Sept. 11th 2009

jer-z jock

Blow $$ Fast
Forum Member
Jun 11, 2007
Such as sombering day.

RIP to those who lost lives through service or through an act of "terroism". Wanting to serve or having to serve makes me no diff, you put it on the line:firing:


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 24, 2006
Under a mask.
Such as sombering day.

RIP to those who lost lives through service or through an act of "terroism". Wanting to serve or having to serve makes me no diff, you put it on the line:firing:

So true Jer-z.Its unfortunate what happened and the way things have changed since 9/11.
My heart goes out to them and they deserve a never quit attitude to defend this country against terrorism either home or abroad.

God Bless America!:00x21

Trampled Underfoot

Forum Member
Feb 26, 2001
So true Jer-z.Its unfortunate what happened and the way things have changed since 9/11.
My heart goes out to them and they deserve a never quit attitude to defend this country against terrorism either home or abroad.

God Bless America!:00x21

We should be defending our borders. Not fighting illegal wars.

Trampled Underfoot

Forum Member
Feb 26, 2001
Last time I checked this is America,I have the freedom to believe WHAT I WANT TO BELIEVE.

If I believe that fighting terrorism is defending my borders ,thats what I believe.Matter fact its undisputable IMO!

You can believe whatever you want. That doesn't make it true.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 24, 2006
Under a mask.
Ohh yeah. What kind of truth am I afraid of. I would love to hear this.

What a novel idea .These people called the Taliban.Al-Quada,who actually are a terrorist group that on 9/11/01 hijacked planes and flew them into the world trade center.

I know hearing this hurts.Matter fact it is unbelievable.But once you admit that America got caught with there pants down(I never disputed that)to an extent.The healing process can begin.Tell your kind this message also.

Trampled Underfoot

Forum Member
Feb 26, 2001
What a novel idea .These people called the Taliban.Al-Quada,who actually are a terrorist group that on 9/11/01 hijacked planes and flew them into the world trade center.

I know hearing this hurts.Matter fact it is unbelievable.But once you admit that America got caught with there pants down(I never disputed that)to an extent.The healing process can begin.Tell your kind this message also.

No one said those men are not ruthless and evil. Thats not the point.


Turn it up
Forum Member
Mar 8, 2008
Mad City, WI
How is fighting terrorism not defending our borders???:shrug:
Fighting illegal and immoral wars is NOT fighting terrorism. Did we learn nothing from 9/11? Oil imperialism in the Middle East is why 9/11 occurred. Terrorism is fought by first addressing it's root cause, second through eternal vigilance in protecting our borders, airspace and waters and third, by acting on intelligence rather than ignoring it.

The Iraq and Afghanistan wars may have assisted us in these endeavors, but at what cost? Many, myself included, would argue the the war in Iraq and the continuation of the war in Afghanistan have only made us more vulnerable to terrorist attacks. Our troops and equipment have been run ragged fighting 20th century wars against a 21st century threat and we're continuing to create generations of America-hating nationalists in that part of the world. Those of you who think at some point we're going to be able to declare victory over terrorism like it's VE/VJ Day, throw parades and relive the 1950's, are kidding yourselves. Eight years ago today, the world changed... and that change is permanent, whether we like it or not.

Trampled Underfoot

Forum Member
Feb 26, 2001
Fighting illegal and immoral wars is NOT fighting terrorism. Did we learn nothing from 9/11? Oil imperialism in the Middle East is why 9/11 occurred. Terrorism is fought by first addressing it's root cause, second through eternal vigilance in protecting our borders, airspace and waters and third, by acting on intelligence rather than ignoring it.

The Iraq and Afghanistan wars may have assisted us in these endeavors, but at what cost? Many, myself included, would argue the the war in Iraq and the continuation of the war in Afghanistan have only made us more vulnerable to terrorist attacks. Our troops and equipment have been run ragged fighting 20th century wars against a 21st century threat and we're continuing to create generations of America-hating nationalists in that part of the world. Those of you who think at some point we're going to be able to declare victory over terrorism like it's VE/VJ Day, throw parades and relive the 1950's, are kidding yourselves. Eight years ago today, the world changed... and that change is permanent, whether we like it or not.

