Bush and Big Oil


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Feb 12, 2000
Haven't we as a country been decreasing our pollution output?

What exactly do you propose we do tomorrow? And crazy gas taxes will not work because there would be anarchy.

I really want to know what you propose our current administration does that has a real effect because I am all for a better environment.

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
business, architecture and design firms are doing everything they can to build and maintain environmentally friendly work

WITHOUT government regulation

consumer demand and business to business commerce demand has been enough

scientists get paid for how well they can create a story. bureaucrats get paid for how many regulations they can create and enforce.

we do not need either influencing the other without evidence based data which we do not have in any of this enviromentally charged government takeover

i love the skin cancer hypothesis which totally disregards the trends of baking in the sun and under UV lamps as well as the incidence of treatable forms of death decreasing while naturally all untreatable forms would increase such as skin cancer

but these pseudo-scientists will push things like this on the minions to get their funding and save their jobs


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
There's plenty of evidence showing the thinning of of the ozone layer. We're talking about skin cancer among people who aren't tanning enthusiasts - cases of melanoma from nothing more than the elements. Still, that's a small factor.

I think this country has done a great job creating some good standards. It's been the result of more than just supply and demand. It took things like the evil liberal beaurocratic government actually creating tough standards that everyone had to deal with in Southern California to make that region breathable again.

I think a big problem we face now with future pollution and future emissions of "global warming" gasses would be in nations that we now send our industry to. We don't want to enforce any standards there because it would increase production costs. It's been a marvelous way for our own corporations to get around evil labor and environment standards. We all support it, so I guess I shouldn't ridicule.

Obviously we won't die tomorrow, but to disregard solid evidence and bash it as being "pseudo-science" is counterproductive.


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Feb 12, 2000
I agree with everything that you said in your last post, smurphy, and I appreciate you putting it in a non-argumentative way.

If there is one policy that California got right first (albeit out of desperation) it is the emmission controls now set on personal automobiles. Now we just need the same controls on government-owned vehicles such as metro buses.


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Dec 24, 1999
So Cal
"All scientists agree on the cause but that's okay...just keep voting for the Earth Rapists."

So anyone who disagrees with the chicken little crowd is part of the Republican cool aid crowd? All the scientists that disagree are right wing nuts? Yes, the world is getting warmer (not all over, but in many spots). That is a fact. However, the cause of global warming is not a fact. My dog is getting larger. Is it due to global warming? My taxes are rising. Is that due to global warmng? Did global warming cause the Ice Age or did it cause the Ice Age to end? What caused the Ice Age to end - all the pollution and the destruction of the ozone layer? Don't look at this as a political football - look at it from the standpoint of science which requires facts, not non-sequitars to prove its point.


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Dec 24, 1999
So Cal
You can get information, no doubt factual, such as this in any encyclopedia or by doing a simple Google search. The temperature has gone up and down many times.

"Between 52 and 57 million years ago, the Earth was relatively warm. Tropical conditions actually extended all the way into the mid-latitudes (around northern Spain or the central United States for example), polar regions experienced temperate climates, and the difference in temperature between the equator and pole was much smaller than it is today. Indeed it was so warm that trees grew in both the Arctic and Antarctic, and alligators lived in Ellesmere Island at 78 degrees North."


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May 21, 2003
Mount Shasta
No kidding ferdville?! I thought all along the earth's temperature had stayed the same.

What an avoidance of the issue and any responsible behavior. Just like your God George.

GW : Have you ever seen a monkey examine a watch? Kind of like you weighing in on anything.


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May 21, 2003
Mount Shasta
Here are some big scientific FACTS.

This little ball of dirt called the Earth actually has a FINITE amount of resources on it and in it. The human population is growing at an unsustainable rate. The animal food chain underpinning all this is increasingly threatened by human waste / pollution. The plant food chain is being decreased by desertification and rising sea-levels.

Do this little experiment. Stand on pavement in the sun for 5 minutes and then go stand in the shade of a big tree for 5 minutes. Seems to me like trees are the best air conditioning there is. You think if we just keep cutting more and more trees down we might be affecting the temperatures, the soil. Yeah, I kind of think so.

YET some "forward-thinkers" would prefer to not acknowledge any of this as needing to be addressed as a national emergency. Real solutions might inconvenience us and most importantly impact profits. There are some companies such as GE that appear to realize the direction things must eventually go.

Our government should be at the forefront putting in place incentives for our industries to lead the way into a sustainable future - not protecting the squeeling bloated pigs that can't get their heads out of the trough which includes all of us as individuals as well as corporate America. Otherwise we are just fattening ourselves up for the slaughter.

Simple things can be done. Mass transit, fuel efficiency and emissions standards and ultimately population control will be necessary around the world. The population WILL be controlled one way or another.

Sounds very alarmist I know but I believe we are deluding ourselves if we believe we can count on having plenty of time to address such things. Breakdown could accelerate rapidly leading to economic and social breakdown. Every delay depletes our resources while increasing the problems.

Hope I am wrong. Anyway, even if we did do everything perfectly a BIG FREAKING METEOR IS GONNA WIPE US OUT ANYWAY!



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Forum Member
Feb 12, 2000
I am glad I don't live in your world. I don't know if you were writing on pure emotion, but that last post was ludicrous.


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Forum Member
May 21, 2003
Mount Shasta
Yes, I suppose it is ludicrous to concern oneself about pollution, overpopulation and deforestation (not to mention the rise of superstition and religious fundamentalism which looks at every self-inflicted wound as part of "Jehovah's Master Plan" thus conveniently enabling the "faithful" to take no responsibility to solve or prevent anything).

