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MB MLB 728x90 Jpg
  1. M

    jets/colts score predicts in here

    please post what you think the final score and the winner will be for tonight. Mine is jets 39-23
  2. M

    Pitt weather

    was at heinz field yesterday and it was very soggy. The weather today is mid 30's and terrible, rain in the forecast too. Leaning towards the under(35), Pit has HFA already and Detroit can't score on the Freeport yellow jackets pee wee league. Any input??
  3. M

    Kurt Warner status

    anyone know if he is playing??
  4. M


    Can't look any better, is anyone else watching this butt-kickin?
  5. M

    Final score on Bost/NO, help

  6. M

    Tues hoops

    ytd 0-0 Mizzou -24