Recent content by WhatsHisNuts

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  1. WhatsHisNuts

    "Truth" Social.....Dead on the Vine

    Add "doesn't know what RNA is to the list".
  2. WhatsHisNuts

    What's the Latest on Kamala?

    True. He's like her much better if she had a penis.
  3. WhatsHisNuts

    What's the Latest on Kamala?

    She got all the votes she needed in the primaries. Do 3rd world countries have primaries? Both of the assassination attempts were committed by Republicans. It's almost like being wrong is your super power.
  4. WhatsHisNuts

    What’s the Latest on Hunter?

    This went from the scandal of the century to silence. What gives?
  5. WhatsHisNuts

    Mark "Blac Nazi" Robinson to Stay in NC Race This is the guy Trump loves and said is like Martin Luther King Jr x2. Whoops.
  6. WhatsHisNuts


    No, I watch her speeches and interviews.
  7. WhatsHisNuts

    Bagram Alaska

    Occassional???? This was no Freudian slip either. He kept talking about the Bagram base in Alaska that he deserves all the credit for. He has no clue what he's talking about.
  8. WhatsHisNuts

    Bagram Alaska

    Grandpa thinks our base in Bagram Afghanistan is in Alaska. What a fucking dope. He was bragging about something that doesn't exist. I can't imagine voting for this turd, but you guys have your reasons. JFC
  9. WhatsHisNuts


    If it's on a meme, it must be true! Meanwhile, there's a video of a babbling, incoherent, 80 year old man that actually demonstrates it.
  10. WhatsHisNuts


    Another complete word salad punctuated with complete nonsense. The guy's brain is not working.
  11. WhatsHisNuts

    Goldman Sachs: US Economy Would Perform Better Under Harris Than Trump Cheers!
  12. WhatsHisNuts

    JD Vance?

    Good lord! Did you guys hear his latest speech? JV Vance is the VP candidate the Democrats needed!
  13. WhatsHisNuts


    Hard to grip the club with gravy on your hand.
  14. WhatsHisNuts

    Another assassination attempt

    Says the guy that said Sandy Hook was a hoax. He's playing the part of you, dipshit. Try to keep up.
  15. WhatsHisNuts

    Another assassination attempt

    You skipped the part where the AP said one was a registered Republican and the other voted for Trump in 2016. Two white, native born, gun owners. Ask Wayne if that sounds like "da base".
  16. WhatsHisNuts

    JD Vance Admits He and Trump Make Up Stories to Get Attention

    Your VP candidate admitted they make shit up. It was on national television. You're a sucker and you're living in denial. It's sad. Go buy some DJT stock, gold sneakers, a Trump bible, Trump trading cards, or some Trump Crypto before it's too late!
  17. WhatsHisNuts

    Another assassination attempt

    You're just going to skip over the part where he voted for Trump in 2016 and was promoting Vivek this year on social media? BTW: Registered as unaffiliated in 2012 was super helpful to your case, lol. Nice work.
  18. WhatsHisNuts

    Trump Unveils Plan for New Cryptocurrency Business If you are still falling for his shit, you're hopeless. There has to be millions out there that voted for this clown in 2016 and feel completely embarrassed over falling for his BS.
  19. WhatsHisNuts

    Another assassination attempt

    If Don Jr was the attempted shooter, you clowns would blame the Democrats.
  20. WhatsHisNuts

    JD Vance Admits He and Trump Make Up Stories to Get Attention

    Will Cricket, Hedgy, Raymond, or Oldmanfarts care? Absolutely not. Being lied to is endearing to them.
  21. WhatsHisNuts

    Another assassination attempt

    The first one was a registered Republican and this guy voted for Trump in 2016 and was promoting Vivek Ramaswamy......They're Republicans. Sorry about your luck.
  22. WhatsHisNuts

    Another assassination attempt

    You sure it isn't Haitian migrants?
  23. WhatsHisNuts

    Another assassination attempt

    Was it another registered Republican?
  24. WhatsHisNuts

    Wanna see the real assholes who kill cats?

