Dear Titans,
Please don't draft Vince Young. He's already been drafted. An athletic quarterback that plays in collegiant system that makes him look like a superstar, yet his arm and intelligence is in question....yea he's been drafted. He was drafted in '99 his name was Akili Smith. :com:
We all know Houston will take Bush. If they don't then NO will so give up that dream....Mario Williams is second (or first if you believe the Iraqi Defense Minister of Draft rumors) either way those two will be off the board, clearing you (the Titans) to pick the first QB.
1 Matt Leinart
2 Jay Cutler
3 Vince Young
4 Omar Jacobs
5 Brodie Croyle
Yes, he was a warrior. Yes, he was tough. Yes, he played with and thru injury. McNair was an anomaly and a good fit for the basic "3-yards and a cloud of dust" O-fense that Mike Hemmerdinger created. The offense is still in an archaic haze due to his inability to make complex reads of the defense. Its time to go with a brain over brawn at the QB position. Its time to get a QB for the mind of Norm Chow.
McNair is gone. Volek can run the position for a year. In the division the Colts and the Jags are both much better squads. Houston also may be a step better. There isn't a better time to draft a Quarterback to sit for a year, save money and get out of salary cap hell and contend for a playoff spot in 07.
Please don't draft Vince Young. He's already been drafted. An athletic quarterback that plays in collegiant system that makes him look like a superstar, yet his arm and intelligence is in question....yea he's been drafted. He was drafted in '99 his name was Akili Smith. :com:
We all know Houston will take Bush. If they don't then NO will so give up that dream....Mario Williams is second (or first if you believe the Iraqi Defense Minister of Draft rumors) either way those two will be off the board, clearing you (the Titans) to pick the first QB.
1 Matt Leinart
2 Jay Cutler
3 Vince Young
4 Omar Jacobs
5 Brodie Croyle
Yes, he was a warrior. Yes, he was tough. Yes, he played with and thru injury. McNair was an anomaly and a good fit for the basic "3-yards and a cloud of dust" O-fense that Mike Hemmerdinger created. The offense is still in an archaic haze due to his inability to make complex reads of the defense. Its time to go with a brain over brawn at the QB position. Its time to get a QB for the mind of Norm Chow.
McNair is gone. Volek can run the position for a year. In the division the Colts and the Jags are both much better squads. Houston also may be a step better. There isn't a better time to draft a Quarterback to sit for a year, save money and get out of salary cap hell and contend for a playoff spot in 07.