wareagle said:
scott are you not the slightest bit worried that you no longer have the #1OC and #1DL coach in the nation??? Is Carroll that good that he can lose all these coaches and not skip a beat?
GOOD QUESTION. G-Man2, gin, and you are the only ones to talk about the wager. Others go off topic and attempt to create drama. Worthless posts.
To answer your question, NO i am not worried. Replacements for Chow were without question a downgrade. Although there are some positive aspects to take from it. But I am not worried because the USC offense took a major UPGRADE this offseason with players returning, players getting experience, and players recruited. We all know how good the USC offense was last year. I think it will be much better this season! There is no doubt in my mind. It will be just like the offensive production you saw USC have in the OB spreading it around. The only difference is the USC players got bigger and stronger and Matt Leinart will have much better pass protection. The RB's will have bigger and more consistent holes to run through. Again, this is my opinion.
USC lost their awesome DL coach to be HC at Ole Miss but guess what? Carroll replaced him the the GREENBAY PACKERS DL COACH! Yep! Jethro Franklin left Green Bay to come coach DL at USC. He coached DL @GB and will be coaching DL @USC. A complete lateral move and I think he even took a paycut. Not sure on that. What does he get in return? Carroll promises him a better opportunity to advance his career! I have been told he is a much better in teaching technical moves to the DL than Orgeron. USC lineman are getting taught NFL moves and style of play.
USC lost their awesome OL coach to Miami Dolphins. Carroll replaced Davis with the NY GIANTS OL coach, RUEL! He coached OL for the Giants and will be coaching the offensive line for USC. I have been told Ruel was an upgrade from Davis and I was a huge Davis fan. Carroll actually wanted Ruel before Davis but Ruel turned Carroll down or wasn't good situation at the time. Then Carroll hired Davis from Wisconsin (where we know gets great OL coaching).
A good story is Ken Norton Jr. The superstar LB who played for UCLA and with the Dallas Cowboys. Well he wants to get into coaching and asked UCLA HC Dorrell if he could be their LB coach. Dorrell said he didn't think he was qualified etc etc etc. Well USC HC Carroll said Ken, why don't you come over here and coach. You would be an excellent LB coach someday. I don't have room for you, but you can start out being a grad. assistant, which is like working for free. Well Norton jumped at the opportunity and I think was promoted to LB coach a year later. As soon as Carroll hired Norton, stupid Dorrell came back calling and said he has a LB coaching position for him. Norton said NO WAY and stayed with USC as a grad. assistant. In conclusion, do you think Norton had something to do with USC getting the #2, #3, #4, and #12 ranked LB's in the country out of high school ALL in the same recruiting class? Cushing, Brown, Mauluga, and Maive. USC's last LB coach was promoted to HC of Idaho. So much opportunity at USC. Carroll has no problem getting the best coaches across the country. $$$ are not an issue at USC and Carroll is the DC so USC saves money by not having to hire a DC.
wareagle said:
i think not...what if any two of these: Miami, Okla, Texas, LSU ,Tenn, ect... go undefeated this year? IMO they would be in the Rose bowl and USC would be left out again
I strongly disagree with you. If USC goes undefeated, there is no way USC gets shut out from the Rose Bowl. If USC loses 1 game then there is a chance for USC to be shut out.
TimmyE said:
Maybe I'm in the small majority here, and obviously you don't care so you'll continue anyway, but bragging about how much money you're betting per game is stupid. Obviously its a shit load more than i do, and a shit load more than most people, but even if its true, why bother? Talk in units so people know how much they should wager.
First of all, you posted a bunch of garbage posts not related to the topic. If you don't like me, don't open my threads. If you think my plays are BS, call Pinny! FADE my plays! Wager on my plays! I don't care. Cut out the BS drama.
Why does it bother you when I post exactly what I did wagering? It doesn't make sense. My wagers may be more than what others risk and might be less. Therefore, I don't just say how much I wagered, but I also say if that is a lot of money for me or not. A $50 play might be big for some and small for others. You don't know. For me, I wager as small as $5 on games. And I will say it is a small bet for me.
This is my opinion. 3 things that people should do when posting picks. It is not a rule and shouldn't be a rule. Again, this is my opinion
#1 Post a line
#2 Post units or some clarification if you differentiate the size of your wagers. If all wagers are same value, just state it.
#3 Be clear if it is a big play or small play for you. Usually units wagered cover this. Sometimes you see people post a 10unit play and you don't know for sure if this is a huge play for them or if they have one every week. Some people have unit ranges of 1-3 units and 3 unit play being very rare. So it is beneficial if someone explains their betting structure. Most due this.
*Keeping a record is optional but I wish more people did it. Either wins/losses and/or units won/lost.
*Writing analysis either short or long is optional although I wish more people would do it. I know time can be of the essence for some and others may not type or put their thoughts on paper in a fast manner. Then others just might be too lazy or afraid of constructive criticism. Everyone is different. I have no problem with that.
I choose to do most of everything. I believe it is most beneficial if I put myself out there explaining why I like a pick (whether it is right or wrong) and how much I wager on it. Constructive criticism and to a certain extent personal attacks don't bother me. In fact I encourage constructive criticism. Others get offended by it.
TimmyE said:
$200 should be chump change for someone like you, but then again, I think your wagers are BS. And there's no point in copying your wagers like that. I could do the same thing and put $30,000 in the wager amount, so what? Obviously Pinnacle nor any other sportsbook is going to tell me how much you wagered..
Did you try and call Pinnacle? Why wouldn't Pinnacle verify that wager exists under that betting ticket #. They don't have to give any other details.