Adding to my future wager for NC......


World Traveler
Forum Member
Feb 27, 2001

NCAA Regular Season Wins PreviewRegular Season games Only (Conference Championship and Bowl games are not included). Team must play 12 games for wagers to have action. No Parlays
USC Ov. 11 Wins -130

USC Un. 11 Wins


Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 31, 2000
What do you think about this prop...will a USC player win the Heisman.

-yes +120
-no -135

Leinhart is +130, Bush is +456 (two favorites); good value bet w/ yes???

Comments are appreciated


Fight On!
Forum Member
Sep 11, 2002
wareagle said:
scott are you not the slightest bit worried that you no longer have the #1OC and #1DL coach in the nation??? Is Carroll that good that he can lose all these coaches and not skip a beat?

GOOD QUESTION. G-Man2, gin, and you are the only ones to talk about the wager. Others go off topic and attempt to create drama. Worthless posts.

To answer your question, NO i am not worried. Replacements for Chow were without question a downgrade. Although there are some positive aspects to take from it. But I am not worried because the USC offense took a major UPGRADE this offseason with players returning, players getting experience, and players recruited. We all know how good the USC offense was last year. I think it will be much better this season! There is no doubt in my mind. It will be just like the offensive production you saw USC have in the OB spreading it around. The only difference is the USC players got bigger and stronger and Matt Leinart will have much better pass protection. The RB's will have bigger and more consistent holes to run through. Again, this is my opinion.

USC lost their awesome DL coach to be HC at Ole Miss but guess what? Carroll replaced him the the GREENBAY PACKERS DL COACH! Yep! Jethro Franklin left Green Bay to come coach DL at USC. He coached DL @GB and will be coaching DL @USC. A complete lateral move and I think he even took a paycut. Not sure on that. What does he get in return? Carroll promises him a better opportunity to advance his career! I have been told he is a much better in teaching technical moves to the DL than Orgeron. USC lineman are getting taught NFL moves and style of play.

USC lost their awesome OL coach to Miami Dolphins. Carroll replaced Davis with the NY GIANTS OL coach, RUEL! He coached OL for the Giants and will be coaching the offensive line for USC. I have been told Ruel was an upgrade from Davis and I was a huge Davis fan. Carroll actually wanted Ruel before Davis but Ruel turned Carroll down or wasn't good situation at the time. Then Carroll hired Davis from Wisconsin (where we know gets great OL coaching).

A good story is Ken Norton Jr. The superstar LB who played for UCLA and with the Dallas Cowboys. Well he wants to get into coaching and asked UCLA HC Dorrell if he could be their LB coach. Dorrell said he didn't think he was qualified etc etc etc. Well USC HC Carroll said Ken, why don't you come over here and coach. You would be an excellent LB coach someday. I don't have room for you, but you can start out being a grad. assistant, which is like working for free. Well Norton jumped at the opportunity and I think was promoted to LB coach a year later. As soon as Carroll hired Norton, stupid Dorrell came back calling and said he has a LB coaching position for him. Norton said NO WAY and stayed with USC as a grad. assistant. In conclusion, do you think Norton had something to do with USC getting the #2, #3, #4, and #12 ranked LB's in the country out of high school ALL in the same recruiting class? Cushing, Brown, Mauluga, and Maive. USC's last LB coach was promoted to HC of Idaho. So much opportunity at USC. Carroll has no problem getting the best coaches across the country. $$$ are not an issue at USC and Carroll is the DC so USC saves money by not having to hire a DC.

wareagle said:
i think not...what if any two of these: Miami, Okla, Texas, LSU ,Tenn, ect... go undefeated this year? IMO they would be in the Rose bowl and USC would be left out again

I strongly disagree with you. If USC goes undefeated, there is no way USC gets shut out from the Rose Bowl. If USC loses 1 game then there is a chance for USC to be shut out.

TimmyE said:
Maybe I'm in the small majority here, and obviously you don't care so you'll continue anyway, but bragging about how much money you're betting per game is stupid. Obviously its a shit load more than i do, and a shit load more than most people, but even if its true, why bother? Talk in units so people know how much they should wager.

First of all, you posted a bunch of garbage posts not related to the topic. If you don't like me, don't open my threads. If you think my plays are BS, call Pinny! FADE my plays! Wager on my plays! I don't care. Cut out the BS drama.

