Rest of the Family: "Mother has personal agenda"


Forum Member
Jan 7, 2004
"The Sheehan Family lost our beloved Casey in the Iraq War and we have been silently, respectfully grieving. We do not agree with the political motivations and publicity tactics of Cindy Sheehan. She now appears to be promoting her own personal agenda and notoriety at the the expense of her son's good name and reputation. The rest of the Sheehan Family supports the troops, our country, and our President, silently, with prayer and respect."


Casey Sheehan's grandparents, aunts, uncles and numerous cousins.


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Nov 4, 2000
Who paid the aunts, uncles and cousins off. Did any of them become mother. In other words it's alright for those who say they support this hopeless cause Iraq. But not alright for others to help point that point out. Total B S because theres nothing right about any of it. It would have had more right about it if we were told the truth to start with. This is starting to do just what Nam did. Separate families.


Forum Member
Jan 7, 2004
DJV the problem with you liberals is you constantly equate your "opinion" as being "fact". You don't know the difference do you? You can't even spell or use proper grammar so I am not surprised.

Who paid off the aunts, uncles and cousins?? They are remaining anonomous unlike that propogandist mother who obviously has a political agenda. Now she's teamed up with Michael Moore....hmmm...I wonder why? $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ just a matter of time before she gets cash from every supermarket tabloid in the country. No wonder she changed her story!!!

DJV...last year this lady commended the president, then now she's teamed up with Michael Moore and changed her whole story. I smell a giant rat. You don't because you're a liberal living in a far off distant corner of reality. Facts are facts and if you don't like them, you just ignore them.

The other family members are the sincere ones. They didn't entirely change their story like the mother did. How do you expalin that djv? They didn't go all over television to get attention like the flip flopping mother did. The family released an anonomous statement supporting our country and what we are fighting for. They didn't even give their names!! So now you are saying that someone handed them cash to do that? No offense djv but you are so full of shit. Typical propogandist liberal.
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Nov 29, 2003
Ask the grandparents, aunts, uncles, and numerous cousins what they think about Casey's death in a couple three years from now when we pull out and the free-for-all is in full throttle over there.....

Ask if Casey's death really made a difference when the Shias and the Sunnis are still blowing each other up years from now as they have done in the middle east for centuries.....


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Nov 4, 2000
Im still waiting to find out if they got alittle something for there words. And when they became the mother. Theres only one mother here. And she can change her mind 100 times if she wants. What the hell our government does every week.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
""Ask if Casey's death really made a difference when the Shias and the Sunnis are still blowing each other up years from now as they have done in the middle east for centuries""...

muslims,arabs and middle eastern types(including shias and sunni`s) are sub-humans ...that aren`t capable of living in peace...or having some sort of self governance....

they are mindless drones and idiots that must exist under either a theocracy or a dictator...they all must be brainwashed and led like sheep...

don`t believe me?....ask marco....

i thought the terrorists weren`t representative of the "real",peaceful islam....

is "blowing each other up" just a part of their dna?....must be....because following marco`s logic,they`ll be murdering and maiming one another for thousands of years to come....

why try and give them a hand..they`re incapable..

if a conservative on this site had made such an assertion he`d have been labeled an intolerant racist....

look in the mirror, bro...

liberals seem to be morphing into intolerant bigots...their zeal causing them to slip up in some of that inflammatory rhetoric they specialize in...

now the ad that neral put out trying to smear roberts....

even the democratics in congess had to abandon the ridiculous assertions in their slash and burn commercial....the stench was so bad.....

not to mention the "mainstream media"trying to pry into sealed abortion records...


liberals are becoming very unliberal...

Sun Tzu

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Nov 10, 2003
Houston, Texas
I hate to actually agree with Charlie (a name that really shouldnt be allowed and for which I can understand anyone using-but I digress). The woman is telling a far different story than a year ago. Does she have rights to speak? Sure. Grieve? Sure. But she is getting way too much press. News is awfully slow these days.

I just wonder if my brother getskilled in Iraq when he starts his 3rd tour next month if all these media folks are going to give me front page headlines for days if I want to support the President - I think we know the answer.


Forum Member
Jan 7, 2004
It's all about the money for her Sun. This lady praised the president after her son died in battle but now that she's on the front page of the Michael Moore website and soon to be on the cover of People magazine she has totally flip flopped her entire story. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Even her own family says she has an political agenda!! What does that tell you? :)

She said when her son died Bush acted as if it was a party. Does anyone actually beleive that?? Like the President of the United States would throw a party when a soldier dies????


dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
Why is the liberal media giving this delusional, obviously emotionally sick woman air time?????

Why is this a news story????

If I find a bum on the street off his medicine who says that President Roosevelt killed his dad and murdered millions in WWII is that a story?

If there is anything mroe tell-tale then this outlining the media's obvious agenda this is it.

The leftist media can get away with anything and the ostrich's in this country still have their head in the sand.


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Nov 4, 2000
Doc it' as good a story as the missing Aruba story that goes on and on. In other words news is slow. Nothing new. Iraq remains a mess to many of our men are dieing. Mother flips a story. Docs cheating on the stock market with the drug companies. What the hell is that all about anyway. And Aruba over and over. Must be a book deal here for some body. Chee's don't for get the Edwards story.

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
docs cheating on the market?


its called giving away for big $$ inside information

not a whole lot different than you finding out who is injured before the line moves dont you think

for every buyer there are sellers

if a buyer gets information and pays for it and a seller does not pay for then who is the fool?


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Jun 22, 2005
Sun Tzu said:
I hate to actually agree with Charlie (a name that really shouldnt be allowed and for which I can understand anyone using-but I digress). The woman is telling a far different story than a year ago. Does she have rights to speak? Sure. Grieve? Sure. But she is getting way too much press. News is awfully slow these days.

I just wonder if my brother getskilled in Iraq when he starts his 3rd tour next month if all these media folks are going to give me front page headlines for days if I want to support the President - I think we know the answer.

Tell your Brother thanks for serving ! And it is for a good cause ! I have one (A Nefew) in Mosul (sp? ) right now but hope to see him soon Good Luck and take care !


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Nov 29, 2003
gardenweasel.....the whole middle east is steeped in religious ideologies and traditions that go back centuries, the same as thier longstanding tradition of fighting each other....

Dump all the Casey's and dump all the money you want into fixing the middle east, no matter how many resources you want to waste the outcome will be the same.

I will agree with what you said about not all people of middle east descent being terrorists, and that a lot of them are peaceful, but I'm not willing to waste hundreds of billions of dollars to realize what we already know about the middle east, given the history of the area and the saga between the Israelis and Palestinians. They can't live at peace with each other, that's a fact proven by time.

Casey's death was a waste, sad thing is that our administration is willing to waste more American youth installing democracy in Iraq.....sending more youths to the cemetary won't change the outcome, and sending more people over there to die is like some degenerate gambler who digs a hole over the weekend and looks at the Monday Night game trying to force a play and win by chasing.

Let the arabs fight each other like they so desperately want to do, and forget about these egregious errors like trying to set up democracy in a land full of religious zealots.


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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Caseys death a waste--depending what glasses your looking through---

I do know one one thing -what sitting back and doing nothing got us after 1st World Trade attack.If I'm not mistaken there were many more cemetaries filled in one day than have occurred in entire war to date--and let me remind you they were all civilians not those who swore oath to defend country--including those that diss them for their efforts.


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Jun 18, 2002
There you go again DTB rewriting history. Iraq had nothing to do with 911. Unless you can make a connection that so far Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld have not been able to make.
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