Recent content by Cricket

  1. Cricket

    Trump out for a Walk
  2. Cricket

    Legion of demons

    What a demonic looking bunch...
  3. Cricket

    Nuff Said

  4. Cricket

    The US Sides with Russia Rather Than The UN

    AMEN!!!! Glenn Beck @glennbeck We are not blind to who Putin is. But we are also not blind to who you are. You are a rude, arrogant, manipulative man. We are and always will be with your people. But I am glad that we are finally done with you. I sincerely hope we begin to track the...
  5. Cricket


    Your league,not mine. Smittunia! Do you sit to piss?
  6. Cricket


  7. Cricket


    You know why nobody heard about it? Criminal activity and fraud are always top secret. Sergeant Shultz
  8. Cricket


    You and whatzy's only functions are turning blind eyes to bad behaviour!
  9. Cricket


    And you think you guys are the pillars of justice?The government wants to tell you what to do and their lamestream media wants to tell you what to think about it. USAID kind of reminds me of the old mafia,ripping everybody off blind but would donate a little to the church and bragging about it.
  10. Cricket


    Come up with proof the money is being well spent. 85% bullshit and baloney,red tape payoffs shouldn't be the only way to accomplish humanitarian aid. I'd feel better than to line somebody's pocket and have them take credit for all the assistance on my tax dollar.
  11. Cricket

    1 Month In

    Sleep well and go have another booster.
  12. Cricket

    I see dead people

    It's this difficult to find out if you have died? How come a surviving spouse denied benefits would find out in the first month after the death. . Part of the confusion comes from Social Security’s software system based on the COBOL programming language, which has a lack of date type. This...
  13. Cricket

    I see dead people

    Oh they will in unison!
  14. Cricket

    I see dead people

    The 20 MILLION DEAD PEOPLE collecting social security payments now are same dead ones who VOTED for BIDEN in 2020 that ILLEGALLY won him the swing states 02/18/2025 / By S.D. Wells In the 2020 US Presidential election, it’s claimed that Biden received 80 million votes, 20 million more than...
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