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    Question about HDTV

    what are the costs above and beyond the TV? I have a chance to get a nice HDTV but i dont want it if its gonna cost me a fortune to watch it! thanks in advance for the help.
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    need ticket info.

    I'm looking for 2 tickets to the Miami Hurricane / Louisville Cardinal football game on 9/16/06. Any help would be appreciated. Thank You,
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    Download Music for free

    Does anyone know of a site where you can download free music?
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    Worm44's last 2 posts

    they make no sense whatsoever....the last 1 says he was 18 in 2002 and in college....the 1 before that, the casino post, said he was in the gulf which was it? lmao go figure i dont have time for this
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    Question for the group

    i have been hearing about USC setting a collegiate record for wionning 3 national championships in succesion. (if they would have won last night, of course) so i have a question for anyone that can give me the answer. from 1953-1957 Oklahoma won 47 straight, how in the world could they not win...
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    Pre D/L music

    does anyone know of a sight where i can listen to the whole song before i download it? thank you
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    Need some assistance

    Does anyone know of a site that would give you a writeup on college basketball games before they are played. I cant find any. thank you
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    Michigan/osu on TV??????????

    why ion the hell cant we get the wolverine on tv out here....west coast games suck on this can u have golf and cartoons on b4 u put on the biggest rivalry in sports today...this blows i will be boycotting ABC for some time now...those executives must be on crack if anyone knows...
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    New Category???

    madjack, will you ever start a new topic devoted to fantasy sports? there are a ton of people interested. maybe it will bring in more people to your forum! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :mj14: :mj14: :mj14: :mj14:
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    Time to start fading BB!!!!

    now this is not a knock on mr blastoff, but anyone that has had a phenominal run such as he has, must come back to the median. he started here with something like 84-21, i believe thats close. but he is not stu feiner, where stu consistantly knocks off 89% winners!!!! maybe the q factor will...
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    ATTN Billy Blastoff fans

    his system will work the same with sagarins #'s The consultant i used to work for looked at sheridan #'s 1st and adjusted from there! trust me when i say the conxultant i was formerly employed with is a well known entity. so if you wanna do your own work and figure it out yourself, just go to...
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    question for BB

    why do you talk shit about other people that make their picks and you cant stand it when they do it to you? and 1 other thing....your name sounds like ypou're an old used up porn star!!!! jmo
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    Assistance needed

    I'm lookin g for a good spreadsheet to use in calculating basketball statistics and spitting out a predictio! If anyone can lead me in the right direction, it would be greatly appreciated. thank you in advance dope
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