PLEASE READ if you think big ben is a top tier QB


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Oct 2, 2008
I wake up this morning and turn on sportscenter and they have a big ben on and his NFL best 18 comeback wins in the 4th Q or OT since 2004.... comeone ESPN the man came back from 3pts!!! nothing special! i mean even rex grossman did that when he played the cardinals on monday night and no one was calling him amazing! the guy is terrible! 2 ints and puts up 13 pts and a 3 pt comeback and espn is on him like he's the best qb in the league since 2004... come on! whens the last time big ben pulled a peyton manning on primetime coming back 3TDs not 3pts in the fourth quarter at an away game???? NEVER!! i'm sick and tired of people placing big ben in the same sentence as Brady or Manning...


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Jun 18, 2002
I thought the comeback thing was way over played but I like him as a QB.


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Nov 7, 2008
I don't think anyone is saying he..

I don't think anyone is saying he..

is the caliber of those 2 in terms of talent. But the man wins games, most of the time--UGLY...Can't say he doesn't play his best in clutch situations. Horrible fantasy football player, but damn good- find a way to win QB. I'd take his sb championships and leadership over what I've seen from my team the last 13 yrs... umm Romo, you paying attention?


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Oct 2, 2008
is the caliber of those 2 in terms of talent. But the man wins games, most of the time--UGLY...Can't say he doesn't play his best in clutch situations. Horrible fantasy football player, but damn good- find a way to win QB. I'd take his sb championships and leadership over what I've seen from my team the last 13 yrs... umm Romo, you paying attention?

here's another thing I don't understand... people say he a winner and all they see is that he has to comeback from less than one score or maybe 10pts in the 4th quarter... and that is good n all but without his defense he would never be called a "winner" his post season success is 90% from his defense and that is rarely taken into account


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Nov 7, 2008
no one wins shit without other people...

no one wins shit without other people...

montana had craig, rice, lott---aikman had smith, irvin, tremendous o-d lines,
Brady had bad ass coach, solid def, the differnce with him is he was so talented he made avg offensive players ridiculously good--
Bottom line--roth finds a way to win--

again not as physically gifted as manning, brady--but a winner

here's another thing I don't understand... people say he a winner and all they see is that he has to comeback from less than one score or maybe 10pts in the 4th quarter... and that is good n all but without his defense he would never be called a "winner" his post season success is 90% from his defense and that is rarely taken into account


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Apr 5, 2001
boston, ma
i dont get you guys...

i dont get you guys...

...and thats fine.

not as talented as those two guys? really???!

let me preface by saying that i have no preference as far as one being better than the other.

as far as knowing where the ball should go in his system/whats given to him MANNING is unquestionably the best at that--and he can make some tight throws as well, though having two talented WR's and a solid TE at most all times (sans rookie year when he was on his back) allowed him to comfortably take chances in trying to make tougher throws, more often (as gameplan was based around passing game).

same thing, but to a lesser extent with brady. ever since the pats discarded the running game for a short passing game its been pass first, pass second, pass third, did we score yet? brady has flourished in said system, as is well within his range the throws that are needed to make. i'll admit that Brady did do "well" when was without marquee receivers to play with(first SB winning YR) - though was far hardly polished at that point. he has grown as all QB's do, into their system.

pittsburgh though has easily been one of the more run-heavy squads for quite a time now. is that because they don't have faith in ben's ability at qb? to some extent i suppiose. it actually was fun watching no-huddle shotgun last night from pitt. personally i think ben physically can make any throw that brady makes... and lacks some of the touch, finesse that peyton has on longer balls-- though as far as being physically gifted ben is easily on par with these two guys.

peyton is the only guy that i think could manage being put into a new system ie. put behind center for pitt, and manage well-to-good enough. brady again to a lesser extenet, and ben further after that. accuracy and the mental side- knowing where/when to throw- is the only thing ben is lacking compared to brady or peyton.

brady wouldnt be UNSTOPPABLE on pitt--theiur offense doesnt allow for ANY QB to be unstoppable. With the rythym that brady gets into passing 80% of the time, he looks crisper sharper than any pitt QB could end up seeing in passing perhaps 65% of the time.

thats jus my humble opinion--and form what i gather is not a popular one.

i never said ben was great with decisions. ie. the semi hail mary he threw up the SB against SEA that hadto be wrestled away defender by hines ward at goal line for not to be an int as an example, though he has easily has extended plays longer than either of the other two beacuse their systems are more keyed on throwing "on-time" than his is.


