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  1. tml418

    PDO System

    Some of you may remember (likely not) a system that I had posted last year with pretty good success. Here is the link to that thread We've been waiting to gather the required data, and the system is now ready to be...
  2. tml418

    Forum Runner App

    Is anyone else having issues using this app right now? It started around 5 last night. Whenever I click on one of the forums I get a Parse Error report. Jack any idea what's up? This app is my life saver!
  3. tml418

    Football in Vegas

    5 of us are taking a buddy to Vegas for his stag in 2 weeks. One of the pluses in going this time of year is that we get to spend Sunday drinking/watching/gambling on football! Does anyone have a suggestion on where the best place to watch is? We're looking for best overall atmosphere, ease of...
  4. tml418

    PDO System

    I've been playing this system for most of the year. It's been very profitable so figured I would start sharing. System plays lots of dogs so if you're hitting at a .500 clip it's profitable. If anyone wants to know how the system works, I will share. Stats thus far: 51-51 +985 Today's plays...
  5. tml418

    Forim Runner App

    May be a repost but is anyone else having issues with this app? I haven't been getting emails from threads I've subscribed to for over a week now. I have to keep going into the app to see any posts.
  6. tml418


    I know, not a sponsored book. But I came across this article. I'm no legal analyst, so any insight would help! Is it time to cash out and find myself another book? :shrug: Thanks