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  1. S

    Anybody familiar with Louisville..

    since i'm going to be here a couple of weeks, I was wondering if anybody knows any must see places or resturants to go to. :shrug:
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    Mike Tyson is the real heavyweight champion of

    eating because that mofo gained a little weight. Iron Mike the Champion
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    So long Dan Cook

    Lost a beloved sportscaster from my early days. Outspoken local sports personality, great character, and best known for the phrase "It ain't over till the fat lady sings." :( Dan Cook story
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    Anyone familiar with Michigan?

    Anyone on here familiar with the Michigan area around Troy and Detroit? I'm going to be doing some work in the area for the next couple of weeks and was looking for some ideas on restaurants and bars to check out. Any ideas would be appreciated. :SIB P.S. Don't try to send me to any gay...
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    Biggest WTF of the year!

    Somebody sent me a link to these vids on Youtube and I'm still at a loss for words. Any comments? :shrug: Norweigian TV show vid 1 Norweigian TV show vid 2
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    Calling all Star Wars fans...

    If you are a fan of Star Wars, then I suggest you get on YouTube and search for the Chad Vader series. It's a very funny series running on the 'net and you won't be disappointed. :mj07:
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    Jack, I have an avatar question.

    Hey Jack, I tried finding the info but couldn't find the size limits on avatars. I got one that I want to use that is 100x100 pixels and 10120 bytes. If this is ok, let me know and I will provide the link to it. :SIB
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    Biggest idiot found.

    I thought I've seen my share of idiots but this guy has them all beat. He takes a bet from a radio talk show and actually lets them film him doing the stunt. You could not pay me enough to do what this guy does. :nono: :nono: Warning: does contain disgusting material. :mj02: Guy takes...
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    Any Natalie Portman fans in here?

    Because Natalie is gangsta. I missed most of the SNL episode she hosted but I did find this one clip. BTW, she's hot. :SIB
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    Got to love those white kids.

    I found a link to this comedy troup and I have to admit, they have some funny acts. I couldn't stop laughing with some of these. The new thing :142slap: Rap song Mountain Dew:mj12: Some more of there acts.
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    My kind of news reporting.

    I saw this article on the local news site and wished I was at the airport today. I wonder if any of the officers got a phone number. Airport arrest
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    Warning: sense of humor is necessary

    I always knew that Japanese TV shows can be kind of quirky but I had to laugh when I saw the pilot for this TV show. Those shows will do almost anything to make fun of the American culture. :mj07: :mj07: Japanese TV pilot On a side note, if you laugh at this, you should watch comedian...
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    Dr. Strangelove, enter here. :)

    Hey Doc, I know you are a T/A fan. Have you seen this clip of a callout to a T/A owner? It's pretty funny. :mj07: T/A callout
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    Just so there is no confusion,

    I found a clip that will help those new to the internet learn the difference between real life and the internet. Some people around here could learn a few things from this. :wall: real life v. the internet
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    Dr. Strangelove, car pics inside (no mojo)

    Hey Doc, I don't know if you keep up with the Gumball runs but I thought you might like a look at what was running this year. Gumball pics Enjoy. :)
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    Queston for Dr. Strangelove only

    I know you have posted Vida pictures before but do you know if these are real. I found this posted while scouring some other forums and thought I would ask. :) Vida phone hack Man, I've got to get your email addy sometime. Posting a topic around here that is addressed to one person in...
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    Hey TRossi, post a reply if you want some more pics of Tiffany. I've got a few links that I can email you. :)
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    You know you're from Houston if...

    You're on your way to work one February morning and suddenly you're trapped in a traffic jam caused by a chuck wagon and fifty horses -- with riders -- and you look around to see that everybody in the cars around you is wearing a cowboy hat. The "farm-to-market" roads have seven lanes. If you...
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    Dr. Strangelove, this one's for you (no mojo)

    I don't know if you caught my response in the other thread but I thought you might like these. :) And one for a different taste. :)
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    Funny car ad

    I saw this on another forum. How come we don't get funny commercials like the Europeans do. It might ease the pain of buying some of the mediocre offerings available here.