dixie chicks at it again


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Nov 4, 2000
They were on Larry King last night and do not sound like most here seems to think they do. And they have every right to say what ever they want. There love of country means more then if they care for any politician.


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
PRO 190, not sure why you made the comment about my Website, as I didn't really come out one way or the other on this issue. This is not really a big deal to me, one way or the other. I don't think music and politics generally mix too well, and as I said, I don't look to Natalie Maines for my political opinion. But, lump away, dude.

Looks like the Chicks are doing just fine, sales-wise, for those that said they were stupid finance- and business-wise. Seems they even beat out 'ol Toby Keith who was mentioned here a few times. Interesting. I've heard reviews on this CD that said it was terrific, much more rocky and pop than country this time. Haven't heard it, myself.

Dixie Chicks fly to No 1
01/06/2006 14:17**-*(SA)**

Nashville - Despite a cool reception from country radio, the Dixie Chicks returned to No 1 on the pop and country charts with their first album since publicly criticising the president three years ago.

The album Taking the Long Way took the top spot on country albums chart and the Billboard 200 overall chart - which are based on sales rather than radio airplay - with 526 000 units sold in its first full week.

For the year, the Chicks' first-week showing is behind only Rascal Flatts' Me and My Gang (722 000 units), according to Wade Jessen, director of Billboard's country charts.

The new album hit stores May 23, and its first-week sales are the trio's best since Home sold 780 000 units in its first week of release in September 2000.

First-week sales on Taking the Long Way were better than Toby Keith's White Trash With Money (330 000) and Tim McGraw's Greatest Hits Vol 2: Reflected (242 000).

Country radio programmers have been slow to embrace the group since lead singer Natalie Maines told a London audience in 2003 on the eve of the war in Iraq that the group was ashamed President George W Bush was from their home state of Texas.

Back in the US, their music was boycotted and the Chicks said they received death threats, leading them to install metal detectors at their shows.


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Nov 4, 2005
So. Cal
good stuff chadman, but are you honestly going to tell me they are doing better now than they were before they made their comments, or that they wouldnt be doing even better than they are doing if they wouldnt have made their comments?

Yeah they are doing better than I thought they would be doing but so have so many other artists first week of release.


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
No, not gonna tell you that. I agree that they probably would have been doing better without the comments, but they may have attracted more interest to make up for it with the non-country crowd. It's been said there is no such thing as bad publicity, unless it is really something disturbing...and in this case, I don't think it is. From what I've heard, it's musically a really good offering. I know they have talent, and they certainly have gotten major pub over the past months. The simple fact that country stations have turned away from them, along with their one line comment, probably have gotten a completely different bunch of people to tune in to see what the fuss is about. A lot of people probably like what they hear.

Say what you want, but it's an impressive opening for any release. From what I've heard/read...the content might sustain it moving forward. Time will tell.


#42 Yesterday, 09:50 AM
Realist Join Date: Apr 2000
Location: Minnesohta
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chadman said:
PRO 190, not sure why you made the comment about my Website, as I didn't really come out one way or the other on this issue. This is not really a big deal to me, one way or the other. I don't think music and politics generally mix too well, and as I said, I don't look to Natalie Maines for my political opinion. But, lump away, dude.

Anyone who addresses another as DUDE has no credibility with me not to mention the fact you posted the entire lyrics so I Know exactly where You stand DUDE!!!!!!!!!..........
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Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
USO talking to chicks about entertaining the troops after there tour ends. They would be proud to do it was there answer. Again folks remember it's about love of country. Not one man or any politician.


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
PRO190 said:
Anyone who addresses another as DUDE has no credibility with me not to mention the fact you posted the entire lyrics so I Know exactly where You stand DUDE!!!!!!!!!..........

Well, I certainly didn't realize that discussing issues with you required such a high level of discourse, Pro. I think most posters around here know that I choose words pretty carefully, and my reference of "Dude" to you was one of those choices. It was along the lines of Spicoli..."Whatever, Dude"...and your lumping me in your ASSessment. The fact that I have no credibility with you because of a slang reference says a lot about how deeply you look at what a person says and how they say it. If I worried about all the names I've been called by right-wingers here, I would have flamed out long before now. It's a posting occupational hazard for anyone not joined at the hip with the Bushies around here.

I posted the lyrics so that everyone could look at the content and decide for themselves. Of course, for many - including you, apparently - looking deeper than a headline and party line is not required to make a decision. I posted that I was curious about the content and what the ongoing fuss was about, so I did some due diligence. Since half the people here were against what the band was saying, I thought we might want to look at what they were saying in the music that was banned by the station(s). I didn't say that the people were wrong to ban it (it remains their option to play what they want) nor that they were above criticism.

Sorry to bog down your topic-skimming with a real discourse...DUDE.

P.S. I don't need the Dixie Chicks to say that Bush is an embarrassment. All anyone ever has to do is watch five minutes of a Bush public appearance to see that.


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
Ralphie weighs in...

