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  • Hammy, today's (Dec. 16, Sat) 9th race MAY BE a Looker exotic? My figures circle around the "magic". The prob. might be the field size which means that a there's a LOT of combos that could happen. I know you're interested in the magic nos. so here they are again. EXactas 26/62, 12/21 (esp. in routes); tries are boxes 136 (all distances), 124 (routes). Semi magic tries 167 and 267 esp. in routes.
    Hey Jimbo,

    Wow, I feel your pain in not reversing an exacta. Especially even more when the Bomb hits. I wager like you, bet small and win big is my mind set. I know that your an excellent handicapper with a lot of discipline regarding money management, you just can't cover all, but could you imagine if you just boxed the 2-3-6-8-11 for a buck.
    Good luck today.
    What a day, gotta share this with somebody and you'll know what I'm "talking about". It's good for a conversation piece but NOT so good for me :(.

    It has to do with "bet small and win big". Today's (Sun) LAST (as usual) race; here's a copy of what my TT report looks like:
    COMPLETED: a8411-8962c
    $3 Win 2 none $3.00
    - $3.00
    COMPLETED: 2e9be-64005
    $2 Exacta 6, 8, WT, 3, 11 none $8.00
    - $8.00
    COMPLETED: d9719-3db62
    $2 Exacta 2, 3, WT, 6, 8 none $8.00
    - $8.00
    COMPLETED: 10ed3-866e9
    $2 Exacta BX, 2, 6 none $4.00
    - $4.00
    Not gonna even think about the 11/8/6 FIFTY STINKIN CENT PAYOFF ($1061.80)
    See that 6,8 OVER 3,11 that 2$ zackta bet? YOU KNOW that I always reverse those bets (3,11 OVER 6,8). Guess what? I didn't do it this time. I'll save ya the trip.... .. 11/8 zacta paid $503.60 (it prob. should have paid more, but who cares).
    Today, in the 6th - I think no. 4 Grit n Grind should at least hit the board at 12-1, nos. 7 and 8 are L@@KERS.
    Hammy, I JUST SAW your birthday after sending my message. Mine is Feb.16. (unfortunately earlier than yours though, YIKES!)
    Hamster, the last straw re. BC races was when I hit a trifecta with a 17/1 shot on top, I remember the race well. I was really hepped up too right after that race, UNTIL they took my winner DOWN. That really hurt. I bet heavier in those days, and decided I had enough trying to figure out races between champions/clones. Honestly, I admit I enjoyed racing more when I used to keep up with the BIG races in N.Y. That was even before Secretariat's time. But, hoss wacin is still my fav. hobby".
    REALLY enjoyed yesterday at Parx, losing up to the 9th, posted and played two horses, played 3 horses to win which included my 2 picks (at 3 STINKIN bucks on each and $2 zacktas), my two horses (posted) were the exacta ($143.60) and the winner paid $36.20. Great feeling after playing the Philly dirt bombs yesterday and collecting over 3 figures in the last race.
    Stay well and enjoy the races.
    I am writing message to TWO friends, Hamster and jpblitz, both messages are similar.
    Hammy, I am soo sorry that it may have looked like I was ignoring you with these "Visitor Messages" thingies. You know, if I remember correctly - I think we used to post to each other in the forums and after I was around here for something like TWO years, I finally came to realize that these things existed and there were at least 2 messages from you. I tried to check these things for awhile and get back to you but I AM NOT a constant forum user, AND I must have forgotten to check this feature many, many times. I am sorry about that. Sometimes I just stop visiting MJs for long periods of time.
    Finally found this place again :)

    Well, I ain't in a PUBLIC posting mood ESP. these days when NOBODY is really interested in wacin. I sure as hell still am! Also, I ain't confident about today's Bet 3 play so losing other people's moola ain't a good thing as well. But, then again, I wasn't very confident bout yesterday's either with all them longshots on my tickets ;)

    I got the 7th race Plick3 for today, that would be the 7th,8th, 9th. Thought I'd mention HERE that, IF I make it to the 9th .... .. I will start to get some confidence with no. 7 going for me in the 9th. That would be Habanero Gold. I'm tempted to hit this one hard across the board as well but then I remember what happens to me when I do that :(

    A lot of nice notes from you, Hammy. Thank you.
    Man, I'm one hell of a poor socializer I guess... you wrote most of them in NOVEMBER.. UGH!

    It's April and I don't think I checked out the "personal" conversations since then. Sheesh!

    I don't know how the social addicts keep up with them mobile toys keeping up with this stuff or... EVEN bother with it EVERY stinkin day. What a life.

    Hey, that doesn't mean that I don't appreciate your messages and posts either. I'm ALWAYS looking forward to hearing from you, Hamster.
    Hell, if I forget to put in a solid winning bet.. maybe you can excuse me for forgetting the Visitor Messages thingy.

    Enjoy the popcorn, NAUDI JOSH LOL
    Hammy, NOT ignoring you.. just haven't been around the forums lately.
    I don't pay attention to the situation you exemplified. I treat them as just two separate hosses. I can tell you something that happened VERY often at Calder when I used to play that track - there were a couple of trainers (GOOD ones) that pulled this crap way too often ..... . . given trainer would have two horses in the same race, one as a fav. or semi fav. and his much longer shot would win. Calder was the only track I saw a trend like that.

    I don't think the situation you mentioned is anything to be concerned with.

    Tough time of the year to play Philly but I think the horses got released from quarantine and the fields should be picking up. I'll try to get back on the program soon.

    Oh, here's one - when a trainer (good or bad) scratches a horse that he had in as part of a COUPLED entry, I give the one he left in (whether the horse is good or bad) extra consideration.

    Good Luck, Hammy.
    Hamster, always bump my thread to the top in the football forum if you stop in. I don't visit the forums everyday and IN THE FOOTBALL forum it will sink like a boulder in water if somebody doesn't gimme a reply; that makes it hard to find. The reason I DON'T like to do it is that it looks like I'm looking for attention if I DO IT. And that ain't the case. I like to reply to myself to much LOL.
    See my last post in the football forum it could give you an idea asfaras betting the picks you like.

    ALSO, my last Horse Racing post. Maybe you can find out what PARX is up to with all the dang scwatches. I'm not coming up with any answers even though I tried to find the answer to that one.
    Just reply in the Horse Racing Palace. :)

    Haven't seen Hogman around, hope he's doing OK. Hope you hit a few over the weekend, footballers and/or dirt bags. Football is taking up a lot of my time lately.

    G.L. Hammy.
    IT'S OFFICIAL, we're FRIENDS :) I didn't know a thing about this stuff and fiddled around last night with this place and figured out how to do this. Now I guess nobody else, like, say ... a robot, can see this right?
    Not really interested in your page. With the new format, I must have inadvertently open your page in error. Sorry if you felt you were stalked.
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