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  1. S

    Pittsburgh hotels

    Hi Guys, Looking for some advice/info. Planning a trip to Pittsburgh for the Sox-Pirates series in late June. Assuming we take a cab from the airport, where should we stay, close to PNC, with enough local establishments to visit while there? My buddies are hoping to keep the cost low, but...
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    National Pitching Association

    I saw an infomercial about this program last night. Dr. Tom House, former big league pitcher, is the head honcho on this. Anyone know anything about it? I have two ten year old boys that might really benefit from something like this. Is it geared more toward older kids? Any and all input...
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    Mosquito magnet

    Anyone have one? My property is about a third of an acre. I assume the half-acre Defender will take care of my needs. Do I need one that covers a full acre? Thanks in advance guys! Shack
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    Williamsport, PA

    Hi guys. I'm taking the family to Hershey Park when school gets out in June. I was wondering if we should detour to Williamsport. Is the complex used for games prior to the big tournament? What other things are there to do/see? There will be at least four nine year old boys in our group...
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    Red Sox Saturday

    FYI According to the Boston Globe, Mirabelli will play today to give Varitek a day off. Also, Henderson will lead off today. I assume this will give Offerman the day off. GLTA Shack
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    Question for Fletcher!

    Fletch, I have a friend whose brother is buying a bar in Vegas. The place is called Lallys. Do you know anything about it? Have you ever been there? Is it a decent place or a bucket of blood? They are going to change it to a Hawaiian theme. My friend will be heading to Vegas to work at...