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MB MLB 728x90 Jpg
  1. S

    Let's rock. Week 1 NFL is upon us

    +3.5 is Jets 1H.
  2. S


    I'm curious if anyone is aware that there used to be an "illegal offense" rule in the NBA also. I only saw it called once way back in the day and I was like, what? They explained it, but I don't recall what it was. Something about the offense had to have at least x amount of players in x...
  3. S

    Sweeeeeet 16 boys

    Great story. Since Marquette was playing, I'll share a story. My senior year in High School (Wisc) we had a phenomenal team, though not me, I was like 3rd off the bench. In the game to get to state we played against a kid named Anthony Pieper. He averaged 39 PPG that year as a junior. He...