Interested in a Canadian Fishing Vacation??


not banned
Forum Member
Dec 6, 1999
Davenport, Iowa
UT.... assuming you plan on renting a car. if you want the cheapest flight you could get (and i would recommend keeping the flying within US to have border customs rather than airport customs..... Minneapolis would probably be the best you're gonna get.... you could add expense and fly further north to duluth or international falls.


Forum Member
Jul 11, 2004
Canadian waters(summertime)
UT --

The link is posted up a few posts (pickerelarm camp) You can correspond with the owner for better info on the airports than I could give you. I know they have picked up guests at the Sioux Lookout Airport (about 20 miles from the resort) but as MaMa said, the customs might be more of a hassle on the Canadian side. I'm pretty sure there are connecting flights to International Falls (where you cross the US/Canadian border) The owner can give you the best options for yourself. If you want to make a $75 deposit with him, tell him it's for the VIP with Paul on July 9-16. Will talk to you more soon. Hope you can make it :)

Dogfish --

Snoring is part of the game!! Smoking is allowed in the VIP as it is all of the cabins. Most smokers smoke out on the screened in porches (very nice and comfortable) right off the kitchens. You and your buddies are welcome to share my cabin. We have our own private dock just a short walk from the door. Looking forward to seeing you Brainard Boys (especially if one of you is Al Lindner :) )


Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 14, 2002
trolin-is my brother ron linder welcome?

ut-you could fly to mpls,catch a flight to brainerd im only ten minutes from airport.i could get you rest of the way.


Forum Member
Jul 11, 2004
Canadian waters(summertime)
Hope you let Santa know this outing is at the top of your list. I know you've all been good so there should be no problem. You may want to add some spinners and jigs to your list too! See you on the water :)


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Dec 16, 2004
Sioux Lookout

Sioux Lookout


Just joined madjacks recently and almost lost it when I was reading these posts. I live in Sioux Lookout I was born and raised here... LOL. It is a small community so when someone writes about it you notice it. Definitely recommend it. If you haven't fished walleye before you will never go back they are by far the tastiest fish. What camp were you planning to stay at? There are quite a few around here some just do fly in fishing some guide more local lakes. Very familiar with Minnatki have camped up there lots and it is great fishing. I am guessing you have stayed at Donnelly's Minnatki Lodge, Abram Lake Park, or Frog Rapids camp. Most likely Abram lake it sounds like one of there cabins. And for those who think you will be going to just a lake in some bush it isn't like that. Sioux Lookout is a town. We are about 5000 people. Summer's are a blast up here and along with fishing we have some of the best freshwater swimming around. Most people that come up here always come back. I am proud of my hometown so if you have any questions or anything like that just ask!! (What a small world) Happy Holidays!!


Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 12, 2001
Hey T4W,

I would love to go on this trip. Been eyeing this thread for some time. I have to get the wife to agree to me going though.

Merry Xmas to you and your family buddy,



Forum Member
Jul 11, 2004
Canadian waters(summertime)

We stay at Pickerel Arm Camp, just south of Donnellys. It is by far the finest on the lake, more than likely the whole Sioux Lookout area, and probably rates right up there for all of Ontario. Their prices are very reasonable (this is what we were initially looking for in our search and found them the best of any) and the amenities are endless (ice for your coolers, grills, microwaves, laundry, sauna, the cleanest fish cleaning house in Ontario, just to mention a few -- and bait, gas & oil, groceries are all available). Don't really want this to sound like an add for the camp, but I don't think you can find a better place for what you pay and the great fishing to experience.

If you don't mind I'd like to share e-mail addresses so I can correspond throughout. Just identify it has something to do with Minnitaki. I get so much crap e-mail that many times I delete it right away if I don't recognize the sender.


