I was not actually referring to that specifically, although the abortion issue is one this candidate is measurable on. From what I have heard this AM (not saying it's true, just what is being reported) that one of his rulings was overturned by the Supreme Court which dealt with a woman having to obtain approval by her husband prior to having an abortion. The logic in the ruling did not outline specifics on the issue very deeply, like issues of marital rape, how one obtains "permission", what happens to a doctor, etc. I am not advocating any of this, just mentioning that this candidate seems to be very conservative on this issue, and for those who are avid "Choice" supporters and would not like to ask permission to have an abortion, etc., then they will have a hard time with this person. Interestingly, I think I heard that O' Conner presented the courts position on the overturn, and had the deciding vote on it, or one of them. This candidate certainly does not hold the same values that she does.
I am not saying that anyone should be for or against him based on what I heard. I'm not saying it's true, just what I heard. Again, sounds like this person is more than qualified for the position based on his experience and constitutional understanding. But the balance of the court is something that will matter to pretty much everyone, when you get right down to it.