Republican Talking Points

Master Capper

Forum Member
Jan 12, 2002
Dunedin, Florida
Well the Republicans have started to spin any possible indictments of Rove and/or Scooter by hitting the talks shows. On both Meet the Press and the Tucker Carlson show both Newt Gingrich and Kay Hutchison began to spin what happened to their own myopic opinion. Both stated in essence that it would be a shame that if Scooter or Rove are indicted for charges that were not originally investigated by Fitzgerald such as Perjury or Obstruction of Justice, even though both of these crimes are felonies and impeachable offenses. Hutchison even rambled on about a waste of tax payer dollars and stammered about how easy it would be for someone to get caught up on a technicality of perjury during testimony. The funny thing is that when Clinton was being hunted by Starr, Hutchison gave a speech about how awful the charges of Perjury and Obstruction of Justice were, but boy has her opinion of the law changed. This is typical of both parties but specifically the Republican party that feel laws are good as long as they do not have to abide by them.


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Jun 22, 2005
White Sox up 2 zip !!! They did their job ...Now to see if Houston can do theirs . :)


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
How many times did they use the phrase "criminalization of politics"? That's the new buzzword they've been taught to use in order to make it seem like they are victims. Reporters on Fox were told to drop that in whenever possible when talking about these stories. Buzzwords have been great for this administration. I don't think regular folks will take to this one too well though.

Master Capper

Forum Member
Jan 12, 2002
Dunedin, Florida
I agree that the majority of people will see this for what it is and thats a attack to spite someone whom had a disagreeing viewpoint. Was Clinton a victom of criminalization of politics by the Republicans? Hutchison should be shown the door for just being plain stupid since the charges were okay to go after Clinton, but now since they affect her friends the crimes are not worth the tax dollars. The Washington Post is reporting that now if there are any indictments that they will be pushed back because they are spectulating that there are additional charges deeper in the White House.


Forum Member
May 14, 2002
Turk 182 !

It's really doesn't matter much anymore. Bush has a few years left.
But there is no talking too his loyal following. Deep down inside they know he's a liar.
But republicans and staunch republic voters are just what the are. Nothing ever changes them. Whatever Bush says must be the holy gospel to them. Even if they know he is full of chit.

You see republican voters will defend to the bitter end. They are good at spinning. They only see what they want too see.


Forum Member
May 14, 2002
BUSH KNEW---Jermaine Dye Flew

BUSH KNEW---Jermaine Dye Flew

REPUBLICAN SPIN OF YOUR BLIND TRUST: does this invetigation go to the VP ?

I think Cheney, the scumbag liar that he is, would choose a revolver or cyanide capsules over jail. :)

Oh, by the way, since you are reading this PALEHOSE, lol, is this another 1919..are the UMPS in their pockets ? Good Luck on this tainted World Serious ! :)

TURK 182! :mj07:


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Forum Member
Jun 22, 2005
Pujo21 said:
REPUBLICAN SPIN OF YOUR BLIND TRUST: does this invetigation go to the VP ?

I think Cheney, the scumbag liar that he is, would choose a revolver or cyanide capsules over jail. :)

Oh, by the way, since you are reading this PALEHOSE, lol, is this another 1919..are the UMPS in their pockets ? Good Luck on this tainted World Serious ! :)

TURK 182! :mj07:

Gee a politician lying whouda thunk it :rolleyes:
man you should be a rocket sceintist :mj07: :mj07:

Tell me nobody's dumb enough to believe there has even been 1 politician from any party at any time period for any country ever in the history of mankind that dosent tell lies. Plz tell me we at least agree on this .....There has never been a politician that dosent lie can we agree that this is rule # 1 at least no ?


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Forum Member
Jun 22, 2005
Pujo21 based on your comments please show me one legit WS ? Just one time in the history of the game that didnt have a call that was questionalble ????? Of course you cant silly it dosent exist ! Go Sox !!

9 and 1 in their playoff run !!!! YEE HAA ! Thankgod I was never inflicted with cubs disease !!!! The Cubs fans their children and their childrens children will all be taking their dirt nap long before they get to see what I have seen already :mj07: :mj07: :mj07: :clap:


Forum Member
May 14, 2002
Palehose, that's hilarious...LOL


I've been making some serious cash on The Sox. It started the last weekend of regular season against Cleveland.

I was getting + 200 +180 + 190 etc each Cleveland game. And i haven't stopped betting them since.

What a money making machine they have been 15-1 last 16 games. :clap:

Boy George mite be at the astro game Tuesday. That oughtta put the curse on Oswalt from The Houston Book depository. Go Sox

RE: Politicians give your analogy to the 2000 families that Mr. Bush has stranded because of his personal agenda.
He ignored all the warnings. There is the remote possibility that he did this unwittingly. Afterall he is a perfect dupe for his corporate defense/oil cronies.

Afterall this is the same person that is trying to change labor laws eliminate overtime pay to screw middle class.

The same person that has come up with some concocted alchemy scheme for retirement to screw working people.


Clem D

Mad Pisser
Forum Member
May 26, 2004
Long Branch NJ
"Was Clinton a victom of criminalization of politics by the Republicans?"

I'd say he was a victim of "bad genes"

When the present is embarrassing to you at least you have Clinton.


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
Palehose said:
Tell me nobody's dumb enough to believe there has even been 1 politician from any party at any time period for any country ever in the history of mankind that dosent tell lies. Plz tell me we at least agree on this .....There has never been a politician that dosent lie can we agree that this is rule # 1 at least no ?

