Hard Times

Forum Member
Jan 17, 2005
Just in ... 26 dead and 80 wounded.
Why,somebody tell me what the fulk we are doing in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN ?
Burn in hell all you war mongers !! If you invest your money in anything that makes money in these illegal wars, this goes for you also, you'er just as guilty.
It takes a damn fool to bitch about the cost of healthcare reform while we are still involved in these fulking wars .The cost of these wars will cost more than healthcare... and nation building,what the FUCK IS THAT ABOUT !!

jer-z jock

Blow $$ Fast
Forum Member
Jun 11, 2007
Obama is TOTALLY blowing it in this are IMO. Just more lives lost:( I THOUGHT I voted for a POTUS that was ending the war. The reasons we are there Im not sure of, but I wish we could get back to stengthening our country and taking care of home:00x21


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
Yup, he is not looking good carrying on with the Bush policy. He should just get out as soon as possible. Like tomorrow. Let them settle it themselves. If we don't like it we can blow the crap out of them again. I am not sure but I thought I payed for all these bombs and sophistacated weapons to protect our soldiers.

jer-z jock

Blow $$ Fast
Forum Member
Jun 11, 2007
How quickly we forget 9/11.....

actually it will be 8 yrs anniversary(if thats the word to use--its not a celebration) tomorrow, RIP to the fallen ones of service and civilians alike, notice I SAID 8 YRS. Whats not done by now never will be. I dont think we are still carrying on acts created or started beginning with Pearl Harbor, atleast not in the form of war anyhow.

Duff Miver

Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 29, 2009
Right behind you
How quickly we forget 9/11.....

9-11 was a security failure, pure and simple. If those Wackenhut minimum wage employees had done their jobs, there would not have been a 9-11.

And why was airport security being done by Wackenhut rather than trained civil servants?

Can you say "outsourcing"? Can you say "campaign contributions"?

Ask Bush.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 24, 2006
Under a mask.
There is plenty of blame to go around from Bush,to Clinton(yes actually he had first cracks at the terrorists,remember the USS COLE,he really showed them lobbing those cruise missles into Afganistan for retaliation.)

But that is really besides the point.The enemy has been signifiantly crippled since those incidents.
If we let our guard down now,our country will be at a LARGER risk for a terrorist attack.

Al-Qaeda has already admitted that a large scale attack such as a hit on a transportation or government complex is slim.There thinking now is a lower or non government hit such as hotel.

Far less impact (Politically as well as the lives it would take.)Not letting our guard down against terrorism is very big,not only for our safety,but for the economy as well.(Dont be fooled into thinking that we created our economic problems by ourselves ,such as bad loans, big bank,9/11 didnt help,dont care what anyone says).

We as a nation must stay united on this front.JMHO!
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Hard Times

Forum Member
Jan 17, 2005


Chad , you may be confused, that's La Quinta and of course you know that Mohamed Atta moved on since the 9/11 attacks, being falsely accused he since has moved to Italy and opened a chain of hotels ,named Atahotels.
You surely know that at least 7 of the hijackers that the FBI named shortly after the 911 set-up are ALIVE... THERE ALIVE, MY GOD THERE ALIVE !!


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 24, 2006
Under a mask.
Chad , you may be confused, that's La Quinta and of course you know that Mohamed Atta moved on since the 9/11 attacks, being falsely accused he since has moved to Italy and opened a chain of hotels ,named Atahotels.
You surely know that at least 7 of the hijackers that the FBI named shortly after the 911 set-up are ALIVE... THERE ALIVE, MY GOD THERE ALIVE !!

One of those I get the whole post.Your one of them...I see....:nono:

Hard Times

Forum Member
Jan 17, 2005


One of those I get the whole post.Your one of them...I see....:nono:

I'm not a whack-job...really i'm not...i'm a nice guy !!
I just hate liars , so i hate BUSH for the lies that started the wars and i hate Obama for keeping the wars going... so you don't really see !! I hate most of the politicians.
Atahotels which are a chain in Italy was a little humor that I like to put in at times to keep me from killing someone,I always put a little humor in my comments.
I've poured some concrete in my day... North Atlanta,Buckhead to Marietta,late 80's to mid 90's.... moved out and it was just as well because the mexicans took over the job market, low bids , some did good work and some , not so good... glad I moved !!


