Dictionary of Conservative terms and beliefs


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Jun 22, 2005
AR182 said:
i would venture to guess that many of the posters in this political forum don't vote.

If your posting in this forum and you dont vote ...you should just pull the trigger and be done with your miserable self :cursin:


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Forum Member
Jun 22, 2005
ocelot said:
IO, since you are from the Great State of Illinois I am quite sure you are a believer in the Lincoln of Mythology. Do a little research on how "charitable" Abe was to the women and children of the South, how he believed the Black man was inferior to the White, how he trampled on the Freedom of the Press, jailed journalists, rewarded war criminals with promotions, destroyed the original Constitution, and propelled the South from wealth to crushing poverty in order to exploit its resources to the benefit of Northern industry. He is despised by a large segment of the Southern population to this day.

IO is probably smart enough to realize that His views ,my views ,and CM, views of today would be considered extreamly wacko Liberal in those days ...you Liberals of today back in those times would have been shot or hung from the closest tree they could find !


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 29, 2003
"sit on your hands and cry out loud at the same time."

to which spibble blubs: "right on point IO"

You guys really suck up to that trendy phrase "those who don't vote don't have the right to complain", don't you?

If voting was the cure-all you fools proclaim it to be, most of the problems in this nation would have been taken care of......

And what's the average salary of a member of the House, that same salary they will receive for the rest of thier life after one term of service, due to them VOTING THEMSELVES thier own generous retirement package while social security flounders?

Easy to say that vote counted for them, which is more than can be said for yours.

Jerk one off for me next time you close the curtain on the voting booth. :mj07:
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