Recent content by BleedDodgerBlue

  1. BleedDodgerBlue

    Survivor NFL 2017

    Got a few emails about this already. Will be running again. Think it's the 4th or 5th year we've been doing this. I'll respond to any questions in this thread or my email if you have it I can give it to you in rep if need be. Or we can set up a topless skype session if you're female. Legal...
  2. BleedDodgerBlue

    Pyromania (Released January 20th, 1983)

    Album was okay. Nothing special. Good for its time but it was completely outclassed just two short months later when arguably the best album of the 80's and always a contender next to the illusions for best album of all time was released.
  3. BleedDodgerBlue


    Pussy. lolol wins first set 6-0 to sock and then gets on all fours and takes it like a man. What a bitch this loser is. :mj07::mj07:
  4. BleedDodgerBlue

    Fernandez Dead. Braves/Marlins game cancelled. One of the best young arms in the game. Tragic.
  5. BleedDodgerBlue

    Catching 3.5

    Might have been the worst beat I've ever taken.
  6. BleedDodgerBlue

    Survivor League 2016

    Greg isn't running it this year. He said he left the forum permanently when Kickserve was still allowed to post after thousands of emails begging for his removal and IP ban. But whatever, jacks rules and all that. This is a copy and paste job from last year with some edits pretty much so...
  7. BleedDodgerBlue

    General Discussion Now Private

    Seems you have to log in now to read general forum. Not sure if intended or oversight. Not sure it even matters much. Just pointing it out.
  8. BleedDodgerBlue


    You talk to Nolan lately? Some pretty serious allegations. He always seemed okay to me, but there's a he said/she said and he's getting by far the worst of it.
  9. BleedDodgerBlue

    LA Tonight

    The greatest group of musicians ever assembled reunite for the first time in 25 years. The greatest band ever assembled returns. The not in this lifetime your starts now. Amazing.
  10. BleedDodgerBlue


    Is Raonic okay? I mean he got his ass kicked by Krygios so I just want to see what injury you claim he has. I hope he's okay whatever fake injury it is.
  11. BleedDodgerBlue

    Whole Lotta Rosie

    looks in pretty decent shape to me. From today. These guys (AC/DC) look pretty rough. Go turn on your Barenaked Ladies and Tori Amos cd's and stay the fuck up north with your stupid worthless know nothing opinions.
  12. BleedDodgerBlue

    Whole Lotta Rosie

    And the new lead singer of AC/DC is.......... Axl Rose. What a year for Rose. Reunion with GN'R and now doing a tour with AC/DC to fill in for ailing Johnson.
  13. BleedDodgerBlue


    The greatest ever vs. some punk kid from Canada who hasn't won shit or at least anything of substance since they disbanded the San Jose Open a few years ago. Kid has an okay serve, but no ground game, can't pass, can't volley and will probably cry a few times during the match. Wish their were...
  14. BleedDodgerBlue

    Making a Murderer (2015)

    Jail sure can change you.
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