Nice piece. I get too lazy to spell it out for some people on here. Its just not worth the effort.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 24, 2006
Under a mask.
Fighting illegal and immoral wars is NOT fighting terrorism. Did we learn nothing from 9/11? Oil imperialism in the Middle East is why 9/11 occurred. Terrorism is fought by first addressing it's root cause, second through eternal vigilance in protecting our borders, airspace and waters and third, by acting on intelligence rather than ignoring it.

The Iraq and Afghanistan wars may have assisted us in these endeavors, but at what cost? Many, myself included, would argue the the war in Iraq and the continuation of the war in Afghanistan have only made us more vulnerable to terrorist attacks. Our troops and equipment have been run ragged fighting 20th century wars against a 21st century threat and we're continuing to create generations of America-hating nationalists in that part of the world. Those of you who think at some point we're going to be able to declare victory over terrorism like it's VE/VJ Day, throw parades and relive the 1950's, are kidding yourselves. Eight years ago today, the world changed... and that change is permanent, whether we like it or not.

I will agree with you on these,the world has changed,declaring victory will be complicated.

I never said there is an easy exit plan on fighting war on terror. In fact I can understand the cries for stop no more.

However,sadly like you said the world has changed since 9/11.Thats why the war wages in Afganastan today.


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 1, 2000
Iowa City
If I could stop the arguing for a moment, I agree with the original thread. It is a time to reflect on those who gave our lives on 9/11, andfor military men & women who sacrificed.

This day has also been proclaimed a day to serve. I checked out today.

Found two ways to volunteer in my community today, besides the dog therapy work we do at hospitals & nursing homes.

Some have mention slow work or being unemployed. I challenge you to spend some time volunteering in your community. My community has a list 20 pages long.

Other than that, I plan on celebrating my birthday today.:Yep:


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Have two comments--agree with intial thread as you and ---
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope you have a great one.:toast:
--as an after thought --Does it feel odd since that day to have your birthday on same date as such a significant event?--I am sure you didn't feel much like celebrating on that day.

jer-z jock

Blow $$ Fast
Forum Member
Jun 11, 2007
If I could stop the arguing for a moment, I agree with the original thread. It is a time to reflect on those who gave our lives on 9/11, andfor military men & women who sacrificed.

This day has also been proclaimed a day to serve. I checked out today.

Found two ways to volunteer in my community today, besides the dog therapy work we do at hospitals & nursing homes.

Some have mention slow work or being unemployed. I challenge you to spend some time volunteering in your community. My community has a list 20 pages long.

Other than that, I plan on celebrating my birthday today.:Yep:

:mj06: HAPPY B-DAY KC!!!


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 24, 2006
Under a mask.
If I could stop the arguing for a moment, I agree with the original thread. It is a time to reflect on those who gave our lives on 9/11, andfor military men & women who sacrificed.

This day has also been proclaimed a day to serve. I checked out today.

Found two ways to volunteer in my community today, besides the dog therapy work we do at hospitals & nursing homes.

Some have mention slow work or being unemployed. I challenge you to spend some time volunteering in your community. My community has a list 20 pages long.

Other than that, I plan on celebrating my birthday today.:Yep:

kcwolf ,
happy birthday,must be a reality check,must be tough.And I mean that seriously.As far as community service,does that mean I can coach youth softball and be happy,or must I jump on the list of 20?

Trampled Underfoot

Forum Member
Feb 26, 2001
I will agree with you on these,the world has changed,declaring victory will be complicated.

I never said there is an easy exit plan on fighting war on terror. In fact I can understand the cries for stop no more.

However,sadly like you said the world has changed since 9/11.Thats why the war wages in Afganastan today.

Its impossible. You can't kill every terrorist that hates the US.

What we have done is kicked a hornets nest.
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