Why does it bother you when I post exactly what I did wagering? It doesn't make sense. My wagers may be more than what others risk and might be less. Therefore, I don't just say how much I wagered, but I also say if that is a lot of money for me or not. A $50 play might be big for some and small for others. You don't know. For me, I wager as small as $5 on games. And I will say it is a small bet for me.

This is my opinion. 3 things that people should do when posting picks. It is not a rule and shouldn't be a rule. Again, this is my opinion

#1 Post a line
#2 Post units or some clarification if you differentiate the size of your wagers. If all wagers are same value, just state it.
#3 Be clear if it is a big play or small play for you. Usually units wagered cover this. Sometimes you see people post a 10unit play and you don't know for sure if this is a huge play for them or if they have one every week. Some people have unit ranges of 1-3 units and 3 unit play being very rare. So it is beneficial if someone explains their betting structure. Most due this.

*Keeping a record is optional but I wish more people did it. Either wins/losses and/or units won/lost.
*Writing analysis either short or long is optional although I wish more people would do it. I know time can be of the essence for some and others may not type or put their thoughts on paper in a fast manner. Then others just might be too lazy or afraid of constructive criticism. Everyone is different. I have no problem with that.

I choose to do most of everything. I believe it is most beneficial if I put myself out there explaining why I like a pick (whether it is right or wrong) and how much I wager on it. Constructive criticism and to a certain extent personal attacks don't bother me. In fact I encourage constructive criticism. Others get offended by it.

TimmyE said:
$200 should be chump change for someone like you, but then again, I think your wagers are BS. And there's no point in copying your wagers like that. I could do the same thing and put $30,000 in the wager amount, so what? Obviously Pinnacle nor any other sportsbook is going to tell me how much you wagered..

Did you try and call Pinnacle? Why wouldn't Pinnacle verify that wager exists under that betting ticket #. They don't have to give any other details.
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Fight On!
Forum Member
Sep 11, 2002
zsbob9 said:
What do you think about this prop...will a USC player win the Heisman.

-yes +120
-no -135

Leinhart is +130, Bush is +456 (two favorites); good value bet w/ yes???

Comments are appreciated

I posted few weeks ago that betting NO was a good bet. But now I am not sure. Bush worked his a$$ off this off-season and he is a better player now than he was last year. Amazing but true. There is no hiding it, Bush wants the Heisman trophy badly. Leinart said he will promote BUSH. But the reality is Leinart will have heisman #'s, Bush won't. USC will spread the ball around and BUSH splits time with RB Lendale White. I personally think White is a better RB. You also have to factor in split voting.

IMO not good value.


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Jul 6, 2003
The Big Tease said:
You know what the saddest story of the year will be for USC fans......

When they make the title game again to play Ohio State, and the Buckeyes actually have more fans in the stadium to watch it even though the game is like right down the street from USC, LMFAO!
no the saddest part of the story is that a big ten fan thinks the suckeyes will win the title. they got one gift from the refs a few yrs ago. it won't happen again


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Forum Member
Nov 12, 2002

im about as anti-osu as anyone you'll find. but theyve got the pieces in place for a national title run this year for sure. when they won it a few years back, they really played over their heads and got all the critical breaks. but this year, theyre good enough to win it even without getting everything to go their way. normally, id say that with the season finale being AT michigan this year, that would dash any hopes of a title run. but if theres one thing you can count on with tressel, its that he will have osu prepared and expecting to win that rivalry game. would i consider osu a favorite to win the title? no, there are some better teams. but osu has a ton of talent and is more than capable of winning it

Master Capper

Forum Member
Jan 12, 2002
Dunedin, Florida

this horseshit needs to go to a fan message board it's getting close to football season so this cheerleading needs to go. Sun Tzu whom is a solid handicapper in the Big 12 has decided that he has had enough of this cheerleading stuff, so how many more loses to the board of quality handicappers will it take before enough is enough. Yes I am aware that this thread could be construed as being gambling related and yes if someone doesnt like it they dont have to open it, but it's becoming cluttered with this nonsense. During the slow season this kind of crap is acceptable as there is nothing going on but perhaps Jack you can create a forum for cheerleading that post like this can be posted.


