Gas here just went to $3.69...


Forum Member
Oct 30, 2003
Up another dime this AM. Sat $3.699 today $3.799 in 5 days? :scared

At what point do people say screw it I'm paying more to get to work than I'm making?

:mj07: are you serious? If you do not make more per hour than it takes you to get to work, then I feel sorry for you:142smilie


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May 10, 2006
It's not a bad lifestyle. Everytime I think I'm paying too much for rent, I calculate how much I'm saving in other ways.

me -> :hitwithro <- kramer

HEY - Already can't wait for Hippo-Kramer 2008!:00hour

I'll kick your ass :00hour :00hour :00hour


Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
:mj07: are you serious? If you do not make more per hour than it takes you to get to work, then I feel sorry for you:142smilie

You should feel sorry for those people.

Start feeling sorry for the millions making $5.25 an hour then.

And before I hear that tired fuking, "Get a better job" routine, you guys can save it. Millions can't. Or Millions are kids in school trying to make an honest buck.

When you paid less than twenty bucks to fill your tanks two years ago, and it costs almost sixty now, there is something seriously fuking wrong.

We had this discussion when gas was at $2.50 a gallon. Costing the "poor folks" out there another $12-$17 or more per tank of gas is simply money they don't have.

Now, other commodities are going nuts? Rice, wheat, etc? Pretty soon, the minimum wage "flunky" might as well say, "fuk it", and hop into the welfare line.

Even though minimum wage was never anything to be proud of, a person could at least survive on it in the past. Those days are over, and have been for a while now.


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Jul 13, 1999
just paid $3.72 :nooo:

Agent 0659

Forum Member
Dec 21, 2003
Gym rat
I am averaging less than 1 tank a month since I moved to Boulder in September! (opposed to 2 tanks a week while in Indy) When I do have to there is a local gas station that is about 10-12 less than everyone else, and you get another .05 cents off for paying cash(felt good last weekend when I paid $3.43 and it was $3.55 avg. Thankfully I'm not feeling the crunch as bad as family back in the Midwest is. Now that Spring/Summer is here, I'm going to bike everywhere around here and try to save more. Crazy stuff....


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
ROBERTS: The president is advocating more drilling on U.S. territory. Isn't it true that globally we're starting to reach a peak in production and that within maybe a decade or two oil production will begin to decrease?

HOFMEISTER: Well, I think there is some argument [that] with convenient, easy oil we will peak sometime in the next decade. I think Shell sees that coming, but in terms of total oil supply to the world, we're a long way from reaching peak oil because it doesn't take into account unconventional oil.

I think the president brings up a good point in that we could, we have the available domestic supplies off the coast of Alaska as well as [the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge]. Shell has won $2 billion worth of high bids for the Chukchi Sea -- that's a few years off before we could begin production.

But let's remember there's more than 100 billion barrels of untouched oil and gas in this country that is subject to a 30-year moratorium. Now, there's only one body in this country that can set a 30-year moratorium, and that's the U.S. government.

ROBERTS: Sen. Hillary Clinton wants to slap you with a 50 percent tax on what she calls windfall profit, profit above a certain level. Is that a good idea?:shrug:

HOFMEISTER: Look at our revenues and our income for the last quarter. If we had made $7.8 million on $114 million of revenue, nobody would call that excessive, because that's 7? percent. We made $7.8 billion profit on $114 billion revenue -- same 7? percent. So to me that is not an excessive number when banks and pharmaceuticals and IT companies earn a whole lot more.:SIB :SIB

ROBERTS: Would it hurt you if she put in place this tax on the windfall profits?

HOFMEISTER: Sure it would. It would slow down investment. Taxing the oil companies was tried in the '80s. It drove us to do imports, which is exactly the problem we have today.

ROBERTS: Where is the top of all this? How high can the price of a barrel of oil go? How high will the cost of a gallon of gasoline go?

