How is fighting terrorism not defending our borders???:shrug:
Fighting illegal and immoral wars is
NOT fighting terrorism. Did we learn nothing from 9/11? Oil imperialism in the Middle East is
why 9/11 occurred. Terrorism is fought by first addressing it's root cause, second through eternal vigilance in protecting our borders, airspace and waters and third, by acting on intelligence rather than ignoring it.
The Iraq and Afghanistan wars may have assisted us in these endeavors,
but at what cost? Many, myself included, would argue the the war in Iraq and the continuation of the war in Afghanistan have only made us
more vulnerable to terrorist attacks. Our troops and equipment have been run ragged fighting 20th century wars against a 21st century threat and we're continuing to create generations of America-hating nationalists in that part of the world. Those of you who think at some point we're going to be able to declare victory over terrorism like it's VE/VJ Day, throw parades and relive the 1950's, are kidding yourselves. Eight years ago today, the world changed... and that change is
permanent, whether we like it or not.