Fight On!
Forum Member
Sep 11, 2002
Master Capper said:

this horseshit needs to go to a fan message board it's getting close to football season so this cheerleading needs to go. Sun Tzu whom is a solid handicapper in the Big 12 has decided that he has had enough of this cheerleading stuff, so how many more loses to the board of quality handicappers will it take before enough is enough. Yes I am aware that this thread could be construed as being gambling related and yes if someone doesnt like it they dont have to open it, but it's becoming cluttered with this nonsense. During the slow season this kind of crap is acceptable as there is nothing going on but perhaps Jack you can create a forum for cheerleading that post like this can be posted.


:nono: :nono: :nono:

The last 8 threads where USC was the main topic ZERO were posted by me. Let me repeat, there have been 8 threads posted about USC, I started ZERO of them! Funny you mention this guy
Sun Tzu. This guy posted 5 threads about USC. :mj07: Take a look for yourself!

Sun Tzu is complaining about it being a fans message board? :mj07: :mj21: :mj21:

What a load of crap.

Stop with your garbage Master Capper. You can make a lot of money betting futures. I have won something like 6 straight future wagers for large sums of money. If you don't like winners, DON"T OPEN MY THREADS. I posted my wager and explained why I liked it. Futures is gambling. NOTHING wrong with this thread. It is a hell of a lot more informative than most threads. All you did was contribute to the drama. Why don't you start a thread of your own and post your picks instead of worrying about me. Or go defend SUN TZU who posts 5 threads about USC and then complain about it being a rah rah board. SHOW ME WHERE I POSTED A THREAD ABOUT USC?

Your post was BS! I can ignore the drama. I don't need you contributing to it. Your post was a joke.

Here are the last 8 threads about USC. I started ZERO of them. Your friend SUN TZU started 5 of them. :mj07: YOU EVEN STARTED ONE OF THEM!


BTW, just an FYI, I think I support the site more than most. I have opened accounts and deposited money in 14 of this sites sponsored sportsbooks. Just thought I throw that out. Whenever I post a strong play, I try and post analysis along with my selection. So what is your problem? I have shown that it is not me creating the drama. But I never once complained to MJ. But there you are crying to him in my thread.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 12, 2001
Yeah, seriously. . . why are you guys so pissed off with this guy? Sure he's a homer but if you don't want to read his threads then don't! You don't need Jack babysitting you when all you have to do is move on to the next thread!

Fact is Scott has been right on about USC the past two years. . . he opened my eyes when USC played Michigan two years ago because he said how USC would beat them and he was correct. He was right last year and unless USC loses a game during the regular season and two teams go undefeated, I'd say he's got a great chance this year as well. . . if not, to at least hedge his bet slightly. Will he? Probably not, but who the hell knows. I think +190 is nice value especially because one could hedge in the big game (we all know USC would be the favorite even if they have the one loss and the other team is undefeated).

He hasn't caused a lot of grief. . . you guys are just pissed cause you've heard enough about USC. . . but right now, they're the shit and you know it. Maybe someone will take them off their high horse like Ohio State did against Miami. . . that's the beauty about college football. . . the underdog always has a chance.


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Dec 24, 1999
So Cal
Ditto Nickelback - don't shoot the messenger. Until USC loses you just need to accept it. It is alot easier to take than somebody trying to convince the world that Auburn is the best college football team in the country (with all due respect to Auburn backers, just an example). USC is number one now and they deserve it. Save the criticism until they lose.

Sun Tzu

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Forum Member
Nov 10, 2003
Houston, Texas
What a dishonest piece of shit. He hijacked my own selection thread to bash me. Did i get sick of USC bs and post facts that appeared negative about USC to try, unsuccessfully, to ellicit an honest objective response? Sure. Did I get one? LMFAO.

If you all feel you benefit more by Scott shockingly picking the favorite and his favorite team to win it all with a made up futures bet amount rather than week in week out solid picks from non-homers, I respect your decisions. As if you needed him to say it, or as if any of you are betting it because of him.

I can try and avoid the incessant homerism that has no place on this board. It is pretty hard that no matter the thread Scott turns it into 6 degrees of USC. But if I cant even post my own picks in my own threads without having to put up with his bs it just isnt worth it.

There are quite a few folks on this board who have won a ton on my plays over the years. They still will. There are alot of other cappers who have left because of that guy. Can anyone honestly say keeping Scott is better than having all of them? Same would be true of any of us. Who wouldnt take 10 great cappers over 1 great capper any day of the week.

