Search results

  1. BleedDodgerBlue

    thursday stickball

    19-23-1 -10.67 units cin - 140 x 2 chc/atl u 9 + 100 x 2 pitt + 125 x 2 tex/cws o9 + 100 x 2 bos/tor o 9 + 100 x 2 lots of overs today. what a square i am. especially on a thursdya. i hate overs, but that's what i show. bdb=square gl
  2. BleedDodgerBlue

    wednesday stickball

    17-19-1 -6.07 i wish i had the enthusiasm some of you younger people have. i can't use the emoticons, and nothing anyone says info right before game sways me...but y'all have fun. it's all about you believing u the man. kc + 180 x 2 tb -123 x 2 oak -107 x 2 tex + 114 x 2 min/sea u 7.5...
  3. BleedDodgerBlue

    American Idol Round of 7

    First, lets get this photo tribute out of the way for sun tzu: it's country week. no offense, but i don't care. i'm not a fan. martina mcbride will be there. i'd say who, but i do know the name, but if she walked by me on the street i would have no clue. last week was kind of funny. ai...
  4. BleedDodgerBlue

    tuesday stickball

    15-16 - 4.05 units quick trivia question.....who has the best record in baseball??? (hint...they wear blue) lots o games....could get in trouble under the sun: pitt + 146 x 2 scrubs + 103 x 2 under the lights: sf + 103 x 3 tb -107 x 2 tex/cws over 9 -115 x 2 Blue Light Special...
  5. BleedDodgerBlue

    monday stickball

    14-14 -2.85 units out of town all last week. in the florida humidity. did see tropicana field last weekend. good game, but its a dump. glad i can scratch that off the stadium list. ana +172 x 2 phil - 107 x 2 mil -117 x 3 lad/ari o 9 -110 x 2 gl
  6. BleedDodgerBlue


    ate his wheaties today and the run line
  7. BleedDodgerBlue

    saturday stickball

    10-12 - 6.1 units swept yesterday or could have gotten real ugly nubmers. boys in blue won as well. still on pace for a 160-2 season. day games: milwauke - 115 x 2 cws - 130 x 3 (what the fck is with the 12:55 start, they can't make it 1?) what's wrong with these people gl
  8. BleedDodgerBlue

    Wonder how many hits????

    this dikwad got this week. they had to have offered this dildo money for his site. why not sell? don't forget...."he listesns" LOL this guy needs a new server for idiots like me out there that have to remember the .org gl
  9. BleedDodgerBlue

    friday stickball

    7-12 -12.34 units slump alert maybe i need to find plays that hit at a 90% clip and brag....wait....never mind long grind of season cle/sea over 10 - 105 x 3 philly - 111 x 2 ana -115 x 2 cubs + 112 x 2 gl
  10. BleedDodgerBlue

    thursday stickball

    5-9 - 9.04 just keeps getting better under the sun: cubs/over 10 parlay x 2 pays 4.87 cws - 103 x 2 (this team will win at least one game this year) philly -110 x 3 fade away boys and girls
  11. BleedDodgerBlue

    wednesday stickball

    3-6 -3.88 units i suck day games: cws + 107 x 2 ana/tex over 9 -130 x 3 gl edit my chit start record
  12. BleedDodgerBlue

    tuesday stickball

    2-3 - 0.84 units i suck day game: sf -102 x 2
  13. BleedDodgerBlue


    anyone else having problem with hotmail or yahoo mail all day? also cant get on everything else is working? gl maybe its this piece of garbage vista operating system. i hate it
  14. BleedDodgerBlue

    monday stickball

    season: 1-0 + 2.8 units day ball: cws -110 x 2 kc + 148 x 2 under the lights: texas + 127 x 2 gl
  15. BleedDodgerBlue

    sunday bases

    under the lights: MUTS + 140 x 2 futures plays for those interested: CWS win AL Central + 240 x 2 Anaheim wins AL West - 116 x 3 CWS win WS + 1185 x 2 gl 2 all this season. be back manana with a for sure play on the royals. gl
  16. BleedDodgerBlue

    Two Plays for Monday Night

    only one is gonna go though: UCLA + 1 -105 over Ohio State wrong team favored or if they don't play Florida -2.5 - 110 over Ohio State The two best teams play in 15 minutes. Neither should have a problem with Ohio St. Why is UCLA even catching a point. Probably won't matter. DIE NOAH gl
  17. BleedDodgerBlue

    Guess the is your friend

    02-09-2007, 06:33 PM Hello i havent posted in a while but since i been making huge money in the NBA like i do every year i decided to come back and help everyone out. Now i have been documented on other sites with hitting at an unbelievable percentage but that doesnt matter because that's in...
  18. BleedDodgerBlue

    One Play

    Jack has been sending me nasty emails that I'm not worth the $35k they are paying me to post here monthly. Said I haven't put up an NBA fade in a while. Here she blows: GS + 4.5 -110 x 4 GS + 160 x 2 gl 3 days til bases hope lebron enjoys the new crib. he's certainly earned it. what a...
  19. BleedDodgerBlue

    The Shield

    The Shield returns for its final season. I think 13 episodes on April 3rd, and subsequent tuesdays on FX. It hasn't aired for over a year, but it leaves off with Clem being shot and killed. There is a 15 minute internet clip showing the funeral and a few more scenes before the April 4th...
  20. BleedDodgerBlue

    Avatar request

    Apparently people don't like the most prolific closer in baseball. Please change my avatar to the man who is redefining music when you get a chance. Thanks EDIT see 3rd post
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