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  1. E

    do you want the astros to take a 2-0 lead?

    too bad. sucks to be anyone betting on the astros tonight. eddie mush's play of the night clemens +120 sorry, i love smoltz, but give me clemens at plus money any day of the week......especially with that bullpen of the braves. :cursin: i hope to be drunker than a skunk by gametime, so...
  2. E

    does this lady want my beef stick?

    I work with a lady at work, and think she has been giving me hints for a long time now that she wants me to plug her hole senseless. i was climbing the ladder getting down this big bag of dogfood the other day and when i got down she said 'thanks sweetey' and patted me on the behind. i thought...
  3. E

    If you hate money, follow me, EDDIE MUSH

    My name is Eddie Mush, and every play I make turns out a loser. My friends call me The Mush Over the last year, I have lost my house, lost my wife, even lost my dog. All I want to do is make everyone else as miserable as me. Here is your loser tonight...... Brett Farve is 0-3, and that...
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