It may be too late for you at this point if you didn't already clear it with your wife. Once she sees all of the crazy MadJack members at the Super Bowl Party she'll never let you get together with any of them again :142lmao:
Naa, but do be extra special nice to her so you can join us. It would be great to meet you and the others for a week of fun. Got my fingers crossed for ya :)


Forum Member
Jul 11, 2004
Canadian waters(summertime)
So what's the interest like guys? Anybody send in deposits yet or still interested? Right now with the college football season over the only lines you should be thinking of now are the ones you'll be dropping in the Canadian water and bringing up ol' marble eyes. I do plan on frying up some tasty filets for my MadJack brothers (With, and this is as close to a lock I'll ever post, the best tasting batter you will ever taste. And don't be bugging me about the recipe. It's a family secret that only my family knows......and anybody else who buys me a beer :142lmao:

Let me know as soon as you can what your situation is. The owner is at the outdoor shows now and I would hate for him to not book the reservation when he has the chance. I do have it on reserve but if we cannot book the cabin I don't want to be stuck with the deposit. I did that once when a bunch of my son's friends were all gung-ho about going and then fizzled out, leaving the VIP open that week and the owner losing out. I'm really hoping some of you can make it. Looking forward to putting some faces to the names and starting an annual get-to-gether. Let me know :)


Forum Member
Aug 19, 2000
St. Charles, IL
As much as I would like to go I am going to have to pass this year. I am already going on vacation for a week in the middle of June, and then when I get back I will be going on my fishing trip with my friends so I couldn't take another week off. Hopefully people go, b/c next year I will definatley plan on it. I will report on my trip though. Getting cabin fever might have to do a little ice fishing here in the next week or so.


poker brat
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Fort Worth, TX
hey, if i sign up, can me and the wifey have our own bedroom in the cabin?
I don't want you guys peeking out from under your covers when we are having our fun.

Franky Wright

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May 28, 2002
Heaven, oh!!, this isn't it?!
Im trying to convince my buddy to do this, so we can drive up together.........He wants to wait for the fishing show in Late January to make a decision.
Does this guy do the show in Madison? If so, some more contact info would be great. We are still looking at 2 here.
Franky :)


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 8, 2004
Would love to go. Haven't fished walleye since moving to Fla. used to fish kankakee rive and Illinois for sauger..used to do a lot of Erie trips to Marblehead and Toledo. But have to go back to Lasalle-Peru for a wedding that weekend. If you ever get an Erie trip together, pm me. That would be an easier trip to make from here. Hope you Knock Em' dead!!!


Forum Member
Jul 11, 2004
Canadian waters(summertime)

The Pickerel Arm Camp owner will be at the All Canada Show in Madison Jan 24-26. Make sure you guys stop by and take a peek. (He's also in Minneapolis this week, Jan 7-9, and Milwaukee on Jan 21-23) Be looking forward to seeing you north of the border :)

c20 - sorry to miss you this year. Make sure you consider it as a trip next year. As posted earlier, there is a great musky lake @6miles up the road that has a great success ratio for the big uns' :)

OUTRIGGER - have fished the Illinois down by LP a few times for sauger. Good fishing there. I live 70 miles north of there.


I can't make any promises about the other guys. I can guarantee you this though. If your wife's strap-on is not confiscated by the border guards the boys in the cabin will be pulling guard duty all night to make sure they don't miss out on anything :142lmao: I'm also quite sure there will be flashbulbs, pictures, and videos to share with the site on our return :)

Jack, Dogfish, watrdogg, UT-Longhorn, kneifl, and Clem. Hope it's still under consideration. Be great to have you there as well as others who may not have responded yet. THIS COULD BE GREAT!! :)


Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 14, 2002
trolin-trying to get a commitment from some of the boys.they want the fly in to get away from people not meet gettin too o ld for that roughin it stuff.would love to go, by any means dont lose your deposit.theres always next year.let you know asap.


Forum Member
Jul 11, 2004
Canadian waters(summertime)
Had to bring this up again as Friday was "100" day. Just a little over three months and I'll be pullin' in the "eyes." Got cabin fever BAD!!! Looks like the trip fell through as the interest level ceased. Maybe some other time. Still have room in my cabin for any of the MadJack family battling their own bout of cabin fever. At any rate, I will be posting lots of pics when I return. Wish I had more to share the fun with :mj14:

Nope!! :cursin:
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Forum Member
Aug 19, 2000
St. Charles, IL
Maybe next year for me. Our spring trip we usually go on, got pushed back to the same week you are going. We will be up in northern Wisc July 7th-10th. I have cabin fever for sure, can't wait till it warms up around here.
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