HOFMEISTER: I heard somebody say the other day it's as long as a piece of string. We don't know.:scared

ROBERTS: The president of OPEC said $200 a barrel.

HOFMEISTER: Yeah, well, there are some countries out there subsidizing the cost of their energy to their consumers and industries to compete with America -- or against America -- because they think America won't solve the problem.

ROBERTS: You're saying you have no idea where the top is.

HOFMEISTER: We don't know. But we should produce more oil in this country. :SIB :shrug: :SIB

This is the CEO of Shell Oil

Sounds like a lieing rat bastid to me


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
HOFMEISTER: Look at our revenues and our income for the last quarter. If we had made $7.8 million on $114 million of revenue, nobody would call that excessive, because that's 7? percent. We made $7.8 billion profit on $114 billion revenue -- same 7? percent. So to me that is not an excessive number when banks and pharmaceuticals and IT companies earn a whole lot more.:SIB :SIB

This is the logic that really gets to people. They don't have to make that same 7.5% no matter what the price is. Obviously, they make out like bandits as the prices go higher in this case. Same operating costs, higher profits, absolutely nothing passed to the customer except painful prices.

And then he says the banks and pharmaceuticals are doing it, so that gives us an excuse. Weak! We are letting these guys take everything from us - and then when we try to get out of the mess by requiring better vehicles, they sue us with the support of the federal government and we just have to take it. VERY VERY fu*ked up.


Forum Member
Oct 3, 2005
San Francisco
Now that Spring/Summer is here, I'm going to bike everywhere around here and try to save more. Crazy stuff....

It's a great way to live. I've never even had a drivers license.

I walk 2.5 miles each way to work, and bus/subway anywhere farther.

Just wish more people had this oppurtunity, but 95% of this country just isn't setup that way.

I gotta believe in 20-30 years people are going to seriously start reorganizing suburban communities, if we don't find alternative ways to fuel our cars. :shrug:

Agent 0659

Forum Member
Dec 21, 2003
Gym rat
It's a great way to live. I've never even had a drivers license.

I walk 2.5 miles each way to work, and bus/subway anywhere farther.

Just wish more people had this oppurtunity, but 95% of this country just isn't setup that way.

I gotta believe in 20-30 years people are going to seriously start reorganizing suburban communities, if we don't find alternative ways to fuel our cars. :shrug:

Never even crossed my mind to live like this, but now that I do, it's the greatest. There are as many bikes on the roads as cars here. Air is pure as any I have ever breathed. Jack would hate this place:mj07: They might lynch you for driving 45 minutes to get a hamburger around here.

But seriously, if it wasn't for driving an hour every weekend for Hoops I wouldn't hardly need a car. Between dropping my full coverage insurance, and saving 6-7 tanks of gas a month, I am saving around $500 a month since I moved out here just on that! Not to mention the health benefits of biking. Love it!!!


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Jul 13, 1999
But seriously, if it wasn't for driving an hour every weekend for Hoops I wouldn't hardly need a car. Between dropping my full coverage insurance, and saving 6-7 tanks of gas a month, I am saving around $500 a month since I moved out here just on that! Not to mention the health benefits of biking. Love it!!!

keep on trying to convince yourself :mj07:

and, you're right! i would lose my mind trying to drive with all those bikers on the roads. they think they own the roads and just dare you to hit them. you might see me in the news one day when i lose it and plow a whole group of them over. :142smilie


Forum Member
Jun 14, 2002
Austin, Texas
sigh, simple math for the win

sigh, simple math for the win

ROBERTS: The president is advocating more drilling on U.S. territory. Isn't it true that globally we're starting to reach a peak in production and that within maybe a decade or two oil production will begin to decrease?

HOFMEISTER: Well, I think there is some argument [that] with convenient, easy oil we will peak sometime in the next decade. I think Shell sees that coming, but in terms of total oil supply to the world, we're a long way from reaching peak oil because it doesn't take into account unconventional oil.