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 24, 2006
Under a mask.
I'm not a whack-job...really i'm not...i'm a nice guy !!
I just hate liars , so i hate BUSH for the lies that started the wars and i hate Obama for keeping the wars going... so you don't really see !! I hate most of the politicians.
Atahotels which are a chain in Italy was a little humor that I like to put in at times to keep me from killing someone,I always put a little humor in my comments.
I've poured some concrete in my day... North Atlanta,Buckhead to Marietta,late 80's to mid 90's.... moved out and it was just as well because the mexicans took over the job market, low bids , some did good work and some , not so good... glad I moved !!

Its all good.Just need to hold on to the USA.
I know with the way things are,its not easy.

Im out of work,im married, kids,mortgage the whole 9yards.Ill be honest things are scary.

But I wont give up on USA,no way!!

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
Just in ... 26 dead and 80 wounded.
Why,somebody tell me what the fulk we are doing in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN ?
Burn in hell all you war mongers !! If you invest your money in anything that makes money in these illegal wars, this goes for you also, you'er just as guilty.
It takes a damn fool to bitch about the cost of healthcare reform while we are still involved in these fulking wars .The cost of these wars will cost more than healthcare... and nation building,what the FUCK IS THAT ABOUT !!

Well Donny if we leave the guys that dodge the draft and got us into this mess will say we are nothing but quitters. So we have to stay so they can continue to milk the system and trick the monkeys who actual believe in these scumbags.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 24, 2006
Under a mask.
Terrorists like al Qaeda targetting hotels now: US report
Lalit K Jha/ PTI / Washington September 9, 2009, 12:25 IST

Terrorists are targetting hotels and other easier-to-hit places as security measures have been tightened in military installations and government premises after the 9/11 massacre.

In the eight-years after the tragedy over New York, attacks against hotels have more than doubled, as terrorists specially al Qaeda outfit finds them a soft target, a latest report by US think tank Stratfor has said.

The report said al Qaeda was changing from a highly centralised terrorist outfit with global targets to giving out regional franchises.

Stratfor said that these smaller cells were hard to detect and required less money and less training. "It does not mean that these smaller groups are less dangerous as they are ready to link up with bigger outfits to carry out sensational attacks." Saying that the new dangerous trend among the terrorist outfits was to copy Mumbai-type attacks, Stratfor said these organisations were "seeking out soft targets".

The report titled "The Militant Threat to Hotels" was released by Stratfor, a global intelligence company.

The report said "Hotels are particularly popular targets for militant strikes as they can be struck by using improvised explosive devices (IEDs), vehicle-borne IEDs, armed attacks.

These groups were also moving towards carrying out kidnappings and assassinations, it said.

Stratfor said there were several security measures that can be taken to limit the damage caused by militant attacks on hotels or even prevent such attacks before they happen.

"Indeed, by striking an international hotel in a major city, militants can make the same kind of statement against the West as they can by striking an embassy. Hotels are often full of Western business travellers, diplomats and intelligence officers. This makes them target-rich environments," the report said.

"The relative success of the Mumbai operation and the dramatic news coverage it received (it captured the world?s attention for three days) mean that copycat attacks can be expected," it said.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 24, 2006
Under a mask.
Weakened Al-Qaeda Continues To Evolve Since 9/11 Attacks

September 11, 2009
By Ron Synovitz
Accepted wisdom about Al-Qaeda is that the terrorist network has been so greatly weakened since 2001 that it no longer, as an organization, poses the world's biggest terrorism threat.

Still, eight years after the September 11 terrorist attacks in the United States, the fate of Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden remains unknown. Experts continue to warn of terrorist cells or loosely affiliated groups that have been inspired by Al-Qaeda's ideology of global jihad.

"Al-Qaeda as we envision it in terms of the September 11th attack is not the Al-Qaeda of today," Maha Azzam, an associate fellow in the Middle East and North Africa program at Chatham House, a London-based think tank, tells RFE/RL. "There are cells that are willing to carry out possibly atrocious acts of terrorism, but they are not necessarily working under the same leadership or the same organizational structure."

"We still face a threat," Azzam says. "The threat remains that it only takes a small cell or a number of individuals to carry out a terrible act of terrorism that can emerge from any part of the world."

Hijacked United Airlines Flight 175 hurtles toward the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.
British Prime Minister Gordon Brown said in December that three-quarters of the most serious terrorist plots investigated by British authorities have links to Al-Qaeda leaders in Pakistan. But Pakistani diplomats refute that claim -- saying Britain needs to take responsibility for issues that drive young British Muslims toward extremism.

Still, evidence suggests Al-Qaeda was trying to orchestrate terrorist attacks of global proportion from Pakistani territory as recently as 2006 by passing instructions through a courier willing to travel to and from Pakistan to disseminate plans.