Master Gman has my email. Drop him a line and he will hook you up. I will be here off and on and post some info. But I am done with picks unless and until this becomes a gambling board rather than a fan board.


Forum Member
Mar 3, 2002
sun tzu
i really like your style, always follow you from a distance... hope you stay around this season! would love to know your thoughts on oklahoma vs. ucla during that week.

i think both scott and yourself can co-exist on this site just respect each others thread by not reading/ or posting on them.

Sun Tzu

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Nov 10, 2003
Houston, Texas
Johnny obviously there is a long ways to go before that game, but if things go as I expect I will be pretty sizable on the blue and gold.


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Mar 20, 2002
So. Cal

personally i think you're being a crybaby about nothing....."im taking my ball home with me"....there are still no games for two weeks.....there has been little to analyze up to's time to wager on futures and start looking at week one...COME MONDAY.

Here are some facts:
We all know Scott loves SC
We all know Scott loves long write-up on his picks and throws out info supporting his views and opinions...personally i like to see that...i'd also love to see a similar write up on the other side so i can make an intelligent decision on who to bet on or's all about INFORMATION

We all know that Scott wagerd on SC for future bets (last year, and this year and vs Michigan in 03)

We all know that Scott wagered on the Spurs this year

Guess what...HE WON ALL THOSE BETS...congrats to him

personally i respect sun opinion on big 12 games and would like to continue seeing your picks....but I agree with scott in that i like to read reasoning on picks, see lines, see a total record (which i understand can be completely made up) and the levels of your bets, example: what the hell is a 100 unit wager...a 1000 unit wager, etc....means nothing without context.

i also believe that once the games begin there will be more GAME ANALYSIS and less conf vs conf, less future wager discussion, the more analysis the better for ALL OF US.


Fight On!
Forum Member
Sep 11, 2002
Sun Tzu is the one who is threatened by me. You don't see me crying to MJ about him. I would like to make amends with him. He mistakingly thinks I have an agenda against him. I have no agenda against you.

Sun Tzu said:
What a dishonest piece of shit. He hijacked my own selection thread to bash me.

Politely asking why you don't post a line with your picks is hijacking a thread? Boy is he sensitive! That is exactly what I did in his thread of picks with no lines. Don't believe me? My posts are in his thread. I would love to here how that is bashing Sun Tzu!!!! :rolleyes:

Remember, Sun Tzu is the one who said he never goes into my threads. Yet I can take multiple posts from him that he posted in my threads. That makes him a proven liar. 2nd, he posts negative comments about me in my threads. But then he thinks he has the right to order me to stay out of his threads? What is up with this guy? Then he calls this site a fans board but he has posted 5 threads about USC!

Now let me take direct quotes from SUN TZU towards me. Sorry, but I must embarrass you Sun Tzu.

Sun Tzu said:

Because he knows more than you of course. You really are slipping man.

Sun Tzu said:
For starters I didnt have the whole article. I posted what I saw qoted on another site you worthless little shit.

Sun Tzu said:
To confirm you are idiot enough to care what he says

This one gets a big laugh from me because he is the one who posted 5 threads about USC and I have posted ZERO! You are a funny guy!

Sun Tzu said:
Because I am sick of the constant bullshit and this guy turning every post into the USC fan site.

Sun Tzu said:
I find that you add absolutley zero to the handicapping purpose of the site.

Sun Tzu said:
But bottom line, who ****ing cares except you whiny adolescents. It is a stupid argument

Sun Tzu said:
You are just a blow hard

Sun Tzu said:
LMAO. Scott, of all the stupid things you have ever posted.

What a nice guy this Sun Tzu is!!!!!! Especially when I don't recall myself making personal attacks toward him. Guess my strong opinions are too much for him. I wish him luck capping this season but I am still curious why he would post picks without a spread. The goal is to beat the spread, correct? The only possible reason he avoids postinga spread is so he can't be tracked. But maybe that isn't the reason and that is why I politely asked him. To my surprise, he took major offense to that.

If you all feel you benefit more by Scott shockingly picking the favorite and his favorite team to win it all with a made up futures bet amount rather than week in week out solid picks from non-homers, I respect your decisions. As if you needed him to say it, or as if any of you are betting it because of him.

