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MB MLB 728x90 Jpg
  1. M

    Bark Collar

    Since I've noticed a lot of you here have dogs I wanted to see if anyone had any luck in using a bark collar. Our dog is barking more and more lately and we're not sure what's up. Been to the vet and everything checks out fine. We've had some complaints mostly during the day when we are both...
  2. M

    Hurricane Dennis

    Anyone else about get the hell out of town? I live in Fort Walton Beach and apparently we're going to get a visit. We took a pretty good hit from Ivan last year which hit about 75 miles west of here and destroyed Pensacola about 40 miles west. Looks like we're going to take the hit this time...
  3. M

    Vegas 9-26 thru 10-3

    Me and some friends will be there all week. Anyone else going this week? Michael