    1. One woman 2. Not in Springfield, OH (Canton) 3. Not Haitian 4. She's a US Citizen 5. Pleading insanity because this was the act of a crazy person In sum, this doesn't have anything to do with the asinine comments your candidate made during the nationally televised debate in which he...
  25. WhatsHisNuts

    Wanna see the real assholes who kill cats?

    The country is laughing at this buffoon. If you think leaning into his stupidity is helping, I have bad news for you.
  26. WhatsHisNuts

    Debate Recap

    JV Vance promotes ridiculous conspiracy theories like the Haitians eating pets in Springfield and continues to defend one ridiculous Trump flub after another. He said the votes of people without kids should count less and that they don't have any stake in America's future. He called Trump...
  27. WhatsHisNuts

    Debate Recap

    1. It was one woman that ate a cat 2. She was in Canton, OH, not Springfield 3. She is not Haitian 4. She is an American citizen 5. She's pleading insane Cool story though.
  28. WhatsHisNuts

    I Will Recreate this Photo (Hopefully, Very Soon)

    You're starting to get it, ghost! Standing over the grave of someone with a huge smile on your face while giving a thumbs up is WEIRD!
  29. WhatsHisNuts

    I Will Recreate this Photo (Hopefully, Very Soon)

    It's a thread about Trump. It's a thread about disrespecting the soldiers that died. That's the guy you're backing for President. We're in a Politics forum. If you're saying that you walk with Hedgehog, Cricket, Oldmanfarts, Ripper, and Raymond while I walk with YYZ, Smitty, and...
  30. WhatsHisNuts

    Debate Recap

    Do you ever look at the stupid shit they get you riled up about and wonder "What the fuck am I doing?".
  31. WhatsHisNuts

    Debate Recap

    Trump was asked a direct question about why he killed the immigration bill........refused to answer. He took the bait every time Kamala threw it in the water. He's old, he's confused, and he has no plan. He was talking about doctors killing babies after birth, immigrants eating the pets of...
  32. WhatsHisNuts

    Debate Recap

    Trump got exposed. Kamala crushed him.
  33. WhatsHisNuts

    I Will Recreate this Photo (Hopefully, Very Soon)

    How do you type this with a straight face?
  34. WhatsHisNuts

    Thoughts and Prayers Season is Here

    When someone keeps saying “As a black man “, it makes me think this is just another ghost.
  35. WhatsHisNuts

    Lies, lies, lies

    The Republicans say all those jobs are part time jobs so there’s no need to attribute them to the CHIPS Act or infrastructure bill or generally booming economy we now have. If you don’t think COVID had anything to do with inflation spiking in the US, do you think it had anything to do with...
  36. WhatsHisNuts

    Thoughts and Prayers Season is Here

    Never mentioned a ban on handguns. The ongoing issue is the EASY ACCESS to guns. We need to make it much more difficult to get guns, restrict the types available for purchase, and increase the penalties for related crimes. This isn't hard.
  37. WhatsHisNuts

    Lies, lies, lies
  38. WhatsHisNuts

    Trump on Making Child Care Affordable...

    No. Why? How about that post I made? Want to address it or will you try to distract from Trump being the 3rd worst president in history?
  39. WhatsHisNuts

    Saturday Plays

    Adding Iowa -2.5 for 20 billion units.
  40. WhatsHisNuts

    Saturday Plays

    Old Ominion Under 53.5 Oregon Over 62 All plays 10 billion units unless otherwise specified.
  41. WhatsHisNuts

    Trump on Making Child Care Affordable...

    Don’t listen to me, listen to the experts. Trump is rated as one of the three worst presidents ever. Biden’s handling of Ukraine has been nothing short of brilliant. Inflation spikes are over and have been for a long time now that the Trump impact has been weathered.
  42. WhatsHisNuts

    Trump on Making Child Care Affordable...

