Recent content by Dr Feelgood

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  1. Dr Feelgood

    Week 2

    This is Bo's coming out game Smitty
  2. Dr Feelgood


    Absolutely shit luck there Boss, Vegas ain't what it used to be. We need the Mob to take it over and get all these corporate douchenozzles outta here...
  3. Dr Feelgood

    Week 1

    let's get this corrected Smitty, you're the only respectable handicapper left here at Madjacks!! No confidence in Bo? Bo knows football....
  4. Dr Feelgood


    What has Vegas become?? Animals.
  5. Dr Feelgood


    Let the lady live a little, she probably wants you to give her some alone time!! Let's get shitfaced!!!
  6. Dr Feelgood


    You dink, you were 6 miles from my house (straight down Rainbow)!! And where the fuck was my text you were coming? Where we winning tomorrow?