A case in point is the conviction this week of three members of a British Al-Qaeda cell of a 2006 plot to attack at least seven trans-Atlantic airliners. British and U.S. intelligence officials say the investigation revealed direct links between militant British Muslims and senior Al-Qaeda leaders in Pakistan.

Al-Qaeda struck again in London on July 7, 2005, killing 52 people and wounding more than 700 others.
Counterterrorism officials in the U.K. suspect the mastermind of the 2006 attack plan was Egyptian-born Abu Obaidah al-Masri -- a senior Al-Qaeda planner based in Pakistan at the time. Al-Masri also has been cited as the inspiration for the deadly July 7, 2005 suicide bombings in London. He reportedly died of hepatitis in Pakistan in April 2008.

The key link between the British Al-Qaeda cell and Al-Qaeda leaders in Pakistan is said to have been a fixer named Rashid Rauf. The son of a British baker, Rauf was arrested in the central Pakistani city of Bahawalpur in August 2006.

Pakistani officials say Rauf escaped from their custody in December 2007. In November 2008, he reportedly was targeted in a U.S. drone strike near Pakistan's border with Afghanistan. But intelligence officials in the U.S. and Britain remain uncertain whether he was killed.

Technological Terrorism

Meanwhile, research suggests that Al-Qaeda has become increasingly skilled in recent years at using the Internet to communicate directives within the jihadist network -- often using insider references and coded language derived from Islamic theology and history.

Some critics say counterterrorism efforts should focus more on those Islamist texts on the Internet to better determine which have come from authoritative Al-Qaeda figures -- and thus predict major Al-Qaeda attacks before plans are carried out by local cells.

Nigel Inkster, director of Transnational Threats and Political Risk at the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London, says he thinks Al-Qaeda's senior leadership is still situated along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border, mostly in Pakistan's tribal areas.

But Inkster says increased activity by Pakistani forces in those areas, together with shared U.S. intelligence and drone strikes, have made it much more difficult for Al-Qaeda to direct global operations from Pakistan.

"It is probably more sensible now to look at Al-Qaeda less as a terrorist organization as such, but rather, as a movement," Inkster tells RFE/RL. "[It is] an organization that acts as a kind of ideological umbrella for lots of different groups which are actually disaggregated and decentralized."

Branching Out

Azzam sees two parallel developments in Al-Qaeda's recent evolution. On the one hand, she says Al-Qaeda has become disconnected, operationally decentralized, and weakened.

Have the actions of Pakistani troops, like this one in Khyber near the Afghan border, "greatly weakened Al-Qaeda activities"?
"The role of the Pakistan Army has greatly weakened Al-Qaeda activities," she says. "I can't see a serious reversal of that. If Osama bin Laden or some of his supporters are still in the Pakistan-Afghanistan area, there is very little likelihood of them reinvigorating the organization in a way where it can be any serious threat from those bases."

Meanwhile, Azzam says smaller groups are trying to claim the leadership of Al-Qaeda and centralize their activities -- from a group in North Africa that calls itself "Al Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb" to a merger early this year of Al-Qaeda's Saudi and Yemeni branches that calls itself "Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula."

Like most experts, Inkster says he thinks Osama bin Laden probably is still alive and continues to spread Al-Qaeda's ideology through video and audio messages:

"I think Osama bin Laden has been on video coverage recently enough for it to be a reasonable assumption that he is still alive," Inkster says. "And I suspect that he probably is still in the border region in [Pakistan's] tribal areas, living in circumstances where I suspect that he has very little day-to-day visibility or control over Al-Qaeda's operational activity.

"For him, at the moment, I think survival is probably the key," Inkster concludes of bin Laden. "I have no reason to believe that he is dead and a certain amount of evidence to suggest that he is probably alive."

'Very Much Around'

But Rahul Bedi, a South Asia correspondent for "Jane's Defence Weekly," says he is less certain about bin Laden's fate.

Bedi says recent technology makes it easier for Osama bin Laden videos to be faked. He also says that if Osama bin Laden had been killed, it would be in Al-Qaeda's interest to perpetuate the myth that he was still alive.

With or without bin Laden, Bedi says it is a mistake to underestimate Al-Qaeda's ability to continue orchestrating global terrorist attacks from Pakistani territory.

Rebuilding at Ground Zero, the former site of the World Trade Center, in New York on August 3, 2009
"Al-Qaeda is very much around," Bedi tells RFE/RL. "Its capacity to carry out attacks like it did on September the 11th may have depreciated for the moment; but I think it is becoming stronger and regrouping, and it could pose a bigger threat in the months and years to come. It has expanded by including the Afghan Taliban as well as the Pakistan Taliban, as well as a lot of other Pakistani militant groups."

