Myth of Environmental damage


Forum Member
Sep 16, 2003
Don't want to sound like a jerk......

Is this the 1st time that those here have heard of these type views of our planet from space?

Don't know why this article is such the revelation. Maybe it's because astronauts were involved.


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Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
I'm wonder what volcano made the rivers out east burst into flames in the 70's and 80's. Or was it the chit dumped in by polluter's call industry. Or where all the acid rain came form that was hurting the forest out east and even car finishes. And the mercury in so many fish that you cant eat them. And Bush thinks we did so well back in the 70/80s that he wants the environmental laws rolled back.
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Forum Member
Jan 7, 2004
Hey Ocelot you stalker, you already put me on ignore when I was kicking your ass in a debtae last week. It's awful funny now once again you can read every single word and attack me no matter what I ever post. Now here you are threatening with your dumbass ignore feature again. What are you in high school? And why is it you have to resort to the constant angry namecalling?

Obviously you are still being a sore loser over the fact that the Democratic party has slid so far down the toilet that you guys won't see the white house for decades to come. You liberals are bankrupt on morals and agenda. No leadership. No accomplishments. No agenda. No plan. No future. It's just bitter attack after attack after attack.

btw...Why is it when I state scientific facts you get so angry?? Me, as well as many others have showed mountains of scientific data and you continually ignore it without even reading it...then you get pissed off and start calling people names.

You never have anything positive to say and you only come in here to critizise our country and it's elected leaders. KERRY LOST...GET OVER IT.... :clap: YOUR CANDIDATE SUCKED HE HAD NO PLAN...none of you liberals do. You are a perfect example. Why attack your own government when we are at war??? Nice Americans you guys are.

Ocelot......Keep voting democrat ok buddy?? A PERFECT FIT FOR YOU :mj14:


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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Don't get upset with liberal logic--his opening statement was typical opinionated liberal lie--you have to ignore these clowns

"Well I guess most of you far right conservatives are correct in agreeing with the Bush Adminstration that it's all a myth that we are endangering our environment"

Don't think anyone anywhere would not say mankind has been detrimental to environment for past 100 years--the questionis to what extend--

Defies logic that someone not concerned with environment would pass laws to protect it---


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Forum Member
May 21, 2003
Mount Shasta
IO fantasizes that he sounds really macho and tough by being indifferent to the suffering of other creatures. I suppose it might impress a few 5th grade boys. Frankly, IO you DO sound like a jerk - maybe because you are.


Forum Member
Jan 7, 2004
So Ocelot - you're all of the sudden concerned with the "suffering of other creatures" but instead of supporting the liberation of 30 million oppressed Iraqis living in fear of having their heads cut off you would rather see the mass murderer Saddam Hussein in power torturing his own people and filling up 400,000 mass graves?

And you have the balls to call IO a jerk for making a joke? That sucks.


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Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
Mason that chits in a different thread. Talking environment here. You know the air we breath.


Forum Member
Sep 16, 2003
ocelot said:
IO fantasizes that he sounds really macho and tough by being indifferent to the suffering of other creatures. I suppose it might impress a few 5th grade boys. Frankly, IO you DO sound like a jerk - maybe because you are.

No more of this dope for me :sadwave:

spibble spab

Forum Member
Apr 16, 2004
Concord, Michigan
IntenseOperator said:
"We would like to see, from the astronauts' point of view, people take good care of the Earth and replace the resources that have been used," said Collins, who was standing with Japanese astronaut Soichi Noguchi in front of a Japanese flag and holding a colorful fan." :rolleyes:

Yeah, and we want every whale dead.



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Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Whom I wonder who they blamed back when ice age came --i do believe cutting forrest especially rain foreest is very bad thought this was thought provoking--

Global Warming Doubt Dispelled? Not Really

Friday, August 19, 2005

By Steven Milloy

Is the debate now over for skeptics of global warming hysteria? Readers of USA Today may certainly have that impression.

?Satellite and weather-balloon research released today removes a last bastion of scientific doubt about global warming, researchers say,? reported USA Today on Aug.12.

Certainly the USA Today report was partially correct ? the researchers did, in fact, ?say? [read ?claim?] that ?the last bastion of scientific doubt? had been removed. But claims and reality often don?t match up.

