schiavo case...


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Jun 18, 2002
Rev. Jesse Jackson Joins Schiavo Fray

To Clear Doubts, Schiavo Autopsy Planned
March 29, 2005

Joining conservatives who have rallied to the Schindlers' cause, the liberal Jackson said he would call state senators who opposed legislation that would have reinserted Schiavo's feeding tube and ask them to reconsider.

"I feel so passionate about this injustice being done, how unnecessary it is to deny her a feeding tube, water, not even ice to be used for her parched lips," Jackson said. "This is a moral issue and it transcends politics and family disputes."

"I wanted the Reverend Jackson here for moral support," said Mary Schindler, Terri Schiavo's mother. "I feel good with him here. Very strong. He gives me strength."

A day earlier, the lawyer for Schiavo's husband, Michael, said an autopsy would be performed as a way to offer definitive proof about the extent of Terri Schiavo's brain injuries.

"This is something that we have contemplated for a few days," lawyer George J. Felos said.

"We didn't feel it was appropriate to talk about an autopsy prior to Mrs. Schiavo's death," Felos said.

But persistent rumors that Michael Schiavo was trying to hide something by planning to have his wife cremated led him to make the announcement, Felos said.

Some of those fighting to keep Schiavo alive have alleged that her husband wanted to destroy evidence of abuse, including broken bones.

Felos said Dr. John Thogmartin, chief medical examiner of Pinellas County, would perform the autopsy shortly after Schiavo's death, and that her body would be returned to her husband. "It's my understanding that the ... results will be public," Felos said.

In Washington, supporters of the Schindlers carried their fight once again to the White House and Congress.

The 41-year-old woman's feeding tube was disconnected by order of a state judge, who agreed with Michael Schiavo that his wife did not wish to be kept alive through artificial means. She can breathe on her own but cannot eat or drink. Doctors have testified that she is in a persistent vegetative state, with catastrophic brain injuries and no chance for improvement.

Bob and Mary Schindler contend that their daughter could get better with therapy.

When he hugged and kissed Schiavo on Monday, Bob Schindler said during a news conference outside the hospice in Pinellas Park. Fla., where she is being cared for, she responded with facial expressions. "Don't give up on her," Schindler said. "We haven't given up on her, and she hasn't given up on us."

Felos also addressed concerns raised by Bob Schindler about the effects of the morphine Schiavo had been given.

"I have a great concern that they will expedite the process to kill her with an overdose of morphine," Schindler said.

Felos said hospice records showed that Schiavo had been given low doses of the narcotic twice, on March 19 and Saturday, and that she was not on a continuous morphine drip.

When he visited Schiavo on Monday, Felos said, he found her eyes more sunken and her breathing more rapid than when he saw her two days earlier.

"Mrs. Schiavo's appearance to me was very calm, very relaxed, very peaceful," Felos said. "I saw no evidence of any bodily discomfort whatsoever."

Her room had been decorated with flowers, soothing music was playing, and someone had placed a stuffed animal, a tabby cat, under Schiavo's arm, Felos said.

Physicians have said Schiavo -- who suffered brain damage after a 1990 heart attack caused by an eating disorder -- could live 10 days to two weeks without food or water.

"It's possible Mrs. Schiavo could die momentarily from cardiac arrest," Felos said Monday. "On the other hand, her breathing is not labored, her skin tone is fine ... it doesn't appear that her death is imminent."

In Washington, about 30 protesters urged the federal government to act to keep Schiavo alive.

The Schindlers' supporters began their visit outside the White House, where some carried signs reading "Let Her Live" and "Starve Michael Not Terri."

The group then went to Capitol Hill, where the low-key reception they received was in marked contrast to the extraordinary legislative measures their appeals had generated more than a week ago. Then, Congress interrupted its spring recess to speed through a bill aimed at shifting the Schiavo case to the federal courts, and President Bush rushed back to Washington from his Texas ranch to sign it into law.

But the mid-level staffers they met with Monday "were pretty direct and candid," said the Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, head of the evangelical Christian Defense Coalition. "They made a compelling point that they did all within their power to make sure that the feeding tube remained inside Terri Schiavo and all within their power to reinsert it once it was removed."

Other activists said they already were focusing on the broader issues of the role of the federal courts in end-of-life issues, accepting that no more could be done to forestall Schiavo's death.

Advocates for the disabled said they believed the case would help them win support in Congress for laws limiting the powers of guardians to determine life-and-death issues for disabled people who cannot express their own wishes.

Dahlburg reported from Dunedin and Curtius from Washington. Times staff writer Elise Castelli in Washington and Associated Press contributed to this report


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Nov 4, 2000
God Bless to all there family members both side of this struggle.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
i wish you were in a better place.... which would be anyplace but here.....

btw...schiavo has no say in whether she was examined by the "state" medical examiner....he couldn`t fight it....but,the guy is the "state" medical examiner...who i`m sure is very familiar with all the big florida judicial wheels including judges shames,greer and ex hospice board head/now schiavo atty/who rec`d a $500,000 dollar fee authorized by the afforementioned judge out of terri`s rehab money(now you know why the rehab was stopped),scumbag george felos.......

the schiavo`s were not only turned down in their requests to bury their daughter...but to be with her when she died.....and now,their request to have someone represent them at the autopsy has been turned down....

this thing is tied up so neatly,all you need is the bow....
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May 15, 2003
why was the family denied the right to be with her as she was breathing her last breath. unbelievable. i dont care if your liberal or conservative, to deny the people who loved her to be with her at the end is disgaceful. people being executed have more rights.


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Jun 18, 2002
You are correct Mjolnir. It is a shame that politics got into this. It really has nothing to do with Conservative or Liberal if you think about it. It baffles me how we let issues like this become political. Anytime you see Jessie Jackson and the Religious Right shaking hands hold on to your wallet.


Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
StevieD said:
Anytime you see Jessie Jackson and the Religious Right shaking hands hold on to your wallet.

weird isn't it? You would think that the "Reverend" would be a member of the religious right though with that title, would you not? Funny thing, I never really hear him speak out on abortion, same sex marriage/gay rights, or folks living together without being married which are all clearly denounced by the Bible. He's just for what suits his needs and lines his pocket, and he's far from any kind of reverend I have ever known.


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Nov 9, 2000
the fact that the parents & siblings were denied access to teri had nothing to do with politics.

it's a shame that a feud denied the family their rights to teri.


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Nov 4, 2000
Ar 182 thats correct. And it sounds like a policeman had something to do with it also. They were there 15 minutes before she passed. Her brother stayed but was asked to leave the rooms as the nurses or helpers had a few thing to do with her. He would not leave. That got everyones nerves on edge and so the policeman walked him out. The only way all this would not have happened was paper work completed. If that had been the case none of us would have knew anything about her illness or death.
What they say on O'rilley this week. Over 500 cases like this everweek in U S A.
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