Staying True to Themselves
Let Us All Praise the Dixie Chicks

Who would have thought when the Dixie Chicks were selling more than 10 million copies each of "Wide Open Spaces" (1998) and "Fly" (1999) that they would become the most controversial band in America?

Even more improbable was the likelihood that three young women would have the strength of character and personality to stand their ground after the continuing uproar against them by scores of radio DJs and many of their fans.

What provoked the furor was a single sentence by their lead singer-Natalie Maines-uttered onstage in London ten days before Bush's illegal, unconstitutional and fabricated invasion of Iraq on March 20, 2003.

Here is what Ms. Maines, a native Texan, said: "Just so you know, we're ashamed the president of the United States is from Texas."

Those fifteen words must have cost her and her fellow players, Emily Robinson and Martie Maguire, at least three million dollars a word so far. Most bands would have retreated, begged for forgiveness and eaten humble pie.

Not these ladies of steel. After taking some time out-Ms. Robison and Ms. Maguire had twins-the Dixie Chicks have come back with their new album "Taking the Long Way" which has topped the charts in its first two weeks. "We could have pandered," said Ms. Maines to the New York Times. They did just the opposite. No apologies. Words of defiance and staying true to themselves flow through the lyrics.

In composing their songs, the remarkableDixie Chicks told their record company that "We need to approach everything like not one radio station is going to play one single song."

Conviction triumphed over commercialism. Ms. Maines, when asked about country radio, retorted "Do you really think we're going to make an album for you and trust the future of our career to people who turned on us in a day?"

Well, it's probably what many in the music industry thought they would do. Especially the DJs who boycotted playing their records after The Incident in 2003. You can imagine what these DJs thought when they first heard the first single "Not Ready to Make Nice," which cries, "I'm not ready to back down/I'm still mad as hell."

So more furor, more boycotts by DJs, and more backlash in some cities, leading to cancellations due to faltering concert sales. Dropped from their forthcoming North American Accidents and Accusations Tour are St. Louis, Oklahoma City, Indianapolis and Memphis.

No doubt, when music fans don't hear the songs on their favorite radio stations, tickets sales will not be as robust. The DJs, a mixed breed apart, were not talking, just boycotting. It was not clear whether they themselves wanted to boycott or whether they were just reacting to outraged E-Mails and calls. Either way, it doesn't deter the Dixie Chicks who are showing they say what they mean and mean what they say.

Now take a larger frame of reference.

For the Dixie Chicks it meant not backing down on an issue of free speech. On March 12, 2003, Ms. Mines explained why she spoke the sentence: "I feel the president is ignoring the opinion of many in the U.S. and alienating the rest of the world. My comments were made in frustration, and one of the privileges of being an American is you are free to voice your own point of view."

Lots of Americans were frustrated. Groups representing millions of Americans-veterans, labor, women, students, religionists, business, and others-asked to meet with President Bush before the invasion. The American Caesar turned them all down. He knew it all. Then he blew it all and millions of Iraqis and tens of thousands of Americans are paying a severe price for this pig-headed corporate militarist.

Hundreds of thousands gone or wounded, sickened, homeless in Iraq. Fifty thousand American soldiers wounded, sickened or chronically mentally traumatized. And in the next few days, the twenty-five hundredth American soldier will lose his or her life over there.

The Iraq war-quagmire continues its devastating drain on American taxpayers-tax dollars drained away from being used for life and health and other necessities here at home.

The National Council of Churches is now urging its member churches to ring the bells of remembrance on the tragic occasion of the twenty-five hundredth fatality. Over 65% of the American people are opposed to the War.

Retired Generals, diplomats and national security advisers have spoken against this boomerang war imperiling our national security. But the carnage continues on the orders of the two draft-dodgers George W. Bush and Dick Cheney.

Compare all these cruel Bush deeds to the mild words of the Dixie Chicks. Compare all this, plus the Bush corporation's refusal to stand for the rights of workers and consumers-their health, safety and economic well-being, as he cuts taxes again and again for the wealthy and himself.

Compare the huge taxes that will be paid for the massive Bush deficit by the children of those music fans angry at the Dixie Chicks.

While they keep standing up for George W. Bush, does it ever occur to them to demand that George W. Bush stand up for them?


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May 15, 2003
djv said:
USO talking to chicks about entertaining the troops after there tour ends. They would be proud to do it was there answer. Again folks remember it's about love of country. Not one man or any politician.

wonder how many boo's come from the audience if they show up? i think it would be great if they did it. at least they would show support for the troops, even if they dont like our pres.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
sounds like it runs even deeper than the bush hatred thing....

“The entire country may disagree with me, but I don’t understand the necessity for patriotism,” Maines resumes, through gritted teeth. “Why do you have to be a patriot? About what? This land is our land? Why? You can like where you live and like your life, but as for loving the whole country ... I don’t see why people care about patriotism.”

an erudite political analyst....

hmmmm....once again a celebrity proves that to do things like sing, play an instrument, and entertain an audience, one doesn't necessarily need a brain....

she`s seems to be trying to continue to beat the dead horse that is quickly becoming her career...

very sad....