Bedi concludes that some Al-Qaeda figures may have fled Pakistan for ungoverned or weakly administered areas like Somalia, Sudan, Algeria, or Yemen. But he says the terrorist network continues to derive both financial and tactical strength from Pakistan's tribal areas and from parts of Afghanistan near the border with Pakistan.

Hard Times

Forum Member
Jan 17, 2005


A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves.~ Betrand de Juvenal
I've lost all hope ! I believe that everything is in place for a dramatic change.The biggest change in "YOUR" lifetime,for my health want let me see many more years.I pray for ten years , but realistically speaking i'll be lucky to see five .So I want see the shit that's coming !!
The people that "HAVE" want it all and the "HAVE-NOTS" will do as they are told.
It has been a 100 years in the making.
I don't need to tell you anything,SPONGE, I know that you see these things as well as anyone .
Most people are so stupid,just too stupid to understand what's happening.
The following is my opinion on some SHIT that's coming !!
If you don't believe that the Bush family are the most EVIL family EVER then wait for the next Bush to run for president.This should seal the deal on the NEW WORLD ORDER !!Don't have to be a BUSH in name,just a canidate backed by the Bush family.
Obama is playing out a part of the bigger plan.Have you ever asked yourself how this black man got elected,who is this guy? Funny how Obama will get hung out to dry for the BUSH failures,and the BUSH failures are many,and the super rich,the real power will make Obama fail.He has no chance.
Of course Bush's failures and CRIMES where perpetrated against the average, working class American.The RICH,SUPER RICH, loved Bush.
The Republican party didn't even try in the last election,MCLAME and a unknown BITCH from Alaska. The money people,the real power didn't want a Republican in office during this time of economic doom, they just didn't try.
The future is in the hands of a group of people that control the money,our currency,the news media,the political leaders and our military.
So what's on the table... how to control world population,the price of energy,water,food,and how to get the masses to work for less and less, SLAVERY.
I've been a witness for over 60 years,it started turning around 1980 with Reagan,we've had 30 bad years,Bush one made speeches about the new world order,people like this don't waste their time on empty chit chat.It's just a matter of time !Bush the criminal number two escalated the THE NEW WORLD ORDER more than any other president.
That's enough for now,I could write a thousand pages on this SHIT !!
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jer-z jock

Blow $$ Fast
Forum Member
Jun 11, 2007
A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves.~ Betrand de Juvenal
I've lost all hope ! I believe that everything is in place for a dramatic change.The biggest change in "YOUR" lifetime,for my health want let me see many more years.I pray for ten years , but realistically speaking i'll be lucky to see five .So I want see the shit that's coming !!
The people that "HAVE" want it all and the "HAVE-NOTS" will do as they are told.
It has been a 100 years in the making.
I don't need to tell you anything,SPONGE, I know that you see these things as well as anyone .
Most people are so stupid,just too stupid to understand what's happening.
The following is my opinion on some SHIT that's coming !!
If you don't believe that the Bush family are the most EVIL family EVER then wait for the next Bush to run for president.This should seal the deal on the NEW WORLD ORDER !!Don't have to be a BUSH in name,just a canidate backed by the Bush family.
Obama is playing out a part of the bigger plan.Have you ever asked yourself how this black man got elected,who is this guy? Funny how Obama will get hung out to dry for the BUSH failures,and the BUSH failures are many,and the super rich,the real power will make Obama fail.He has no chance.
Of course Bush's failures and CRIMES where perpetrated against the average, working class American.The RICH,SUPER RICH, loved Bush.
The Republican party didn't even try in the last election,MCLAME and a unknown BITCH from Alaska. The money people,the real power didn't want a Republican in office during this time of economic doom, they just didn't try.
The future is in the hands of a group of people that control the money,our currency,the news media,the political leaders and our military.
So what's on the table... how to cotrol world population,the price of energy,water,food,and how to get the masses to work for less and less, SLAVERY.
I've been a witness for over 60 years,it started turning around 1980 with Reagan,we've had 30 bad years,Bush one made speeches about the new world order,people like this don't waste their time on empty chit chat.It's just a matter of time !Bush the criminal number two escalated the THE NEW WORLD ORDER more than any other president.
That's enough for now,I could write a thousand pages on this SHIT !!

Get out the :box2: sounds like a herd of elephants running to this thread:0corn you mentioned BUSH:box2:

Good analysis though;)
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