Real humorous issues these are. Truly humanity is hopelessly blind and ignorant. As Bill Hicks said - "A virus with shoes".

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
ocelot said:
Here are some big scientific FACTS.

This little ball of dirt called the Earth actually has a FINITE amount of resources on it and in it. The human population is growing at an unsustainable rate. The animal food chain underpinning all this is increasingly threatened by human waste / pollution. The plant food chain is being decreased by desertification and rising sea-levels.

Do this little experiment. Stand on pavement in the sun for 5 minutes and then go stand in the shade of a big tree for 5 minutes. Seems to me like trees are the best air conditioning there is. You think if we just keep cutting more and more trees down we might be affecting the temperatures, the soil. Yeah, I kind of think so.

YET some "forward-thinkers" would prefer to not acknowledge any of this as needing to be addressed as a national emergency. Real solutions might inconvenience us and most importantly impact profits. There are some companies such as GE that appear to realize the direction things must eventually go.

Our government should be at the forefront putting in place incentives for our industries to lead the way into a sustainable future - not protecting the squeeling bloated pigs that can't get their heads out of the trough which includes all of us as individuals as well as corporate America. Otherwise we are just fattening ourselves up for the slaughter.

Simple things can be done. Mass transit, fuel efficiency and emissions standards and ultimately population control will be necessary around the world. The population WILL be controlled one way or another.

Sounds very alarmist I know but I believe we are deluding ourselves if we believe we can count on having plenty of time to address such things. Breakdown could accelerate rapidly leading to economic and social breakdown. Every delay depletes our resources while increasing the problems.

Hope I am wrong. Anyway, even if we did do everything perfectly a BIG FREAKING METEOR IS GONNA WIPE US OUT ANYWAY!


Al Gore is here!

Or is it Howard Dean?

Or Ocelot, a combination of the above :mj07: :scared :scared

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
ocelot said:
Truly humanity is hopelessly blind and ignorant. As Bill Hicks said - "A virus with shoes".

Too bad all those foolish, evil Christians don't live with such a wonderful, joyful outlook on life as do you


Registered User
Forum Member
May 21, 2003
Mount Shasta
Yes, it really is too bad.

As I recall Al Gore got the majority of the votes so I guess maybe a lot of people would like to see leadership on the hard issues.

Certainly he got a hell of a lot more votes than your candidate - Pat Robertson.

Sorry I have to cut this short as I have a tree-hugging convention to attend and I know you have to attend a Tent Revival.


Forum Member
Sep 16, 2003
ocelot said:
Here are some big scientific FACTS.

This little ball of dirt called the Earth actually has a FINITE amount of resources on it and in it. The human population is growing at an unsustainable rate. The animal food chain underpinning all this is increasingly threatened by human waste / pollution. The plant food chain is being decreased by desertification and rising sea-levels.

Do this little experiment. Stand on pavement in the sun for 5 minutes and then go stand in the shade of a big tree for 5 minutes. Seems to me like trees are the best air conditioning there is. You think if we just keep cutting more and more trees down we might be affecting the temperatures, the soil. Yeah, I kind of think so.

YET some "forward-thinkers" would prefer to not acknowledge any of this as needing to be addressed as a national emergency. Real solutions might inconvenience us and most importantly impact profits. There are some companies such as GE that appear to realize the direction things must eventually go.

Our government should be at the forefront putting in place incentives for our industries to lead the way into a sustainable future - not protecting the squeeling bloated pigs that can't get their heads out of the trough which includes all of us as individuals as well as corporate America. Otherwise we are just fattening ourselves up for the slaughter.

Simple things can be done. Mass transit, fuel efficiency and emissions standards and ultimately population control will be necessary around the world. The population WILL be controlled one way or another.

Sounds very alarmist I know but I believe we are deluding ourselves if we believe we can count on having plenty of time to address such things. Breakdown could accelerate rapidly leading to economic and social breakdown. Every delay depletes our resources while increasing the problems.

Hope I am wrong. Anyway, even if we did do everything perfectly a BIG FREAKING METEOR IS GONNA WIPE US OUT ANYWAY!



Is all this global warming info and the other fine facts provided above taken from the same scientists that originally predicted in the late 70's that most of North America was about to be consumed again by massive multi mile thick glaciers?


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Forum Member
Feb 8, 2002
1813 Virginia St
ocelot said:
Do this little experiment. Stand on pavement in the sun for 5 minutes and then go stand in the shade of a big tree for 5 minutes. Seems to me like trees are the best air conditioning there is. You think if we just keep cutting more and more trees down we might be affecting the temperatures, the soil. Yeah, I kind of think so.

Does that mean the Earth was much hotter before Johnny Appleseed?



Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
When Kerry was asked to give example of Heat expands--cold contracts on college essay his answer was--
"The days are longer in summer and shorter in winter"
--or maybe that was Bush :)

pirate fan

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2002
I've read that the country that produces the most CO2 is China because of all the people breathing. I don't buy the Global warming stuff at all but it wouldn't hurt to be more conscious of the environment as it is a fact that the resources are finite. I'm afraid our country along with many of the industrialized nations have gotten fat, lazy, and selfish as exemplified by its people. We have the money to burn so we don't do the mass transit, or much of anything that would be more benefitial to the world at our own expense, me included. It is a hassle to ride the bus when I could just drive myself. I think this arguement has too many extremists or lobbyists pushing agenda like most political arguements. The truth most likely lies in the middle.


Registered User
Forum Member
May 21, 2003
Mount Shasta
Great post pirate fan!

My point is that denying there is a problem at all is either idiotic or merely a convenient lie absolving the liars from doing anything.
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