I don't know if many of you remember about the post I made about being with someone 10 years ago and I helped take care of her boy for about 2 years.. His age was about 3 - 5.. She found me on facebook a while back and I kept things at a distance.... Now it is starting to heat up in this way.. I love the boy he has never left my heart.. I know you shouldn't talk to internet friends about this stuff but my friends will all say, "fuck it, fuck her." It's not about her.. To refresh.. We were in our early 20s and we lived together and she had a young boy and we moved in together and I helped raise him for 2 years.. She left me for a rich man that was 20 years older. Devastated me.. She found me on facebook not to long ago and told me about her life and she WAS married and I was glad just to see the pictures of the boy at 14 just to see how he had grown which hurt me in the guts.. We had talked on FB and I said that maybe we shouldn't talk too much. She was living in Texas at the time.. Well now she moved out of Texas and is getting a divorce and now she is bugging me at the time. Her son's father which is different from her currtent husband commited suicide when the boy was 10 and the soon to be ex is not that caring about the boy. THe way she makes it sound.. Can't trust her from my point of view. She has just moved recently in the vacinity, close to be around family and friends. Well after all this time she says it was her boy that made her find me on facebook. He wants to meet me.. There is absolutely no doubt that he is in my heart and dreams and I have agreed.. Maybe a dumb choice., Hsven't told my currnet GF about it but I don't give a fuck. AM I fucking up here? i probably am but I am 36 no kids and if I can help the kid out then I don't care. I am not attracted to his mom anymore she doesn't look the same but is this meeting go to mean to more or am I being stupid? I guess I am a big boy no matter what my buds say and am willing to chance it..