wooow this weird did not even know u guys had this going on,and i just happen to quit smoking on sunday was my last cig.,first time i ever try to quit smoking thought it would be easy boooooooy was i wrong i have only been smoking for 8 yrs. but its an 8yr. 2 pack a day habit im trying to quit,errrrrrr
see 8 yrs ago i quit drinking for some reason i was having craving for cigs,so i stop drinking and might add have not touch one drink in over 8 yrs. but thats when i started smoking i do no why mayby cause i wanted a vise,now the only thing i keep thinking of is that song
u dont dink u dont smoke what do u do??lol
well i hope u guys do not mind my chatting with ya about this been coming to this fourm for years just do not post much,its just really blows my mind we all trying to quit smoking at same time lol
DO u guys seem to have more energy or less???lat night came home from work ate dinner and fell a sleep?but i pull an all nighter on sat. night so that might be it,today im full energy my worst thing is though, i own 2 bread routes(sara lee bread and begals buy them lol) and i drive a lot er ok im do rambling have to try to find some games to bet on