, I will open that myself......In fact, my wife wants to move to Vegas because she says that I could leave my job and open cab doors......probably make more than the 60K I make now.

Anyone know if moving to Vegas is recommended?? I hear property in Vegas is skyrocketing!! I wouldnt mind it, to be honest.


Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 9, 2004
Why doesnt the owner of these places just pay them a regular salary?
I cant speak for every restaurant but the fact is the margins in this business are very small(5% if your good). Consider this, 15 years ago you might have paid $10 for a steak and chances are that same place is still charging the same price today. Its a very competitive marketplace and franchises are killing the independent.

If I was to pay a server $15/hr there is no way prices would stay as low as they are.


1/2 cocked
Forum Member
Nov 10, 2004
Southern California
I hate to even get started on "tipping", but after reading Big Tease
s reply I have to vent a pet peave.

How about the server who can't remember who ordered a table of TWO. I hate it when my girlfriend and I place our orders and then some dizzy server brings our food and looks at us as she asks who ordered which meal. For Christs sake, her only job is to bring the food. Is it too much to ask for her to get her orders straight?

I was at a Christmas party seated with a party of eight. The waiter asked for our orders (ladies first), took our salad order with dressing preferences, then entree's and how they were to be prepared.....all without paper or pencil!!! I couldn't believe he brought each of our meals, placed them before the proper person without once asking which person had what.

Very impressive and rare.....Obviously, he was rewarded with a very generious tip that was well deserved.


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Jan 12, 2001
Clem D said:
40% if I get head

:142lmao: :142lmao: :142lmao:

You crack me up Clem....

Onto the topic.... I like my steak medium rare. I ALWAYS tip at least 20% sometimes more if the service is good. I tip 15% for lousy service and just do not go back again, if it's real bad I may mention something to the manager on my way out. I used to wait tables while in college so I know how important tips can be. Some may not like this but I found that the older the people the worse the tip, the younger the people the better the tip (commonplace). I smoke and drink but do so in moderation.



The Sage
Forum Member
...always take my steak rare to medium rare. anything past that, it goes back to the kitchen. if i wanted to eat shoe leather, i wouldn't have ordered a steak in the first place....

...usually told that i over tip. also been told that i smoke and drink too much. lol my pappy always said, if something's worth doing it's worth doing right...we don't half-ass nothing in this family!!!

...told him i was going to stop smoking for the new year and he called me a quitter!!! LOL (just kidding, guys) :)
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