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MB MLB 728x90 Jpg
  1. G

    Two Arabs are chatting.......

    One pulls his wallet out and starts flipping through pictures. "This is my oldest son. He's a martyr." "Here's my second son. He's a martyr too." After a pause and a deep sigh, the second Arab wistfully says, "They blow up so fast, don't they?"
  2. G

    Cup Plays

    YTD...... 0-0-0 .... +-0 MON>+50 DET>-1' -05 DAL>+25 VAN>-50
  3. G

    Diamond Picks

    MLB2004....0-3...-8.0u APRIL 7 Cinn>+165 WILSON...3u/4.95u SD>RL +135 EATON...3u/4.05u CWS> -125 LOAZIA...6u/4.8u
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    Mlb 2004

    Solid 0-2 season start :: April 6 MON +140...4u/5.6u...Livan owns the Marlins along with the enevitable Champions Hangover MLB... 0-2-0 ... -4.0u
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    Mlb 2004

    MLB---- 0-0-0 ----- 0.00u AL NL TL Mon April 5 Cinn +195 Lidle 1.5/2.92 Tor/Det ov 8' -125 2.5/2.0
  6. G

    You all have been patient

    So now I reward you with the start of my Tourney Picks:clap::hail (how's that for modesty) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Virginia Tech (15-13) vs. (6) Pittsburgh (27-3) Game Info: 12:00 pm EST Thu Mar 11, 2004 Hokies coach Seth...
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    Pro whats your

    opinion on fhs tonight. Where have you been?:thefinger
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    you are and always have been the Biggest overrated, overhyped Joke in the NFL, ThankYOU for the ML WIN:D
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    Wis gm PRO?

    Going to the early game just wondering what your take is as I will be gone by 8am. thx
  11. G

    Jags 1st half

    seem to prosper 1st halfs then fade JAGS 1HF -1.5 P190 any NFL 1sthalfs?
  12. G

    You can tune a piano

    BUT you can't Tuna Parcells! NYG>over36' NYG>-7' NY finally got rid of that worthless Seahorse, Seahog,whatever his name was so now they have a real D and the O is for REAL. NYG..31-13
  13. G

    1st Hv picks for

    tonight P190? :D
  14. G

    WILSON ..get off your WV ass

    and support your team,See you at the Hat Stand:D
  15. G

    Wis QB

    Pull your head out of your ass, Stop the happy feet and HIT THE WIDE OPEN RECEIVERS YOU HAVE MISSED FOR 2 TDs!! STOP GIVING THE MOUNTAIN..............whatever they are the game Penn st 1)-27'.....4u YTD..0-0-0
  16. G

    Double or Nothing Wilson?

    What do you say , the Badge goiing to take your moutain?ueers 2 years in a row ,2 hats or Zip, what's it at -3pts , give me a shout. Also still waiting on your email DDubs.
  17. G

    MLB Tues Edition

    The Big RUN Starts Tonight> TB:>+75<2*::: Minn:>-75<6*::: KC:>ev<4*::: Nyy/Anh:>ov9'/-10<8*:::: MJ-2HF>3-10-1:-3795*
  18. G

    Mlb Saturday Edition

    LAST Post:::1-1 2HF:::3-8-1===-26.95* 7-26-03::: SF{-1'}{-15}[6*] Tor{o11}{-05}[5*] NYM{+05}------[4*]
  19. G

    MLB Thursday Edition

    Lst Nt>0-4:::-24.95 2hf--->2-7-1:::-24.05 7-24-03> Parlay:::Mil/CHa{9'-15:8'ev}10* DET:::{+205}3*
  20. G

    MLB Wednesday Edition

    Lst Nt>1-1-1:0* 2hf--->2-3-1:+.9* Wednesday>>> Mil[ov8':-25]{10*}Gotta Love 8' CHn[ov8:-05]{5*} Balt[ov9':-10]{4*} CHn[-1':+70]{3*} Dubs:::mastercraft_12000@yahoo