At last, finally, a Conservative admits that Bush lies. It really is the only relevant point when considering the current administration and what they have been a part of during their time in control. If a person is a known liar, based on your assessment (which I personally agree with), then how can you know when he lies and what he lies about?

The only thing Bush has going for him is the general interpretation that he delegates decisions and acts of authority to members of his administration. There is a complete believe-ability to thinking that a lot of things probably go on all around him that he is clueless about. Which also makes this administration a very scary group for those that do not blindly support it.

That might be the only thing that saves his sorry arse for the next few years.


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
"Was Clinton a victom of criminalization of politics by the Republicans?"
The only defense anyone gives about Clinton lying to the country about his blowjob is that the blowjob itself was not a crime.

Let's take these one at a time. Clinton's blowjob is one of the factors that helped Dubya "win" in 2000. I think that's payment enough. You really should be greatful for that.

A question to you: What potential crime or unethical bahavior of the current administration would rank worse in your opinion than what Clinton did? If Cheney revealed the identity of a CIA agent - would that be worse? If the administration embellished the danger posed by Iraq in order to sway an argument for war because of personal or other non-security related reasons - would that be worse? I'm curious and this is a serious question.


Forum Member
May 14, 2002
A culmination of A Perfect Storm, Psychotic Social Security Rants, Corporate Cronyism- ( people now see Bush/Cheney for what they really are).

It took awhile, but The American People are getting it their heads That these Texas Marauders are not good for anything except their own wallets.

# 2000 soldier is now dead....the mother will remind BUSH at his fence.


TURK 182



Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
Texas Marauders ....I think we found the new name for the Saints when they move to San Antonio.


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Forum Member
Jun 22, 2005
Chadman said:
At last, finally, a Conservative admits that Bush lies. It really is the only relevant point when considering the current administration and what they have been a part of during their time in control. If a person is a known liar, based on your assessment (which I personally agree with), then how can you know when he lies and what he lies about?

The only thing Bush has going for him is the general interpretation that he delegates decisions and acts of authority to members of his administration. There is a complete believe-ability to thinking that a lot of things probably go on all around him that he is clueless about. Which also makes this administration a very scary group for those that do not blindly support it.

That might be the only thing that saves his sorry arse for the next few years.

There is no politician in existance that dosent lie never was and never will be ...the trick is figuring out when and what the lies are . Bush probably told some lies when on his campiagn if he didnt he would be the 1st ever, and I am sure he told many a lie to make it to where he is today . So in my mind square one is alll Politicians lie at least to some extent and if there not telling out and out lies their most likely at the very least twisting the truth. Which at the level of running for CIC they normally are not lying instead they twist the truth.

What I like about Bush is his foriegn policy . Republicans have been historically tough and Bush follows that Mantra IE; Afgan ,Iraq and the extreme and sucessful pressure he put on the world banking community to freeze all those Al Quaida funds not just here in the states but worldwide he was extremely sucessful .

Now Democrats have an uncanny belief for the last 20 years
( because the Liberals stole the party )that other countries need to be coddled and handled with kid gloves Clinton did, and it did nothing for us except convinced Osama (after his run in with us in Somalia 1996 where he waxed 20 of our soilders in an ambush) that the US is soft and this is the time to strike, Osama began to plan the strike right after that in 1997 and killed 3000 people on our home soil. Than Bill Oked the sale by raytheon corp to sell China new Missle tech 1998 . Than Bill in 1997 .... N Korea bribed Clinton for 200,000,000 a year to not make Nucs and for that Clinton got to place a camera and a Inspector in the control room to monitor the fuel rods ...Doh ! how stupid can he and Madeline Albright be !!! That deal lasted about a year and the N. Koreans said fu pulled the camera sent inspector back to the US and Demanded the 200,000,000 a year Bribe or stated he would make weapons of course Bill and Madaline kept sending it.....Also you must understand that Bill and Madaline fell for N Korea's plea for Fuel Rods in the fist place ...convincing Bill and Madaline that it was to be used strickly for power :mj07: :mj07: Dumbasses !!!

Now lets stay on the N. Korea issue because its extreamly interesting and uncanny how Bush now has to deal with Clintons absurd mistakes .
Why do you think we are having probs with N Korea now ? Can you guess ? What Problem was there as soon as Bill left office and why we hear about N. Korea today??? I will give ya a day to answer this .

None the less they all Lie but the Demcrats are not even an option unless you want to be like France ? or you dont believe in defending your country ? Or you love socialism and would like a world government ?

If you dont like Capitalism and Democracy all means Vote for the world government...
...Liberal ...PC ..Afirmative Action ...Welfare... Socialist party the Democrats .

Go Ahead cast a vote for Jessie Jackson , Micheal Moore (yes The self devowed Socialist and he will be the first to admit and sell it to you ) Barbara Boxer , John Kerry , Lewis Ferracon Types ...just remember what there all about .
Last edited:


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 22, 2005
Guess No one could answer this :

Why do you think we are having probs with N Korea now ? Can you guess ? What Problem was there as soon as Bill left office and why we hear about N. Korea today??? I will give ya a day to answer this .

The answer : The minute the Bush Admin got settled in the Bribery was ended and the Bush Admin quit sennding N. Korea 200,000,000 a year to not make Nucs they already tricked Billy and Madaline into providing .
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