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  1. G

    Ref admits mistake in AP story

    PITTSBURGH (AP) -The first 11-10 game in NFL history shouldn't have ended that way, referee Scott Green said after a last-minute touchdown was errantly taken away from the Pittsburgh Steelers on Sunday. The officiating mistake didn't affect the outcome since the Steelers still would have won...
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    TV Schedule for Hoops?

    Is there anywhere that has a comprehensive sports tv schedule showing all college and pro basketball games that are on, and what channels they are on, including games with the NBA and College packages on Directv? With games all over the place, even with Directv, I can't find anyplace that...
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    Stats Inc. boxscores

    Could someone please post links for boxscores for Stats Inc. for both NCAA basketball and MLB. I've always liked their boxscores the best. I can't get the the links on this site under scoreboards to work. They don't seem to be updating. Thanks, Groz
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    URL for Stats Inc. Baseball Box Scores

    Could someone please post the correct URL to get into the Stats Inc. baseball scores. IE2002 has always been so kind to post the correct URL's for all of Stats Inc's site, but the baseball one seems to be blocked now and goes to an internal error. Thanks, Groz
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    I know that Nevada did beat Kansas. I know UTEP did lose at home to Boise State in their league opener. But, I can't get out of my head when I was at the UTEP-Rutgers game after Christmas in Texas. I go to all Rutgers games at home. You know they play much tougher at home(lost to UConn...
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    Strange day on Saturday--Bad beats

    Only played 3 games that I liked today. Overall I was 2-3. But the 3 losses really sucked. Had Kansas and Michigan in the 1st half. Won both. Had Michigan -18.5 vs. Bowling Green. Michigan wins by 17. Had Kansas -11.5. Winning by 18, garbage time gives them a 10 point win. Had...
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    IE2002, Could you please post the URL for Stats Inc. College Basketball boxscores. Thanks, Groz
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    TV Schedule for College Basketball?

    Guys, I'm not sure if this exists. Can someone tell me where I can find a comprehensive television schedule for college basketball? If it was with a rotation it would be better, but I'm looking for somewhere I can see every game that is being shown for a particular day. It...
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    IE2002 -- URL's for Stats Inc.

    IE2002, If you would be so kind, could you please post the URL's for Stats Inc. for NBA and college basketball. My bookmarks won't work because it is a new year. Thanks in advance. I appreciate it when you put the URL's to all of Stats Inc. Best of...
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    URL for Stats Inc. for NFL and College football?

    Could someone please give me the exact URLs for Stats Inc.'s NFL and College Football. The bookmark from last year won't bring up the current year. I have the baseball URL, but need the other 2. Thanks Best of Luck, Groz
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    What would you do?

    I was wondering what some of you would do as far as a possible hedge in my situation. We are not talking a lot of money, but was still wondering your thoughts. I am in a pool that cost me $100 to enter. If Kansas wins, I come in 4th and win $550(450net). If Syracuse wins, I win...
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    IE, I know last time you knew all of the Stats Inc. URLs and helped me out with NFL, NBA and MLB. If you know the URL for NCAA basketball, I would appreciate it. Sorry for you guys that have to read this for the second time. I apologize. I wasn't sure if IE would be reading all...
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    Stats Inc. NCAA Basketball URL?

    Could someone please tell me the exact URL for the Stats Inc. NCAA boxscores. I know the address for NFL, Baseball and NBA, but can't figure out the NCAA address. I think they have one of the best sites for info. Thanks in advance. Best of Luck...
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    We've all had tough losses...

    Having Kansas vs. Arizona last week and today Indiana vs. Louisville, it might be time to take a break. Having 2 home dogs getting 2.5(B.C. vs ND last saturday and UCLA vs. Oregon ) and losing both games in overtime, doesn't help either. I only bet a few games per week, it's not like I...
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    Thoughts on trip to see 8 MILE and movies in general

    Just got back a little while ago from seeing 8 MILE in a suburban NJ Loews theatre. This movie is going to do pretty big numbers. I go to the movies very often and am amazed at what goes on at the theatre. First off, I would say that the movie is done fairly well. It is probably not...
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    Has Anyone Gotten These Calls??...

    I was wondering if anyone has gotten these pre-recorded bothersome calls from a company called Ty Gaston Sports? Obviously, someone is selling the names of people and it must include a phone number or address for them to reach you by phone. I only use a couple of sportsbooks and I am 99% sure...
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    Madjack--Stats inc. baseball boxscores?

    Madjack, Thanks for the URL for the football boxscores from Stats inc.. Do you know what the URL is for the baseball boxscores from Stats inc.? I used to love their site on AOL, but their contract ran out and AOL didn't renew it. All I ever see on Stats inc.'s site is a member...
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    I've been riding Indiana this whole tournament, but I think their luck runs out tonight. Maryland can score points in bunches, and I think they will wear down Indiana and pull away with a 10-15 point win. Baxter should rebound with a big game and Wilcox has the quickness and strength to...
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    Can only wish bad things for Florida

    I can accept losing a bet. I had Florida in the first half and the game tonight against Auburn. Florida came out flat, OK. They then picked it up with their frenetic ways and led by 6. Auburn knowing that they can not run with Florida, then just kept holding the ball at half court on...
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    Question for Fletcher

    Fletcher, I was just wondering if it is just a coincidence that you picked 9 favorites out of your nine games today? I did a search of your the last few weeks here and saw the same pattern(28 favorites out of 34 games picked). I have been coming to Madjack's for over a year, and I...