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  • Hi HH (Scott):

    I think your $2700 is relatively safe since you're still allowed to play at 1V. In my case, the new partner didn't want me playing there anymore since I'm up quite a bit up lifetime at 1V. So he basically just gave me 40% of my balance and showed me the door. My advice is for you to finish your rollover there and cash out.

    Good Luck, Hedge (Tom)
    Things are good in Georgia. Just got 3 Anderson Storm doors put on the house so we can open them in spring and enjoy light and a good breeze. Paid to have a guy do it as no way I am fooling with fitting them. Our son who lives in Austin is moving to Denver. I think we will be going out to see them last summer. I will try to sneak ya some of the good green ....... hehe
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