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  1. WhatsHisNuts

    PGA Tour Player Grayson Murray Dead at 30 He was playing this week, withdrew Friday then died this morning.
  2. WhatsHisNuts

    Republican Party Picked Barron Trump to be State Delegate These are not serious people.
  3. WhatsHisNuts

    Prominent Anti-Vaxxer has Brain Worm

    Checks out. Hey Ray Ray, might want to get your head examined too!
  4. WhatsHisNuts

    Rising Republican Star Kristi Noem

    I hope she's having a great week!
  5. WhatsHisNuts

    The Rational Investor's Case Against Bitcoin Podcast:
  6. WhatsHisNuts

    FBI Report: Record Reduction in Crime in 2023 With all those "illegals" streaming across our border and bringing crime, how can this be? UNLESS, the narrative from the right wing media is...
  7. WhatsHisNuts

    House Republicans Call for Raising Retirement Age One party takes away and the other provides. Choice is yours.
  8. WhatsHisNuts

    Another ex-Trump Aide Goes to Jail Nobody ruins more lives and careers. Trump Train!
  9. WhatsHisNuts

    Supposed Billionaire Can't Pay His Bills When the truth surfaces, this guy is exposed as a complete fraud. It just keeps happening. I can't imagine voting for this POS.
  10. WhatsHisNuts

    Former VP Pence Will Not Endorse Trump Imagine how shitty Trump is at the job that his former VP won't endorse him.
  11. WhatsHisNuts

    For YYZ, A Big Mac Love Story from Fon du Lac
  12. WhatsHisNuts

    Con Man Launches Line of Sneakers LMFAO! This guy is the most out of touch fool I've ever seen. How in the fuck can one person fail so much? Cricket, Oldmansfart, Hedgy, Wayne, Ray, Ripper: You gonna snatch up a pair? Real classy, huh?
  13. WhatsHisNuts

    Presidents Ranked Notables: 43: Donald J. Trump 19: Joseph R. Biden Results matter.
  14. WhatsHisNuts

    Biden vs Trump: By the Numbers

    I got this from Reddit user Rickard58 Overall job numbers: Biden: +14.8 million Trump: -2.9 million Overall manufacturing jobs: Biden: +791,000 Trump: -154,000 Highest labor force numbers of presidency: Biden: 168,127,000 Trump: 164,546,000 Lowest unemployment rate of presidency: Biden...
  15. WhatsHisNuts

    When Should Taylor Swift Officially Endorse Biden?

    I'm torn. I would like sooner rather than later but strategically doing it closer to the election might be better. What say you?
  16. WhatsHisNuts

    Put Up or Shut Up Time for Republicans Biden vows to shutdown US/Mexico border if Congress passes bill. Checkmate.
  17. WhatsHisNuts

    Convicted Rapist/GOP Front Runner Ordered to Pay $83.3M More LOSING!!!! Imagine getting excited to vote for THIS piece of shit!!!!
  18. WhatsHisNuts

    Another Trump Associate is Going to Jail
  19. WhatsHisNuts

    DeSantis Ends Campaign, LOL

    You were in a dead heat until people got a taste of your personality! LMAO