WSOP Asshole

The Judge

Pura Vida!
Forum Member
Aug 5, 2004
World Series of Poker: Poker Player Ejected from Final Table
March 10, 2008

File this one under: "That's what you get for having an event in Atlantic City."

We got a press release from the WSOP master of communications and friend to media-types Nolan Dalla this morning with what can only be described as a teaser. At the bottom of his email about Frank Panetta winning a preliminary event at the WSOP Circuit stop in Atlantic City, there was the line, "Panetta's victory was nearly overshadowed by what must be considered one of the oddest and most awkward moments in poker tournament history." Well, with that kind of cliffhanger, we just had to open the attachment, and it did not disappoint.

Once the tournament got down to the final table, one of the players, a Lesley Thornburg from Richmond, VA, started acting obnoxiously and displaying very little class and respect toward his fellow final tablists. We can't write it up like Dalla can (plus, it's Friday afternoon and we're lazy), so here are the highlights from his report:

Then, the real drama began. ? Thornburg, who had been given two warnings for unsportsmanlike behavior on the previous day, pushed everyone?s patience to the limit with a ceaseless display of loud comments and baiting tactics lasting several hours. Nearing disqualification, opponents breathed a temporary sigh of relief when he called an all-in raise by Andy Santiago ? holding a totally dominated hand (Thornburg?s A-7 a huge dog versus A-Q). Kaboom! A seven flopped and the Virginian had seized the chip lead with a cavalier display of luck. The magic (or misfortune, depending on one?s perspective) would continue.

Then, all hell broke loose. Literally. Holding onto a perilous chip lead, Thornburg lost self-control and began jamming chips into the pot with reckless abandon. Warned by tournament officials (repeatedly) to stack his chips properly and obey the rules, Thornburg crossed the final demarcation of everyone?s patience when he shoved half of his stack into the pot and then later announced, ?all in.? Fed up with the annoying and confusing antics, officials announced Thornburg?s immediate disqualification. Lesley Thornburg, a general contractor from Richmond, VA earned $19,026 in prize money.

Hey, you think there's a way that we could act like an asshole and still get $19k for it? That's an avenue we'd like to explore because if you believe everything our wives say, then we'd be rich by now. Zing!

That's all we got for this week. Off to a bar, then a strip club, then a midget strip club and then that hot after-hours spot down the street until the sun come up.*

*This is all code for, "We're gonna go have a nice relaxing dinner with friends and then call it a night."

-- Bodog Beat


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Jul 13, 1999
here's that goofball.


here's a report from someone who was there:

This guy busted me when we were down to 2 tables, he was blacked out from 9pm to 2am on day 1 I couldnt believe it he got like 3 10 minutepenalties. He knocked out one of Men's horses and almost knocked over 4 people in celebration. Somehow he was still drunk or drunk again at 2pm for the day 2 startup. He would leave for 20 minutes at a time down to 3 tables to go play craps, to the delight of the TD who constantly had to stand behind him and babysit him/pick his chips up from the ground. He claimed he was a former drug user and is now a DEA agent. He was also playing 4card poker or something at 4am that ngiht at the borgata.


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 5, 2004
Berkley, MI
here's that goofball.


here's a report from someone who was there:

Was this guy in the WSOP last year? I remember a guy that looked similar to him that was a total a-hole, I remember he got knocked out when he made a terrible call


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Jul 13, 1999
i was standing near the 300 final table in question with the drunk guy at one point, i believe they were still 7 handed or so.

now, all of what is said must be thought of with his heavy southern backwards virginia drawl

drunk guy raises from the button
sb mucks
bb reships and covers

drunk guy, "WOW! wellllp....alright i call"

bb shows aq
drunktard, "I ONLY CALLED CAUSE THIS MY BIRTHDAY (indicating the 7 with his A7)"


seven hits flop


A on turn

"yeah, aces and sevens GIMME MY MONEY"

brick river

"COME ON BABY, SEVEEENNNN!" ( proceeds to do some awkward dance around seat area, with both hands stuck at side with the "hang loose" hawaiin hand motion)

he then crouched down near the 8 seat and did the 2 handed, 2 finger gun and "shot" the guy w/ AQ.

"SORRY BABY, THAT'S my birthday, and i felt it right here MANG!" (points at heart dramatically)

i was really the only one who was doubled over with a laughter that left me unable to breathe. What a douchebag

i was not suprised when i heard about a drunk maniac getting arrested and dq'd.


Registered User
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Aug 17, 1999
Was this guy in the WSOP last year? I remember a guy that looked similar to him that was a total a-hole, I remember he got knocked out when he made a terrible call

yes i think it is. he was a real smart azz. It looks like him.


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Nov 20, 2005
Las Vegas
I believe his name was Eric Molina. That kid was an asshole and thought his shit didnt stink. Hated that kid


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Jul 13, 1999
sorry, someone posted the wrong pic on the other forum.

this is the goofball.


Sun Tzu

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Nov 10, 2003
Houston, Texas
Is this relaly all that different than the assholes they show over and over on tv. Jamie Gold violated rule after rule and nobody cared. What about that Khan guy last year.

Mr. Mel

Forum Member
Aug 14, 2007
On my $20 bed
Poker players are the biggest collection of pond scum around. Miserable fuks they are. Played over the weekend for the first time in 8 months and I'm still in a bad mood. Some toolbox wearing an "All-In" hat, headphones, sunglasses, Pokerstars shirt, quoting Rounders every other hand. Most of the other dildos were quoting percentages on every hand not even in the ballpark of reality, nobody knows the rules, etc.

Why can't these loonies that go on shooting sprees hit the occasional Poker Hall once in a while and make the world a better place.


Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 22, 2001
Nashville, TN
Poker players are the biggest collection of pond scum around. Miserable fuks they are. Played over the weekend for the first time in 8 months and I'm still in a bad mood. Some toolbox wearing an "All-In" hat, headphones, sunglasses, Pokerstars shirt, quoting Rounders every other hand. Most of the other dildos were quoting percentages on every hand not even in the ballpark of reality, nobody knows the rules, etc.

Why can't these loonies that go on shooting sprees hit the occasional Poker Hall once in a while and make the world a better place.

I take it that you didnt win:shrug:



Slink Dawg

Think about Mr. Mel you really need people like this at the table. They don't have a clue. Just to let you in on a little secret... don't tell them that they look stupid, sound stupid, or play stupid. They always think that this is the way poker is because they saw it on T.V. or in the movies. Keep your mouth shut and keep piling up their chips. That's what I do.
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