Best of luck to you WORM..........I really don't understand the big hoopla that always occurs when people post favs as plays. In baseball there is definately more danger while laying money, which I still make money on playing favs successfully doing what a buddy of mine calls "Dancing around the doggies",,,,,,,,,,,But as far as I know a fav or dog are laying 110 ( with the occasional promotional exception). If you dog lovers feel so adament about playing favs, try playing every dog on the board for the same amount each week and let me know how that works out for ya......I don't see my boy FLETCHER bringing a kennel full of dogs to this board either, but it seems like he continues to make money as well. If you don't like the favs, play the dogs, but leave the WORM to do his thing. As is said continiually around here, if you don't like, don't play it. He is only here trying to help others. ....That being said, do I think he will go 6-0, probably not, but if he goes 4-2 he will still post a bigger profit than going 0-1 on your favorite doggie.......Good luck WORM!