vegas/wsop trip report


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Jul 13, 1999
day 1 - left indy at 1205 on frontier airlines. decent flight with directv on all the seat backs.
i watched some bruce willis flick where he takes some prisoner to testify in court and has trouble
getting him there. i fell asleep so wasn't impressed. 4 hour layover in denver then the last leg to vegas
arrived on time. our luggage was one of the first ones out and outside into the 'muggy' 100 degrees we went.

"we" are me, the wife, my 15 year old stepdaughter and 9 year old stepson. i grabbed a limo instead of
standing in the huge cab line and the kids loved that. $60 including tip. wtf.

check in went smoothly at monte carlo. i never stayed there before and wouldn't have chosen it but pokerstars
was picking up the tab for wearing their chit so can't beat that. very basic room with 2 queen beds, it was clean
and we had a decent view from the 30th floor looking at the strip. we were here 15 minutes and the wife and kids
were on the way to the pool while i tried getting my email with this cell phone, mini computer POS that i'm
returning to verizon as soon as i get home. i was basically without internet for one week, the longest in
9 years but we stayed so busy i wouldn't have had much time anyway.

after an hour or so i went down to get the wife (she wanted to go) so i could go to the pokerstars 'welcome suite'
to pick up our bad of clothes. christ! you should see the chit they expected us to wear. big hockey shirts,
sleeveless shirts, thin tees, a nice jacket but so loaded with ads i;ll never wear it, some sweat shirts but
too hot to wear here, 3 caps, a 1 ounce silver bar for card protector, a baseball?, wsop promo cards, a nice carry
bagand a few other things i can't think of right now. overall a pretty nice package of stuff but things i just
don't wear. i decided on wearing the tees with a pokerstars cap.

we took that to the room and went back down to the brew pub for a couple beers before i headed over to rio to meet
nolan for a few minutes while they stayed at the pool.

the cab ride to rio is usually between 7 and 10 bucks and i give them 15 unless i get a prick and he'll get 10.
i stayed a few hours looking around, met up with terry ray, drank a few while playing video poker at the bar
at the rio sportsbook. had a nice visit with terry then headed back to MC for a good nights rest getting
ready to start the ME the next day at noon.

day 2 report when i get the time. memory, at times, will be foggy but i'm determined to give a good trip report.

to be continued....


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Jul 13, 1999
DAY 2 - not much to report as IE and agent posted my updates during the breaks. i played poker from noon until 330am.

every level is 2 hours and then we get a 20 minute break which i spend the entire time on the phone. i call my wife, IE, agent, my brother and if there's any time left a few others. i go straight outside, light up a cig and start calling.

i started the day by getting up about 7am. around 730 we ordered room service and i took my shower while waiting for the food to arrive. i had french toast, hash browns, bacon and coffee (the diet is obviously on hold at the moment)' :D the bill for 4 was about 125 including the tip.

i left here around 930 and shared a ride with some guy who ran up when he heard i tell the guy i wanted to go to the rio. no big deal, "hop in, slick". he was an okay guy to talk to. he's from vancover and won his seat at stars too.

i went straight to the poker room to check it out and find my table but it was closed so i went to the expo for about 20 minutes checking out the various booths. plenty of eye candy in there, i'll tell ya. whew. i think bodog gets the prize for the most and best babes. my god!

with still about an hour and a half to tip off i went to the bar and played video poker and drank a bloody mary to calm the nerves. i wasn't really nervous but thought i needed something to relax me a little. i stayed at the bar until about 1130 and headed to the poker room. i won $53 playing $1 poker on the machine and put the $153 ticket in my pocket. i smoked my last cigarette on the walk to the room.

it was a freaking madhouse down there at this time with about 2200 players and about as many spectators but i eventually made it to my table.

NOW, about 2 minutes to start, they make an announcement that any shirt or hat with ".com" can't be worn and if you are wearing ".com" you can't play. WTF??!! so i get up and make my way out of the room after calling nolan and asking if he had any tape. he didn't. i went into the full tilt suite and they didnt have anything so i saw the absolute poker booth with tee shirts and went over to buy one to put over my shirt. the girls there were nice and gave me one. i tried to give them 10 bucks for a tip but the little cuties wouldnt have any of that. they wished me luck and i rushed back to my seat before they got started.

after play for the day i got back to MC around 430am and hit the sack after calming down. i think i finally fell asleep around 6am.

day 3 when i get a chance.


Under .500
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Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
i won $53 playing $1 poker on the machine and put the $153 ticket in my pocket

8:5 He lost the ticket...............



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Jul 13, 1999
yyz said:
i won $53 playing $1 poker on the machine and put the $153 ticket in my pocket

8:5 He lost the ticket...............

don't remind me :mad:


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Jul 13, 1999
freelancc said:
good stuff :mj06:

NYSportfan and I await your next entry..;)
i guarantee he reads it so he must have to get a life too :rolleyes:
at least he'll have something to bitch to kosar about :D


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Aug 1, 2000
Iowa City
Jack, good job not letting the shirt thing rattle you. I think it would have bothered me enough to make me nervous, knowing I did everything to prepare properly and having crap like that happen.

Best of vibes for ya tomorrow!


