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MB MLB 728x90 Jpg
  1. M

    Bet Jamaica down?

    I haven't been able to log on to them for over 4 hours.Anyone else having the same problem?
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    Just missed winning a $21k parlay

    Today the NYG lost by 3 and I had 3.5, and that along with the 11 other winners in college ball would have made me a winner if Hawaii would have won.I stayed up until almost 3 am to watch it and I was very impressed with that team.They are fun to watch, very discplined .I was also very much...
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    Carib down

    Anyone know why carib is down?Notice says it is down temporarily.No answer on their phone.
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    Don't go to movies any more, but there is one I am going to see when it comes out July 25:Seabiscuit.If it is anywhere near as good as the PBS documentary it is going to be great.Hollywood couldn't make this stuff up-or dare to.I hope they do a good job with it. I predict it will be popular with...
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    Restoration CD

    Anyone know where I can find a HP 6730 Pavilion restoration CD or recovery kit.HP parts don't carry them anymore.
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    PBS snots

    Yesterday after the news of the Smart girl's rescue I tuned to PBS's Newshour to see if they would mention it in the opening news.I knew they wouldn't have a segment on it later in the broadcast, but I thought it was such good news story, and a heartwarming one at that,that they would devote a...
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    fool's gold?

    does anyone else get fed up with all the hype about large lottery payoffs?The media plays this up so big.They ask poor slobs waiting in line for three hours what they would do if they won the $200 get answers like they would pay off their bills, get their teeth straightened,buy a new...