Ocelot - I am getting a little tired of your groundless attacks on people who differ with your twisted and distorted view on various issues that you always see as Republican vs Democrat. Your latest salvo on global warming is just as specious and unintelligible as most of your other baseless dribble that you virtually vomit forth on the forum.
Before getting in to your absurd attack on me, let's review your brilliant statement that "All scientists agree on the cause..."
Besides being a patent lie, please illuminate the dullards like me out here and clearly explain what the "cause" is. Then we can go from there. Somehow you have extrapolated facts that lead you to believe that Bush is responsible for global warming. Are you really serious about that? Have you read your statements before embarrassing yourself by printing it for all to see? What type of educational background do you have? Are you a post elementary grad student?
You have the temerity to equate my logic with that of a monkey. I would actually consider that a relatively bright monkey could give you a run for your money when it comes to logic. When you start with such an idiotic lie ("All scientists agree...") it simply points out your close minded approach to this and most every topic you choose to spew forth here. You, me, and everybody else that has even an iota of intelligence knows that "All" is the wrong word to use here. So tell me, there is not any scientist anywhere that disagrees? It is just a perfect example of the blinders you must wear as you skip through your world as you see it.
Then you compound your original inane statement by popping off about my God, according to you - George. I assume you meant Bush, not Jetson, Jefferson, or Curious...but who in the hell are you to determine what my God is? If you had ever read any of my posts, you would know that I have stated my disapproval of Bush and his policies and actions many times over. That is, of course, assuming that your reading comprehension allows even a modicum of understanding.
You are mired in a morass of ignominy. You can't deal with anyone who disagrees with you simply because ... uh, uh, they disagree with you. It is your way or the highway. I'll let you in on a secret. You will be about as successful debating me as someone trying to sink a battleship with a spitball. Your distorted views are becoming as boring and repetitive as the proverbial broken record. Turn the record over and sing a new song once and a while. Look at the overall picture not the slice of life you choose that is tilted toward nothing else but slamming Republicans and Bush. I would think you would be able to distinguish that the so-called global warming controversy has gone on far longer than the time Bush has been in office. And despite your insistance that "All scientists know the cause..." that isn't really the case. The world has experienced temperature change from day one and will continue to do so until it extinguishes. Global warming today was global cooling in the 1970's. Iceland isn't even covered with ice any more. Deal with the problem in what ever way you see fit, but it doesn't boil down to George Bush against the environment and no matter how many fallacious claims you continue to make, it will remain that way. You choose to attack what you consider the cause rather than absorb the facts and then speak your mind.