Three papers published in the journal Science last week purport to debunk an important argument advanced by skeptics of the notion of catastrophic, manmade global warming. The skeptics? argument is that while temperatures measured on the Earth?s surface seem to indicate that global temperatures have increased at a rate of about 0.20 degrees Centigrade per decade (deg. C/decade) since the 1970s, temperatures measured in the atmosphere by satellite and weather balloons have shown only a relatively insignificant amount of warming for the same time period (about 0.09 deg. C/decade).

The implication of the skeptics? argument is that whatever warming seems to be happening on the Earth?s surface, similar warming isn?t happening in the atmosphere. This might mean that any observed surface warming is more likely due to the urban heat island effect -- where the heat-retaining properties of concrete and asphalt in urban areas artificially increase local temperatures -- rather than increasing atmospheric levels of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide.

One of the new Science studies reported that the satellites had drifted in orbit, causing errors in temperature measurement. Corrections to the satellite data, according to the researchers, would increase the atmospheric warming estimate to 0.19 deg. C/decade -- more in line with the 0.20 deg. C/decade warming of the Earth?s surface. Another study reported that heating from tropical sunlight had skewed the balloon temperature measurements.

Ben Santer of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, one of the studies? authors, told USA Today that, ?Once corrected, the satellite and balloon temperatures align with other surface and upper atmosphere measures, as well as climate change models.?

So is it really game-set-match in favor of the global warming alarmists? Not so fast, say the skeptics.

When University of Alabama-Huntsville researcher Roy Spencer, a prominent climatologist, factored the newly reported corrections into his calculations, his estimate of atmospheric warming was only 0.12 deg. C/decade -- higher than the prior estimate of 0.09 deg. C/decade, but well below the Science study estimate of 0.19 deg C/decade and the surface temperature estimate of 0.20 deg. C/decade.

As to the claimed errors in the weather balloon measurements, Spencer says that no other effort to adjust the balloon data has produced warming estimates as high as those reported in the new study and that it will take time for the research community to form opinions about whether the new adjustments advocated are justified.

Climate expert Dr. Fred Singer of the Science and Environmental Policy Project says the temperature adjustments are ?not a big deal.?

?Greenhouse theory says (and the models calculate) that the atmospheric trend should be 30 percent greater than the surface trend -- and it isn?t,? says Singer. ?Furthermore, the models predict that polar [temperature] trends should greatly exceed the tropical values -- and they clearly don?t ... In fact, the Antarctic has been cooling,? adds Singer.

Singer also had some related thoughts concerning the gloom-and-doom forecasts concerning future temperatures.

Last January, a study in the journal Nature estimated that a doubling of atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide would increase global temperatures anywhere from 1.9 degrees Centigrade to 11.5 degrees Centigrade by mid-century. But Singer says the researchers ?varied only six out of many more parameters necessary to model clouds? Their result confirms? that clouds are still too difficult to model and that climate models underlying the Kyoto Protocol have never been validated.?

So it?s far from ?case-closed? on global warming skepticism. Moreover, aside from the controversy over the satellite and weather balloon data, many key climate questions remain unanswered including: whether humans are causing significant warming; whether warming is undesirable; and whether anything be done to avert any undesirable warming.

Because of its prohibitive costs, alarm over global warming has been rejected numerous times by President Bush and the U.S. Senate. European nations are already discovering that their economies can?t live with the Kyoto Protocol that was just implemented in February.

Despite alarmist media reports, global warming-mania is melting. It?s no wonder the alarmists are in such a hurry to close the book on the science.

Steven Milloy publishes and, is adjunct scholar at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, and is the author of Junk Science Judo: Self-defense Against Health Scares and Scams (Cato Institute, 2001).


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Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
Cant hurt for us the keepers of the planet. Thats all man kind. To help it as much we can. No need to help destroy it. Just think some of the dumb chit we have done. A bomb testing in open desert out west. Some of the chemicals we used on the land. And then we ate the food. Just these two have added to cancer. Coal that was burned raw and caused damage to our forest in the east. Rivers that actually would burn from so much chemicals in them. We can at least try measures to move forward instead of backwards.
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