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Oct 2, 2008
ok big ben made 40 some throws last night. plenty for Brady or Manning to score twice as much as big ben put up.. takes a 3pt win and comeback into at the least a 16pt smashing of the titans. UNSTOPPABLE

rocky mountain

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Sep 24, 2005
I thought he looked very solid. He has always been a solid qb going back to his miami ohio days. I wouldn't be surprised to see him get knocked out again, he takes way too many hits, but his pump fakes worked great last night. Not sure where all the hating is coming form he fits their system perfect!


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Oct 2, 2008
brady and manning take the sack a kick the first field goal.. 3pts (big ben tried to hard and got an 18yd sack puting them out of field goal range)

rocky mountain

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Sep 24, 2005
I would rank the qb's :
1st tier

2nd tier
warner--his better days are past him
rodgers---think he has a great season!
big ben


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Apr 21, 2004
Oakwood, OH
Fantasy QB Rankings:

QB who can win with game on line

Top Tier
Brady / Ben =

No one else is in discussion if you go by performance past 5 years

don't get me wrong, I am as big of fan as Peyton's there is, but Ben / Brady have the wins, Ben is winning with a lot less talent too......heck ben even had to play defense to keep peyton from going to superbowl :)


Forum Member
Jul 19, 2002
brady and manning take the sack a kick the first field goal.. 3pts (big ben tried to hard and got an 18yd sack puting them out of field goal range)

You are talking about easily 2 of the best QB's in the game, if not all time or in the discussion. Aside from them, not sure anyone else would be ahead of him. Maybe Brees, but is in a glorified stat system on a fast track with no D. Regardless, and no mentioning how he does it, he wins and isn't that all that matters? His core group of players really aren't that talented compared to some teams.

Montana had weapons, running game, and multiple championships, is he a better QB than Marino? Sure one could make the argument if Marino had a RB or better D's maybe he would of had that too. We will never know.

All I heard all day outside of football talk is how Jeter only needs one hit to break the all time hits list for NYY. Beneficiary of playing on great teams, and we wouldn't even knew he existed if he was on the Pirates.

Sure other QB's could win on this Steeler team, but I think Ben could win on other teams too.

Last edited:


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
he`s not even the best player on his team.......

that would be tuiasosopo(or whatever the hell their safety`s name is)........ :drinky:

Old School

Forum Member
Mar 19, 2006
we will get more insight into the Legend that is Ben this season..

That PUTRID-SICK-HORRIBLE running makes him a sitting duck each and every game..

and some point ..quite simply he will not get up under his own power.


..............Rush Yds Avg Lng TD FumL
W. Parker 13 >19> 1.5 >8 >0> 0
M. Moore> 5> 8> 1.6 >4 >0 >0
Mndenhall >4 >6 >1.5> 3> 0> 0
Rothlisbger 1 >3 >3.0 >3 >0 >>0


Forum Member
Apr 30, 2005
Allentown, Pa
we will get more insight into the Legend that is Ben this season..

That PUTRID-SICK-HORRIBLE running makes him a sitting duck each and every game..

and some point ..quite simply he will not get up under his own power.


..............Rush Yds Avg Lng TD FumL
W. Parker 13 >19> 1.5 >8 >0> 0
M. Moore> 5> 8> 1.6 >4 >0 >0
Mndenhall >4 >6 >1.5> 3> 0> 0
Rothlisbger 1 >3 >3.0 >3 >0 >>0

Your right, I can't tell you how much I hate Parker. The Steelers need to adapt to the talent they have. There is no Bettis that can run off tackle every third play. Parker doesn't break any tackles. His strength is his speed, so why haven't they thrown to him or setup screens? Get him into space and RUN. It's not brain surgery, playaction on every 1st down at this point.
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