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Jul 13, 1999
DAY 3 - slept in a little but not enough because the family was here. aside from my poker tournament days, this was dedicated to a family thing.

we started with room service breakfast. the kids love that chit. me too :)

btw, while i played poker on friday, the wife and kids hit new york new york, treasure island, mandalay bay, excaliber, and whatever casino that has the titanic display thing. they also did the pool thing again, the game place and m&m place acrossed the street.

after breakfast we headed to the venetian for the wax museum thingy (i'll have pics when i get back home), then we hit the palms because the wife wanted to see that tatoo place that's on TV all the time :rolleyes: we then went to the wynn and did some shopping. then we walked acrossed the street to the mall then headed for the desert passage at aladdin for more shopping.

we ate dinner at the bellagio buffet, which sucks now and i'll never go again. tab was 125 for 4 and not worth 50.

we went back to the room for some relaxation and got cleaned up to go to see santana. i thought the kids would like that but was wrong. i can't imagine how anybody could have slept through that but they did. santana was a great show and in my top 5 of all time. absolutely fabulous. i can even describe it. i loved every second of it and would go again anytime, anywhere. 10 stars, baby!!!

that's about it for day 3.

to be continued.....


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Phenom said:
So much for in bed by 11:00pm, get some rest Jack, good cards are coming your way!
it's 1024 here as i type. 11pm is a guarantee :) asleep by then is
-900, awake +700

thanks man.

Franky Wright

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May 28, 2002
Heaven, oh!!, this isn't it?!
MadJack said:
we went back to the room for some relaxation and got cleaned up to go to see santana. i thought the kids would like that but was wrong. i can't imagine how anybody could have slept through that but they did. santana was a great show and in my top 5 of all time. absolutely fabulous. i can even describe it. i loved every second of it and would go again anytime, anywhere. 10 stars, baby!!!to be continued.....

:mj07: :142smilie

Love it! Santana, one of the all time greats! :sadwave:
When he was rippin on "Black Magic Woman".......just repeat that when your ready "Bam/Slam" some poor sucker with A/Q's :cool:

Franky :)


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Sep 4, 2004
Thanks for telling us your story first person. I'm enjoying reading the write ups with the updates and we're ALL pulling for you!

Best of luck with the cards tomorrow.


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Jan 12, 2001
Great trip report Jack!!

I love reading these, and like it when other members put them up as well. Makes me want to go back to Vegas again, and again, and again.

Good luck today!!



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Jul 13, 1999
DAY 4 - we did the breakfast in the room again. the kids did the pool and we headed back to the dessert passage at the aladdin again. jordan had to return a pair of jeans that had a flaw and we decided to do a couple shows there.

the frozen drink stand is right acrossed from the fcuk store that jordan was returning the jeans to so those who know me know what i had in mind ;)

i had a 24 ounce '190 octane' with an extra shot. now my day can get started in the right direction. hey, i need some entertainment too :)

we did some shopping and some gift buying and i went and got tickets for the 2pm magic show and the 7pm show called "V". after that i decided to get me another 190 octane to put me in the mood for this magic show :rolleyes: the first one was really stating to kick in already so i kinda knew the 2nd wold be my limit. for the afternoon anyway ;)

the show wasn't bad but i did nod off a couple times and awaken by nudges from both sides of me (the wife and jordan). LOL

after the show we had 3 hours to kill so went and got lunch somewhere in there and i bought a new pair of shades with extra dark lenses so people couldn't see where i was looking at the poker table. i hate stare downs so i won't get in any with these babies. LOL

the "V" show is a MUST see. if you're in vegas just go and do it. it's GREAT. it's a variety show with magic, comedy, special unusual talent acts and lots of other chit. you will wear a big smile the entire 90 minutes, belly laugh and talk about it the rest of your life. GREAT STUFF! 10 stars! i think it was 70 bucks a head.

after that we went to pf changs for dinner. another place i highly recommend. i got some spicy chicken dish that was delicious. bill for this thing was 140 with the tip.

then back to the room to get ready for the lewis black show. everybody i tell about him say "who is lewis black". he's a stand-up comedian and my favorite current act going. the kids stayed in the room while me and wife went to the show but i had to handle an argument about what movies they were going to watch and what one was gong to be watched first :rolleyes: kids! we flipped a coin to settle that one.

lewis black didn't disapoint at all. he's great and if he comes to your area, just go and see him. he will become your favorite as well. great show with many belly laughs. tickets for 2 came to about 130.

after the show we walked back to the MC and i played a couple hours of BJ while the wife played her wheel of fortune machine. i'll tell more details of the gambling when i get back home. i didn't do much gambling but have a few good stories.

day 5, 6, 7, 8 and the rest at another time. i have to get ready for day 3 of the main event. the butterflies are starting up already.

talk to you later.


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 12, 2000
Really like the concise method of story telling here. Quick and easy to read.

Carl Spackler

Jack is right on target with his description of the poker expo next to the tourney at the Rio. Even by Vegas standards (which are amazingly high) the amount of eye candy at that place was unbelieveable. I was there last week, and my tongue still hurts after stepping on it numerous times.

BoDog: The bed up top was a nice touch to say the least....
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