    We did. He was a colossal fuck up that was impeached TWICE, didn't keep his promises and completely botched the COVID-19 crisis. His free money giveaways led to the inflation issue you keep blaming Biden for. Voting for more of that is absolute insanity.
  43. WhatsHisNuts

    Tenet Media Indicted You guys still think Russia isn't trying to push mis-information to get Republicans elected?
  44. WhatsHisNuts

    Fmr. Republican VP Dick Cheney Endorses Harris :smilies4
  45. WhatsHisNuts

    Trump on Making Child Care Affordable...

    He wasn't a strong he's no longer the candidate. One party recognizes the problem with running an 80 year old man, one doesn't. The funny thing is, you're the one being told by Trump that he's 6'3", 213 lbs and you believe. He tells you he's the best deal maker, and you...
  46. WhatsHisNuts

    I Will Recreate this Photo (Hopefully, Very Soon)

    Trump is a traitor who should have been executed by now for what he did on January 6, 2021. If you gave a shit about this country, you'd understand.
  47. WhatsHisNuts

    Trump on Making Child Care Affordable...

    Imagine voting for this 78 year old, incoherent, felon, sex offender! Wow. Get your head examined if you think this guy is the best choice.
  48. WhatsHisNuts

    Jive talking

    And look who’s back in “damage is done, too late” mode. There was a bill that gave you whiny bitches everything you said you needed to make things better….and the Republicans rejected it. Game. Set. Match.
  49. WhatsHisNuts

    Jive talking

    A quick Google search will show you that the Republicans were presented with a bill to give them everything they wanted at the border and they rejected it. It’s a fact, like it or not. Thanks for the laugh out loud post. These are my favorite lines. They “lost” over 85,000 children. LOL...
  50. WhatsHisNuts

    Thoughts and Prayers Season is Here

    Of course it’s political. Easy access to weapons of war is a Republican policy that leads to this. Instead of taking responsibility, you try to sweep it under the rug. Same tired ass playbook.
  51. WhatsHisNuts

    Jive talking

    There was a bill to address this and Trump had them reject it. Republicans aren’t interested in fixing shit, they just want something to bitch about because that’s their only shot at winning votes. Definitely can’t run on accomplishments.
  52. WhatsHisNuts

    Thoughts and Prayers Season is Here

    This is the freedom right wingers want to protect. Compare it to the freedom liberals want to protect. The choice is so obvious.
  53. WhatsHisNuts

    Jive talking

    Have you never heard a black woman talk before?
  54. WhatsHisNuts

    If you watch this entire video.

    2 minutes is all I could handle. Really sad.
  55. WhatsHisNuts

    I Will Recreate this Photo (Hopefully, Very Soon)

    The soldiers died in a terrorist attack. It's really sad. It's also sad that you try to make this out to be the Biden administration's fault. Even sadder, you support turning their grave site into a campaign ad. It's gross. Look at the picture. It's pure cringe. Huge smile, thumbs...
  56. WhatsHisNuts

    I Will Recreate this Photo (Hopefully, Very Soon) Arlington National Cemetery’s statement certainly suggested it was. “Federal law prohibits political campaign or election-related activities within Army National Military Cemeteries, to include...
  57. WhatsHisNuts

    I Will Recreate this Photo (Hopefully, Very Soon)

    He might have been invited, but he broke the law while there and his staffer assaulted the woman that tried to keep them from breaking the law.
  58. WhatsHisNuts

    Two faced debate!

    You are such a whiny bitch. You started a thread about how Kamala is a flip flopper, I point out that Orange Jesus is flip flopping too and you try to blame me. And somehow, I'm the one that is following the orders when you're the one that starts all these stupid threads. You must be a real...
  59. WhatsHisNuts

    I Will Recreate this Photo (Hopefully, Very Soon)

    What's wrong with me imitating orange Jesus once he kicks the bucket? Why is doing EXACTLY what he does low class only when I do it but not when he does? Weird!