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  1. P

    Saturday Plays

    Leaning toward these plays on Saturday. Wisc. +4.5 Iowa St. +8.5 TCU +11 Ariz pk Tulane -4 Oregon -11 Texs Tech -8.5 Air Force -1.5 Good Luck. Patriot;)
  2. P


    Really happy about the outcome last night. Trying not to get too excited yet. After all, that was only one of 16. seems to me that the Steelers may be a little overrated and the Patriots way underrated. After that performance last night, I don't think the Patriots will be sneaking up on anyone...
  3. P


    This will be my last post concerning our little feud from last night. Just want to set the record straight. I've been a long time reader and contributor to this forum (check the dates) and have never made an attack like that on anyone's not my stlye. I am neither 15 nor 16 and have a...
  4. P

    DTA6 read this !!

    Was trying to take the high road on this but after about a case of celebratory beers can't do it anymore. Due to your earlier post in my thread...Hope... I got your hope right here pal...... I HOPE your next meal comes from a dumpster.....YOU PRICK !!! And to Kordell .....Stop whining and...
  5. P

    interesting Facts

    For all you Pittsburgh betters, here are some interesting facts concerning playoff games between Pittsburgh and New England. in the past two playoff meetings 1997 & 1998 Bettis had a total of 110 yards combined, and an average of 2.8 YPC. In 1997 Stewart went a miserable 0-10 passing and an...
  6. P

    How can this be !!!!!

    Would somebody please try to explain to me why Seattle is a 6.5 pt. favorite against probably the best team in the AFC. What the hell am I missing here ??? This looks like an early Christmas gift to me. please don't give me that bullshit about a let down game after a big monday night win. Have...
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    San Diego Bandwagon

    To all of you San Diego bandwagon jumpers, I hope you don't get too hurt falling off that wagon. I for one am not very impressed with this team. San Diego (3-1)who have they played???. Their 3 wins come against teams with a combined record of 5-11. Maybe I'll come around and become a believer...
  8. P

    Niner's Notes

    Let me first start by saying that I too had the Jets last night for a small play. Did not have a lot of confidence in the Niners traveling east, they proved me wrong. This is one of those teams that I'll watch and look at in upcoming weeks. Thought all they had was some offensive firepower but...
  9. P

    Sorry Jack

    Didn't mean to start anything with Jim..just had something to say. Good call locking that thing up quickly had potential to get very ugly. Sorry again Patriot
  10. P

    My Impressions

    For what it's worth...It would not surprise me to see about 15 teams end up with 8-8 records. There doesn't seem to be that runaway team this year. I realize it's only week 1 but I didn't see an great offenses out there yesterday, except Green Bay..but look who they were playing. Patriot
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    Sunday Picks

    Indianapolis -2.5 Minnesota -10.5 Green Bay -5.5 New England -1 New Orleans -2.5 Cleveland +3 Pittsburgh +3 Baltimore -10.5 Good Luck All Patriot
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    Message for Hoops

    Hoops... Been a Pats fan for a long time. Have to agree with most of your write-up. The loss of Terry Glenn could be large for this team that depends on 32-38 passes per game from Bledsoe. Think the whole key to this team is Bledsoe. He's not the toughest guy in the game but, given time in the...
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    Just wondering if you are alive yet !!!! See you this week Patriot
  14. P

    Arizona vs. Duke

    Going with Arizona plus points tonight. 1. Think that Duke may be a little tired after the big emotional comeback against Maryland. It amazes me that this team never seems to get tired. There has to be some breaking point. 2. Who's going to handle Loren Woods? If Boozer gets in early trouble...
  15. P

    Thursday NCAA

    UCLA +12.5 Kentucky -5.5 Maryland -8.5 Stanford -9 Gonzaga +9.5 Penn St. +4.5 Illinois -2 Arizona -11.5 Good Luck, Patriot