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MB MLB 728x90 Jpg
  1. T


    I'm not a big fan of props BUT, what do you guys think of this one.. What happens 1st? Rams score(FG or TD) -360 Rams punt twice +290 Hell, I can remember quite a few GAMES where the Rams didn't punt twice!(not 100% on that, but they don't punt much, that is for sure)..They score or turn it...
  2. T

    Picked Off!

    If they over turn this I'm done! THISclose
  3. T

    Wake vent!

    Had to get it out. F**K! What a lovely way to start the weekend! Congrats to the John's backers..Were there any? Mighty confident players all over Wake that's for sure! Me included! Damn it.. THISclose(not even) Oh, and just in case it hadn't dawned on ya? I played the SOB hard!
  4. T


    Don't get me wrong. I LOVE it(go Saints), but what in the hell was that challenge about. What a f**kin' idiot! THISclose
  5. T

    Just have to whine a sec(Bills/NE)

    IF only they(Pats) score the TD instead of that f'n Bill making the "great" tackle at the 3!!!!!!!! Piss! If you hadn't guessed, I had the Pats -3.5 Was plenty proud of the pick too ( THISclose
  6. T


  7. T


    Not sure if it was this forum we had the "due" thread or not. That said, some were saying Indy/Manning were "due" to break out. Absolutely zero disrespect to the Colt backers intended here. "Due" don't mean shit! AGAIN! THISclose...P.S..Obviously had the fins, don't believe me, I don't care...
  8. T


    ILL looks like straight SHIT. 12 turnovers midway through the 1st half. Missed free throws. Refs calling(or NOT calling)everything ARKs way. Of course I had ILL -6.5 1st half. Just a FYI..Illinois is overrated bad. They don't seem to want it! If Ark can get ahead far enough this 1st half Ill may...
  9. T

    Any other input concerning my previous post?

    I realize you guys are busy. Sorry to be a pain in the ass. JT? Anyone else? Appreciate the feedback thus far!(see thread below, "wrong forum maybe?") Thanks guys [This message has been edited by THISclose (edited 11-14-2001).]
  10. T

    wrong forum maybe, lend me a hand?

    Guys, new here. Lend me a hand? I've never used online for action before. Local here isn't the best at availability, etc. What are some of the top picks among you guys? Been a player for years, maybe I can contribute some here in the future. Certainly hope to learn a little too! Mod/s move this...