42-1 +30.59 units
Run line is 32-10-1
Today: Wednesday 9/7
Oakland GM #3 3:35 pm ET
9/06 ?141 L
9/05 ?120 L
9/04 ?130 L
8/21 ?285 L
8/20 ?375 L
Day Early Game:
Day #1. 28 wins??.....?66.66%
Day #2? 9 wins (1+2). ?88.09%
Day #3 .. 5 wins & 1 loss (1+2+3) 97.67%
Loss- Texas/TB -11.41 units.. (2.33%)
3-Day Chase:
play on a team that has lost their last 3 or more home games as a favorite of -110 or more, and is again favored at home by -110 or more
I chase for up to 3 days.
Run line is 32-10-1
Today: Wednesday 9/7
Oakland GM #3 3:35 pm ET
9/06 ?141 L
9/05 ?120 L
9/04 ?130 L
8/21 ?285 L
8/20 ?375 L
Day Early Game:
Day #1. 28 wins??.....?66.66%
Day #2? 9 wins (1+2). ?88.09%
Day #3 .. 5 wins & 1 loss (1+2+3) 97.67%
Loss- Texas/TB -11.41 units.. (2.33%)
3-Day Chase:
play on a team that has lost their last 3 or more home games as a favorite of -110 or more, and is again favored at home by -110 or more
I chase for up to 3 days.
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