I think the president brings up a good point in that we could, we have the available domestic supplies off the coast of Alaska as well as [the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge]. Shell has won $2 billion worth of high bids for the Chukchi Sea -- that's a few years off before we could begin production.

But let's remember there's more than 100 billion barrels of untouched oil and gas in this country that is subject to a 30-year moratorium. Now, there's only one body in this country that can set a 30-year moratorium, and that's the U.S. government.

ROBERTS: Sen. Hillary Clinton wants to slap you with a 50 percent tax on what she calls windfall profit, profit above a certain level. Is that a good idea?:shrug:

HOFMEISTER: Look at our revenues and our income for the last quarter. If we had made $7.8 million on $114 million of revenue, nobody would call that excessive, because that's 7? percent. We made $7.8 billion profit on $114 billion revenue -- same 7? percent. So to me that is not an excessive number when banks and pharmaceuticals and IT companies earn a whole lot more.:SIB :SIB

ROBERTS: Would it hurt you if she put in place this tax on the windfall profits?

HOFMEISTER: Sure it would. It would slow down investment. Taxing the oil companies was tried in the '80s. It drove us to do imports, which is exactly the problem we have today.

ROBERTS: Where is the top of all this? How high can the price of a barrel of oil go? How high will the cost of a gallon of gasoline go?

HOFMEISTER: I heard somebody say the other day it's as long as a piece of string. We don't know.:scared

ROBERTS: The president of OPEC said $200 a barrel.

HOFMEISTER: Yeah, well, there are some countries out there subsidizing the cost of their energy to their consumers and industries to compete with America -- or against America -- because they think America won't solve the problem.

ROBERTS: You're saying you have no idea where the top is.

HOFMEISTER: We don't know. But we should produce more oil in this country. :SIB :shrug: :SIB

This is the CEO of Shell Oil

Sounds like a lieing rat bastid to me

If the dollar is gong down, how much money are the Arabs actually making, then?

If American oil-field owners can sell gas for less, and therefore sell more gas why don't they?

If you refuse to do any critical thinking, you'll be trapped in a vicious cycle of ignorance your whole life.


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
keep on trying to convince yourself :mj07:

and, you're right! i would lose my mind trying to drive with all those bikers on the roads. they think they own the roads and just dare you to hit them. you might see me in the news one day when i lose it and plow a whole group of them over. :142smilie

cars think they own the road too. but bikes don't have luxury of plowing over them if they get frustrated.

Agent 0659

Forum Member
Dec 21, 2003
Gym rat
keep on trying to convince yourself :mj07:

and, you're right! i would lose my mind trying to drive with all those bikers on the roads. they think they own the roads and just dare you to hit them. you might see me in the news one day when i lose it and plow a whole group of them over. :142smilie

YOU have to yield to THEM out here! :scared

What bothers me is they act like it's you that would get hurt if there was a collision:mj07: They don't even look at the crosswalks they just expect you to stop. Almost committed vehicular homicide several times when I first moved here. Seriously, you MUST yield, it's a Colorado law.:rolleyes:

It's fun to walk with the dogs to the grocery, tie them outside like a horse, then put everything in Bears backpack and let him carry it home, he loves it. Just put Augusta in a carrier on my back and off we go! Raise oil all you want fukcers!:thefinger


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Jul 13, 1999
cars think they own the road too. but bikes don't have luxury of plowing over them if they get frustrated.
well, move the fuk over, will ya? sheese! :142smilie

or at least keep the damn thing steady instead of wobbling left to right. christ!

and those ridiculous outfits, well, that's a whole different thread.

i can see agent in one of those outfits tho :mj07:


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Jul 13, 1999
YOU have to yield to THEM out here!
i think you have to everywhere. let them try that chit in costa rica. even peds don't have the right away. the cars can legally run yer ass over. :mj07:
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