I already gave my Pinnacle Ticket #'s. Madjack or anybody can verify the wagers. Not hiding or making up anything. Everything I do is legit and can be tracked. I post lines with my picks! Everything documented. If you catch my lying with my wager amounts, I will never post on here again and make you happy! So call Pinny and see if my wager amounts are the real deal! Sorry, but I do wager large amounts. Most of my winnings were all posted here on MJ's. Everything documented. Anybody who chooses to follow my picks, will make money as well. They know exactly why I like a play and I give them the line I placed my wager. I have nothing to hide and I am not afraid to lose. I will lose too!

I can try and avoid the incessant homerism that has no place on this board. It is pretty hard that no matter the thread Scott turns it into 6 degrees of USC. But if I cant even post my own picks in my own threads without having to put up with his bs it just isnt worth it.

That is laugher and completely untrue. :mj07: I think I have proven that. But maybe Sun Tzu wants to allow others to comment on USC but not me. :)

There are quite a few folks on this board who have won a ton on my plays over the years. They still will. There are alot of other cappers who have left because of that guy. Can anyone honestly say keeping Scott is better than having all of them? Same would be true of any of us. Who wouldnt take 10 great cappers over 1 great capper any day of the week.

Another funny comment. What did I do wrong? NOTHING! Show proof of something I did wrong. I don't recall making any personal attacks and I usually ignore others who do. Maybe that irritates them that I let my posts do the talking and I don't have to stoop to their level.

Master Gman has my email. Drop him a line and he will hook you up. I will be here off and on and post some info. But I am done with picks unless and until this becomes a gambling board rather than a fan board.

Again, this is a funny comment. He posted 5 threads about USC while I posted ZERO! There have been 8 threads posted about USC and I did not post one of them. But he somehow thinks I am turning this into a fan board? :rolleyes:

I am the one who posts my plays with analysis. He posts his plays without a spread or analysis. I am not saying he isn't a valuable poster, but he has no argument saying I turn this into a fan board. Obviously this dude has a hangup with me. I told him I would not go into his threads as long as he did not comment on me. He cannot help himself. He loves to talk about me and make negative posts towards me. I have proven that. What did I do to him that he is so offended? Politely asking why he doesn't give a spread. Isn't the purpose of handicapping to beat the spread? Wasn't that a valid question to ask Sun Tzu? It def. wasn't an offensive question. I even wished him luck on his plays. Oh well. Good luck Sun Tzu and hopefully you change your mind and continue to post your picks. It is really sad you would let me get under your skin without me making personal attacks to you.

BTW, I forgive you for making all those personal attacks and negative comments to me. I also forgive you for trying to get me banned from this site where I have done NOTHING wrong. Hopefully we can settle this and move on. I really have nothing against you.

If I have offended you in any way, please tell me exactly what I did. Asking you why you don't post a line isn't an offensive question. It is a very valid question. You are making an issue out of nothing. Maybe you thought I had an agenda against you. I don't. Can we move on?


You know what the funny thing is. I think I may come across too strong with my posts. I gather my thoughts and type really fast and basically just type what I feel. Which is my opinion. I don't think how it would come across to the other person reading my post. But I think that most of these people who dislike me prob. would get along with me very well in a sportsbar or even the MJ vegas party. I think I just come across the wrong way but I will not change my style because to me it is not offensive. Just thought I throw that out! :)
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Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 17, 2005
Scott4USC said:
I already gave my Pinnacle Ticket #'s. Madjack or anybody can verify the wagers. Not hiding or making up anything. Everything I do is legit and can be tracked.
Actually you can't. I went ahead and tried, even though I knew, just like you do, that sportsbooks won't give out ANY information on someone else's wagers. Its all confidential.

The problem I have with you sitting here BSing about your several thousand dollar wagers is that there are new people that come to sites like these that are new to sports wagering. They look at the crap you're saying and probably think to themselves, "Well, if this guy is betting that much money, he must know what he's talking about, because even rich guys wouldn't be dropping money on season openers and futures like that. $2,500 on BYU? Maybe I should just put most of my money on that this first week instead of just betting part of my bankroll on a few different games." When actually, that was only a 5 unit game for Scott.

Who in their right mind wagers almost $20,000 on college football games weeks before the season even starts when you don't know much yet?


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 3, 2004
Scott says he has deposited money in 14 different accounts that are sponsors on Madjack's. Yet, he has posted several questions over the past month about which books are taking moneylines on the first weekend's games. Seems like if I had 14 different accounts one of those books would be taking moneyline wagers.....

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