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    Tubberville to Cincy

    as a Tech fan, I didn't see this coming...
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    you kick a FG down 49-6??? why? lol......
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    Bitch and Moan Thread

    had UNLV +24 for the first half....99yd kick return and a pick 6 all within the last 2 minutes of the first half...fml...this beat just after I suffered the cuse returned fumble TD to lose that cover....pretty much the story of my season
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    his stroke has really affected him. He can barely put a sentence together these days. He just called Desmond, Dennis....I like him but wonder how much longer they keep him around
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    Bad beats in college hoops...

    Is it me or do most of your bad beats occur in college hoops? Im used to getting a backdoor cover and losing in football now and then. I've had 7 games so far this year where the team I bet is in total control the whole game and then with about 7 or 8 mins left in the game they totally...
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    Being Reported Texas Tech/OSU game...

    Tweets from OSU players and being reported by a newspaper out of Oklahoma that Tech offensive lineman were telling OSU dline what the plays were before the snap...As I reported in Thunders thread, the players hate this staff and the OCoord....