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Viewing thread nBa 2024-25

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  • Services thread is pay for services, I find those plays at other web sites under "FREE PICKS". No need to have to pay for service plays!!
    Apologize for the dumb question.... Your football services thread: that handicappers "free picks" or the picks you have to pay for?
    Bo, I only get the info when it get around. I don't worry about what BW plays, it's a distraction to be honest. If he's on something that I found out that I already played, I may play it for more, but that's all I would worry about. I keep up with the fuzzy foreigner more in Vegas, if you see a line move more than 3 pts within 24 hours the first lines are posted, it's BW or the Fuzzy Foreigner putting down large chunks of change, and RAS screwing things up on their sides/totals in college football! Thanks!! Good luck! Bill
    Bill my buddy was posted at the Trop. He's not running for him now, I've lost that valuable info. Idk if the madjackers know about him. Do you get his info every week? Thanks Bo.
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