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Jun 18, 2002
Weasel, Yeah, about as stupid as Ann Coulter. Funny you don't mention the anorexic, adams appled, blond, slut of Bush loving horn balls when you talk about celebrities saying stupid things.


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Mar 14, 2001
StevieD said:
Weasel, Yeah, about as stupid as Ann Coulter. Funny you don't mention the anorexic, adams appled, blond, slut of Bush loving horn balls when you talk about celebrities saying stupid things.

Considering how pro-military BOTH sides of this forum is, I was stunned Ann's little attack on the 9/11 widows still hasn't been mentioned here. I figured if I posted it, I'd just be another fag liberal commie bitching about something, so I was hoping one of the moderates of the board (which I am probably more part of than my posts would lead one to believe) would step up. Not a whisper. But Natalie Maines remains alive and well in this fourm....


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
StevieD said:
Weasel, Yeah, about as stupid as Ann Coulter. Funny you don't mention the anorexic, adams appled, blond, slut of Bush loving horn balls when you talk about celebrities saying stupid things.

(stevie)secretly wants to tap dat boney ass :yup

seriously,one of you "progressives" should start a coulter thread.....
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Forum Member
Mar 14, 2001
Maybe one of you "moderates" should, if you can get your mind off the Dixie Chicks for more than a couple minutes. I mean, she's directly slamming people who lost family in the 9/11 attacks.... yet nothing but crickets. But she's a right-wing girl!!! Can't say anything bad about her, right?? But that bitch Natalie Maines, though... make sure no one forgets how stupid she is, right?


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Jun 18, 2002
BJfinste, that's the way the Occupation Iraq Boys are. Let someone say something against Iraq and they are all over it. Crying about Hollywood and the Liberal media. They remind me of the sports fans who watch a game and the announcer says something like "The star QB doesn't seem to be on his game today." After the guy threw 4 picks and they complain they can't stand the biased announcer.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
bjfinste said:
Maybe one of you "moderates" should, if you can get your mind off the Dixie Chicks for more than a couple minutes. I mean, she's directly slamming people who lost family in the 9/11 attacks.... yet nothing but crickets. But she's a right-wing girl!!! Can't say anything bad about her, right?? But that bitch Natalie Maines, though... make sure no one forgets how stupid she is, right?

c`mon...one`s an uber intelligent right wing pundit....like her or not,she`s smart and clever as hell..... ..the other is a moron with all the wattage of a small appliance bulb...

how shocking.....we skewer maines....and we have to spank coulter,too?....

c`mon guys....you have to take the initiative SOMETIMES....

btw..i just heard on cnn....rep murtha is calling for the president to withdraw the troops from camp pendleton......

at least he`s consistent....:thumb:


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Mar 14, 2001
gardenweasel said:
....and we have to spank coulter,too?....

Seriously? Did you hear what she wrote? You are way too dialed in to not know... that shit is okay with you??? Can you even imagine the posts on this site by guys like Freeze, DTB or No Cigar if someone that was moderate, or god forbid a commie liberal, had said something even REMOTELY as offensive as that?


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
personally...i think coulter`s point was valid......but,she was over the top in her presentation..over the line.....

no more so than cyndy sheehan,though.....who,some would say,is disgracing the memory of her son...

what`s a bit annoying to me is that you guys can`t respond to maines` last set of comments..this thread`s about the dixie chicks.....

you have to try and steer the debate away from the topic...

probably because you have no way of justifying or responding to this comment:

""“The entire country may disagree with me, but I don’t understand the necessity for patriotism,” Maines resumes, through gritted teeth. “Why do you have to be a patriot? About what? This land is our land? Why? You can like where you live and like your life, but as for loving the whole country ... I don’t see why people care about patriotism.”""

she`s a moron for whom no reality exists prior to or beyond her own pitiful existence....

i think the chicks belong to that spoiled and clueless (perhaps willfully clueless) group of americans who've never been moved to wonder why they enjoy such freedom and opportunity when most people in the world don't....and they certainly never reflect that their behavior would have landed them in serious trouble in many nations.....

i suggest the chicks read “a man without a country” about a man who stated that he wished he never heard of the united states....

he was sentenced to spend the rest of his life aboard ships never to set foot on land again.....

the chicks may be interested in what he said as he lay dying after spending decades at sea.......


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Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
Why do I have to respond to Maines? She spoke her mind. Big deal. What I find interesting is that you call Culter a "Right Wing Pundit." All she did was attack the messenger when she can't argue with the message. You Right Wing Wack jobs love to do that When confronted with facts you attack the messenger. Let the "Pundit" attack what the woman are saying and not the fact that they are saying it.

big joe

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Jan 20, 2001
Dixie Chicks-
If I ever heard them on the radio, I turned the channel because they are not good singers,,good musicians yes, but not good vocalists. Actually, I can't stand their sound. This accounts for the low record sales, too.
I would not even know about them if not for this political mess,,so yes, this has been good for them.
IMO, this is not right in wartime,,they have that right, but I have the right to dispise them for it.
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